1、 CEI 60749-31(Premire dition 2002)DISPOSITIFS SEMICONDUCTEURS MTHODES DESSAIS MCANIQUESET CLIMATIQUES Partie 31:Inflammabilit des dispositifs encapsulation plastique(cas dune cause internedinflammation)IEC 60749-31(First edition 2002)SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES MECHANICAL AND CLIMATIC TEST METHODS Part 31
2、:Flammability of plastic-encapsulateddevices(internally induced)C O R R I G E N D U M 1Page 4Au lieu de:Le comit a dcid que le contenu decette publication ne sera pas modifiavant 2012.lire:Le comit a dcid que le contenu decette publication ne sera pas modifiavant 2007.Page 5Instead of:The committee has decided that thecontents of this publication will remainunchanged until 2012.read:The committee has decided that thecontents of this publication will remainunchanged until 2007.Aot 2003August 2003