1、工EC46687w484489100438321466IEC1987-31For protection grade B,the requirements of protection grade a and one of thefollowing additional requirements shall be met.by the insulation enclosure:d)The insulation enclosure shall consist of at least two layers of insulating material,oneof which shall comply
2、with the requirements of Item b).The other layer need he ableto withstand only a I min power-frequency test voltage equal to 150%of the ratedvoltage.It shall not be possible to remove the additional insulation without the aid ofa tool.e)The insulation enclosure contains a gaseous or liquid insulant.
3、In this case,it shall beensured that,when the gaseous or liquid insulant is replaced by ambient air at normalatmospheric pressure,the insulation of the main circuit with respect to the internalsurface of the insulation enclosure is cupable of withstanding a 1 min power-frequencytest voltage equal to
4、 150%of the rated voltage.5.103.4 Covers and doorsCovers and doors shall,when they are closed,provide the degree of protectionspecified for the insulation enclosure:Two categories of covers and doors are recognized with regard to access tohigh-voltage compartments:a)those which need not be opened fo
5、r the normal purposcs of opcration or maintenance(fixed covers).It shall not be possible for them to be opened,dismantled or removedwithout the use of tools;b)those which need to be opened for the normal purposes of operation(removablecovers,doors).These shall not require tools for their opening or
6、removal.They shallbe provided with locking facilities(for example,provision for.padlocks),unless thesafety of persons is assured by a suitable interlocking device.5.103.5 Inspection windowsInspection windows shall be covered by transparent sheets of mechanical.strengthcomparable to that of the insul
7、ation enclosure.They shall meet at least the requirementsof insulation enclosures specified for protection grade B.5.103.6 Ventilating openings.vent outletsVentilating openings and vent outlets shall be so arranged or shielded that the samedegree of protection as that specified for the insulation en
8、closure is obtained.Suchopenings may make use of wire mesh or the like provided that it is of suitablemechanical strength.Ventilating operings and vent outlets shall be arranged in such a way that gas orvapour escaping under pressure.does not endanger the operator.5.104 ShuttersOpenings in the enclo
9、sure through which contacts of removable parts engage fixedcontacts,shall be provided with automatic shutters or other devices to ensure the degreeof protection.specified for the enclosure in any of the positions to.be taken by theremovable parts.The shutters shall also meet the requirements specifi
10、ed for protectiongrade B.Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionMon Jun1616:40:572003IEC 4b6874844891004383332466CEI1987Sil est ncessaire,lors des travaux de maintenance,douvrir des volets pour atteindreun jeu de contacts fixes,tous les volets doivent etre munis de dispositifs permet
11、tant deles immobiliser,independamment,en.position de fermeture.5.105 Sectionneurs et sectionneurs.de terreLes dispositifs assurant la distance de sectionnement entre les conducteurs a.haute.tension sont consideres comme des sectionneurs qui.satisfont a la Publication 129 de laCEI,sauf en ce qui conc
12、erne les essais de fonctionnement mcanique auxquelssappliquent les paragraphes 6.102 et 7.101.Les courants de fuite a travers la distance de sectionnement ne doivent pas dpasser0,5 mA.Le mesurage des courants defuite est effectu conformment a la mthodespecifiee au paragraphe 6.104.Lexigence de la Pu
13、blication 129 de la CEI,selon laquelle il doit tre possible dereconnaitre la position du sectionneur ou du sectionneur de terre,est considree commesatisfaite si lune des conditions suivantes est remplie:-la distance de sectionnement est visible;-la position de la partie debrochable,par rapport a la
14、partie fixe,est nettement visibleet les positions correspondant plet et au sectionnement completsont indiquees clairement;-la position du sectionneur ou du sectionneur de terre est indique par un dispositifindicateur sur.Toute partie amovible doit tre maintenue par rapport a la partie fixe de telle
15、sorteque ses contacts ne puissent souvrir intempestivement sous leffet des forces pouvant seproduire en service,en particulier de celles qui sont dues a un court-circuit.5.106 VerrouillagesDes verrouillages entre les diffrents matriels de 1quipement doivent tre prvus pourdes.raisons de scurite et po
16、ur faciliter Iexploitation;Les dispositions suivantes sontobligatoires pour les circuits principaux:a)Apparcillage sous.enveloppe isolante conterant des parlies amoviblesLe debrochage ou Iembrochage dun disjoncteur,interrupteur ou contacteur nedoitetre possible que si celui-ci se trouve dans la posi
17、tion douverture.La manceuvre dun disjoncteur,interrupteur.ou contacteur ne doit etre possible que sicelui-ci se trouve dans la position deservice,de sectionnement,de retrait,dessai oude mise a la terre.Dans la position de service,la fermeture dun disjoncteur,interrupteur ou contacteurne doit etre po
18、ssible que si celui-ci est raccorde au circuit-auxiliaire,.sauf sil estprovu pour souvrir automatiquement sans Iutilisation dun circuit auxiliaire.b)Appareillage sous enveloppe isolante ne comportant pas de parties amovibles,mais munide sectionneursDes verrouillages doivent tre prevus pour empecher
19、la maneuvre des sectionneursdans des conditions pour lesquelles ils ne sont pas prvus(voir Publication:129 de laCEI).La manocuvre dun sectionneur ne doit etre possible que lorsque le disjoncteur,linterrupteur ou le contacteur associe se trouve en position douverture.Note.-On peut passer outre a cett
20、e regle si,dans un systeme a deux jeux de barres omnibus,il est possibledavoir un transfert sans coupure.dun jeu de barres sur lautre.Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionMon Jun 16 16:40:59 2003IEC 4bb8748448910043834466IEC1987-33-If maintenance requirements imply that one set of
21、fixed contacts shall be accessiblethrough opened shutters,all the shutters shall be provided with means of locking themindependently in the closed position.5.105 Disconnectors and earthing switchesThe devices for ensuring the isolating distance between high-voltage conductors areconsidered to be dis
22、connectors and shall comply with IBC Publication 129,except formechanical operation tests for which Sub-clauses 6.102 and 7.101 apply.Leakage currents across the isolating distance shall not exceed 0.5 mA.Themeasurement of leakage currents shall be carried out in accordance with the methodspecified
23、in Sub-clausc 6.104.The requirement of IEC Publication 129,that it shall be possible to know theoperating position of the disconnector or earthing switch is met,if one of the followingconditions is fulfilled:-the isolating distance is visible;-the position of the withdrawable part,in relation to the
24、 fixed part,is clearly visibleand the positiohs corresponding to full connection and full isolation are clearlyidentified;-the position of the disconnecior or earthing switch is indicated by a reliable indicatingdevice.Any removable part shall be so attached to the fixed part that its contacts will
25、notopen inadvertently due to forces which may occur in service,in particular those due to ashort circuit.5.106 InterlocksInterlocks between different components of the equipment are provided for rcasons ofsafety and for convenience of operation.The following provisions are mandatory formaincircuits:
26、a)Insulation-enclosed switchgear and controlgear with removable partsThe withdrawal or engagement of a circuit-breaker,switch or contactor shall beimpossible unless it is in the open position.The operation of a circuit-breaker,switch or contactor shall be impossible unless it isin the service,discon
27、nected,removed,test or earthing position.It shall be impossible to close the circuit-breaker,switch or contactor in the serviceposition unless it is connected to the auxiliary circuit,unless it is designed to openautomatically without the use of an auxiliary circuit.b)Insulation-enclosed switchgear
28、and controlgear without removable parts but provided withdisconnectorsInterlocks shall be provided to prevent opcration of disconnectors under conditionsother than those they are intended for(see IEC Publication 129).The operation of adisconnector shall be impossible unless the associated circuit-br
29、eaker,switch orcontactor is in the open position.Note:-This rule may be disregarded if it is possible to have a busbar transfer in a double busbar systemwithout current interruption.Copyright por International Electrotechnical Commissionon Jun 16 16:41:01 20031北(4668/题464461山00438357藏34466CE11987La
30、mancuvre du disjoncteur,de lintcrruptcur ou du contacteur ne doit etre possibleque si le sectionneur associe se trouveen position douverture,de fermeture ou demise a la terre(si elle existe).La fourniture de verrouillages complementaires ou differents doit faire lobjet dunaccord entre constructeur e
31、t utilisateur.Le constructeur.doit fournir toutes lesinformations necessaires sur le but et le mode de fonctionnement desverrouillages.Il est recommande que les sectionneurs dc terre ayant un pouvoir de fermeture surcourt-circuit inferieur a la valeur de crete du courant admissible assigne du circui
32、t soientverrouilles avec les sectionneurs associes.Les appareils installes dans les circuits principaux,dont la mancuvre incorrecte peutcauser des dommages ou.qui servent a assurer la distance de sectionnement durant lestravaux de maintenance,doivent etre munis de dispositifs permettant de les immob
33、iliser(par exemple,possibilite de disposer de cadenas).Note.-Dans la mesure du possiblc,la preference est en pfincipe donnee aux verrouillages mecaniques.5.107 Dispositions pour les essais dielectriques des cablesLorsque,pour les essais dielectriques,il nest pas pratique de deconnecter.le cable deIa
34、ppareillage sous enveloppe isolante,Ics partics qui restent reliees au cable doivent etrecapables de tenir les tensions dessai des cables specifiees dans les normes particulieresdes cables pour la meme tension assignee.Note.-On attire lattention sur le fait quen pratique,dans certains cas,il ny a pa
35、s de marge de securite entrela(ension dessai a frequence industrielle.assignee sur In distnnce de sectlonnementet la contraintedielectrique sur cotte meme distance de sectionnement resultant de lapplication de la tension dessai Acourant continu sur le cable,tandis que Iautre extremite de la distance
36、 de sectionnement de Iappareillageest encore sous tension.6.Essais de typeSe referer a larticle 6 de la Publication 694.de la CEl en ajoutant la modificationsuivante:Les materiels faisant partie de lappareillage sous enveloppe isolante et relevant despecifications particulieres non couvertes par la
37、Publication 694 de la CEI doivent ysatisfaire et etre essayes conformement a cesspecifications,en-tenant compte desindications donnees aux paragraphes suivants.Les essais de type sont effectues sur une unite fonctionnelle representative.II nest paspossible de soumettre toutes les dispositions prevue
38、s dappareillage a des essais de type,compte tenu de la multiplicite destypes,des caracteristiques assignees et descombinaisons possibles de materiels.Les caracteristiques dune disposition donnee peuventetre deduites des resultats dessais obtenus avec des dispositions comparables.Nore.-Une unite fonc
39、tiognelle representative pcut prendre la forme dune unit extensible.Neanmoins,il peut.etre necessaire dassembler.par boulonnage deux ou trois unites.Les cssais de type ct les verifications comprennent:1)Essuis de type normauxParagraphesa)Essais de verification du niveau disolement de Iequipement,yco
40、mpris les essais de tension a.frequence industrielle des circuitsauxiliaires:6.1Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionMon Jun1616:41:032003IEC 466 7484489100433466IEC198735The operation of the circuit-breaker,switch or contactor shall be impossible unless theassociated disconnector
41、is in the closed,open or earthing position(if provided).The provision of additional or alternative interlocks shall be subject to agreementbetween manufacturer and user.The manufacturer shall give all necessary information onthe character and function of interlocks.It is recommended that earthing sw
42、itches having a short-circuit making capacity lessthan the rated peak withstand current of the circuit should be interlocked with theassociated disconnectors.Apparatus installed in main circuits,the incorrect operation of which can causedamage or which is-used for ensuring isolating distances during
43、 maintenance work,shallbe provided with locking facilitics(for example,provision for padlocks).Note.-Whenever practical,preference should be given to mechanical interlocks5.107 Provisions for dielectric tests on cablesWhen,for the dielectric tests,it is not practical to disconnect the cable from the
44、insulation-enclosed switchgear and controlgear,those parts which remain connected to thecable shall be capable of withstanding the cable test.voltages specified in the relevantcable standards for the same rated voltage.Note.-Attention is drawn to the fact that practically no safety margin is left in
45、 some cases between the ratedpower-frequency test voltage for the isolating distance and the resulting voltage stress across the isolatingdistance due to the application of the d.c.cable test voltage,while the other side of the isolating distanceof the switchgear is still live.6.Type testsRefer to C
46、lause 6 of IEC Publication 694,with the addition of the followingmodification:Components contained in insulation-enclosed switchgear and controlgear which aresubject to individual specifications not covered by the scope of IEC Publication 694shall comply with and be tested in accordance with those s
47、pecifications,taking intoaccount the conditions given in the following sub-clauses.The type tests are made on a representative functional unit.Because of the variety oftypes,rating and possible combinations of components,it is impracticable to subject allarrangements of the switchgear to type tests.
48、The performance of any particulararrangement may be substantiated by test data of comparable arrangements.Noie.-A representative functional unit may take the form of one extensible unit.However,it may be necessaryto bolt two or three such units together.The type tests and verifications comprise:1)Normal type testsSub-clausea)Tests to verify the insulation level of the equipment includingtests at power-frequency test voltages on auxiliary circuits:6.1Copyright por International Electrotechnical Commissionlon Jun 16 16:41:05 2003