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Java语言程序设计与数据结构基础篇Comprehensive version_(美)梁勇(Y. Daniel Liang)著.pdf

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1、图书在版编目(CIP)数据Java语言程序设计与数据结构(基础篇)(原书第l1版)/(美)梁勇(Y.Daniel Liang)著;戴开宇译.一北京:机械工业出版社,2018.5(2018.8重印)(计算机科学丛书)书名原文:Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures,ComprehensiveVersion,Eleventh EditionISBN978-7-111-60074-9I.JIL.梁戴I.JAVA语言-程序设计-教材数据结构-教材IV.TP312.8TP311.12中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2018)第116188号

2、本书版权登记号:图字01-2017-7514Authorized translation from the English language edition,entitled Introduction to JavaProgramming and Data Structures,Comprehensive Version,Eleventh Edition,978-0-13-467094-2 by Y.Daniel Liang,published by Pearson Education.Inc.,Copyright e2018,2015.2013.2011 byPearson Educatio

3、n,Inc.,Hoboken,New Jersey 07030.All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any formor by any means,electronic or mechanical,including photocopying,recording or by anyinformation storage retrieval system,without permission from Pearson Education,Inc.Chinese simplifie

4、d language edition published by China Machine Press Copyright c2018.本书中文简体字版由Pearson Education(培生教育出版集团)授权机械工业出版社在中华人民共和国境内(不包括香港、澳门特别行政区及台湾地区)独家出版发行。未经出版者书面许可,不得以任何方式抄袭、复制或节录本书中的任何部分。本书封底贴有Pearson Education(培生教育出版集团)激光防伪标签,无标签者不得销售。本书是Java语言的经典教材,中文版分为基础篇和进阶篇,主要介绍程序设计基础、面向对象程序设计、GUI程序设计、数据结构和算法、高级J


6、N978-7-111-60074-9定价:99.00元凡购本书,如有缺页、倒页、脱页,由本社发行部调换客服热线:(010)8837899188361066投稿热线:(010)88379604胸书热线:(010)683262948837964968995259读者信箱:hzjsj(版权所有侵权必究封底无防伪标均为盗版本书法律顾问:北京大成律师事务所韩光/邹晓东中文版序Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures,Comprehensive Version,Eleventh EditionWelcome to the Chinese tr

7、anslation of Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structure,Comprehension Version,Eleventh Edition.The first edition of the English version was publishedin 1998.Since then eleven editions of the book have been published in the last nineteen years.Each new edition substantially improved the book

8、 in contents,presentation,organization,examples,and exercises.This book is now the#1 selling computer science textbook in the US.Hundreds and thousands of students around the world have learned programming and problemsolving using this book.I thank Dr.Kaiyu Dai of Fudan University for translating th

9、is latest edition.It is a greathonor to reconnect with Fudan through this book.I personally benefited from teachings ofmany great professors at Fudan.Professor Meng Bin made Calculus easy with many insightfulexamples.Professor Liu Guangqi introduced multidimensional mathematic modeling in theLinear

10、Algebra class.Professor Zhang Aizhu laid a solid mathematical foundation for computerscience in the discrete mathematics class.Professor Xia Kuanli paid a great attention to smalldetails in the PASCAL course.Professor Shi Bole showed many interesting sort algorithms inthe data structures course.Prof

11、essor Zhu Hong required an English text for the algorithm designand analysis course.Professor Lou Rongsheng taught the database course and later supervisedmy masters thesis.My study at Fudan and teaching in the US prepared me to write the textbook.The Chineseteaching emphasizes on the fundamental co

12、ncepts and basic skills,which is exactly I used towrite this book.The book is fundamentals first by introducing basic programming conceptsand techniques before designing custom classes.The fundamental-first approach is now widelyadopted by the universities in the US.With the excellent translation fr

13、om Dr.Dai,I hope morestudents will benefit from this book and excel in programming and problem solving.欢迎阅读本书第11版的中文版。本书英文版的第1版于1998年出版。自那之后的19年中,本书共出版了11个版本。每个新的版本都在内容、表述、组织、示例以及练习题等方面进行了大量的改进。本书目前在美国计算机科学类教材中销量排名前列。全世界无数的学生通过本书学习程序设计以及问题求解。感谢复旦大学的戴开宇博士翻译了这一最新版本。非常荣幸通过这本书和复旦大学重建联系,我本人曾经受益于复旦大学的许多杰出教授:孟斌教授采用许多富有洞察力的示例将微积分变得清晰易懂;刘光奇教授在线性代数课堂上介绍了多维度数学建模;张霭珠教授的离散数学课程为计算机科学的学习打下了坚实的数学基础;夏宽理教授在Pascal课程中对许多小的细节给予了极大的关注;施伯乐教授在数据结构课程中演示了许多有趣的排序算法;朱洪教授在算法设计和分析课程中使用了英文教材;楼荣生教授讲授了数据库课程,并且指导了我的硕士论文。


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