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1、NORMEINTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONALSTANDARD60335-2-22002AMENDEMENT 1AMENDMENT 12004-08Amendement 1 Appareils lectrodomestiques et analogues Scurit Partie 2-2:Rgles particulires pour les aspirateurs et les appareils de nettoyage aspiration deau Amendment 1 Household and similar electrical applianc

2、es Safety Part 2-2:Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners and water-suction cleaning appliances Pour prix,voir catalogue en vigueur For price,see current catalogue?IEC 2004 Droits de reproduction rservs?Copyright-all rights reservedInternational Electrotechnical Commission,3,rue de Varemb,PO Bo

3、x 131,CH-1211 Geneva 20,SwitzerlandTelephone:+41 22 919 02 11 Telefax:+41 22 919 03 00 E-mail:inmailiec.ch Web:www.iec.chCommission Electrotechnique InternationaleInternational Electrotechnical Commission?BCODE PRIX PRICE CODE 2 60335-2-2 Amend.1 CEI:2004 AVANT-PROPOSLe prsent amendement a t tabli p

4、ar le comit dtudes 61 de la CEI:Scurit des appareils lectrodomestiques et analogues.Le texte de cet amendement est issu des documents suivants:FDIS Rapport de vote 61/2681/FDIS 61/2718/RVD Le rapport de vote indiqu dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayant abouti lapprobati

5、on de cet amendement.Le comit a dcid que le contenu de cet amendement et de la publication de base ne sera pas modifi avant la date de maintenance indique sur le site web de la CEI sous http:/webstore.iec.ch dans les donnes relatives la publication recherche.A cette date,la publication sera recondui

6、te,supprime,remplace par une dition rvise,ou amende._INTRODUCTION Remplacer la deuxime phrase du second alina par ce qui suit:Elle couvre galement les situations anormales auxquelles on peut sattendre dans la pratique et prend en considration les phnomnes lectromagntiques qui peuvent affecter le fon

7、ctionnement en toute scurit des appareils.2 Rfrences normatives Supprimer la rfrence lISO 3864.19 Fonctionnement anormal 19.1?Ajouter ce qui suit la fin du premier alina:et sur les moteurs de ventilateur spars des aspirateurs unit centrale daspiration.19.7Ajouter le nouvel alina suivant:Les moteurs

8、de ventilateur spars des aspirateurs unit centrale daspiration sont mis en fonctionnement jusqu tablissement des conditions de rgime._60335-2-2 Amend.1 IEC:2004 3 FOREWORDThis amendment has been prepared by IEC technical committee 61:Safety of household and similar electrical appliances.The text of

9、this amendment is based on the following documents:FDIS Report on voting 61/2681/FDIS 61/2718/RVD Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table.The committee has decided that the contents of this amendment and the

10、base publication will remain unchanged until the maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under http:/webstore.iec.ch in the data related to the specific publication.At this date,the publication will be reconfirmed,withdrawn,replaced by a revised edition,or amended._INTRODUCTIONReplace

11、the second sentence of the second paragraph by the following:It also covers abnormal situations that can be expected in practice and takes into account the way in which electromagnetic phenomena can affect the safe operation of appliances.2 Normative references Delete the reference to ISO 3864.19 Ab

12、normal operation 19.1?Add the following phrase to the first paragraph:and separate fan motors of centrally-sited vacuum cleaners.19.7Add the following as a new paragraph.Separate fan motors of centrally-sited vacuum cleaners are operated until steady conditions are reached._ ISBN 2-8318-7611-7?ICS 13.120;97.080 Typeset and printed by the IEC Central Office GENEVA,SWITZERLAND


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