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1、Validite de la presente publicationValidity of this publicationLe contenu technique des publications de la CEI est cons-The technical content of IEC publications is kept undertamment revu par la CEI afin quil reflete letat actuel deconstant review by the IEC,thus ensuring that the contentla techniqu

2、e.reflects current technology.Des renseignements relatifs a la date de reconfirmation deInformation relating to the date of the reconfirmation of thela publication sont disponibles aupres du Bureau Central depublication is available from the IEC Central Office.la CEI.Les renseignements relatifs a ce

3、s revisions,a letablis-Information on the revision work,the issue of revisedsement des editions revisees et aux amendements peuventeditions and amendments may be obtained from IECetre obtenus aupres des Comites nationaux de la CEl etNational Committees and from the following IECdans les documents ci

4、-dessous:sources:Bulletin de la CEl.IEC BulletinAnnuaire de la CElIEC YearbookPublie annuellementPublished yearlyCatalogue des publications de la CEl.Catalogue of IEC publicationsPublie annuellement et mis a jour regulierementPublished yearly with regular updatesTerminologieTerminologyEn ce qui conc

5、erne la terminologie generale,le lecteur seFor general terminology,readers are referred to IEC 50:reportera a la CEI 50:Vocabulaire Electrotechnique Inter-International Electrotechnical Vocabulary(IEV),which isnational(VEI),qui se presente sous forme de chapitresissued in the form of separate chapte

6、rs each dealingsepares traitant chacun dun sujet defini.Des detailswith a specific field.Full details of the IEV will becomplets sur le VEI peuvent etre obtenus sur demande.supplied on request.See also the IEC MultilingualVoir egalement le dictionnaire multilingue de la CEl.Dictionary.Les termes et

7、definitions figurant dans la presente publi-The terms and definitions contained in the present publi-cation ont ete soit tires du VEI,soit specifiquementcation have either been taken from the IEV or have beenapprouves aux fins de cette publication.specifically approved for the purpose of this public

8、ation.Symboles graphiques et litterauxGraphical and letter symbolsPour les symboles graphiques,les symboles litteraux et lesFor graphical symbols,and letter symbols and signssignes dusage general approuves par la CEI,le lecteurapproved by the IEC for general use,readers are referred toconsultera:pub

9、lications:-la CEI 27:Symboles litteraux a utiliser en-IEC 27:Letter symbols to be used in electricalelectro-technique;technology;-la CEI 417:Symboles graphiques utilisables-IEC 417:Graphical symbols for use onsur le materiel.Index,releve et compilation desequipment.Index,survey and compilation of th

10、efeuilles individuelles;single sheets;-la CEI 617:Symboles graphiques pour schemas;-IEC 617:Graphical symbols for diagrams;et pour les appareils electromedicaux,and for medical electrical equipment,-la CEI 878:Symboles graphiques pour-IEC 878:Graphical symbols for electromedicalequipements electriqu

11、es en pratique medicale.equipment in medical practice.Les symboles et signes contenus dans la presente publi-The symbols and signs contained in the present publicationcation ont ete soit tires de la CEI 27,de la CEI 417,de lahave either been taken from IEC 27,IEC 417,IEC 617CEI 617 et/ou de la CEI 8

12、78,soit specifiquement approuvesand/or IEC 878,or have been specifically approved for theaux fins de cette publication.purpose of this publication.Publications de la CEl etablies par leIEC publications prepared by the samememe comite detudestechnical committeeLattention du lecteur est attiree sur le

13、s listes figurant a la finThe attention of readers is drawn to the end pages of thisde cette publication,qui enumerent les publications de lapublication which list the IEC publications issued by theCEI preparees par le comite detudes qui a etabli latechnical committee which has prepared the presentp

14、resente publication.publication.146-1-11eC-3-CONTENTSPageFOREWORD9Sectioh 1-GeneralClause1.1 Scope and object111.2 Normative references4444444544441.3 Classification of semiconductor power equipment and valves151.3.1 Classification of semiconductor power equipment444444445444445545151.3.2 Classifica

15、tion of semiconductor valves.171.4 List of principal letter symbols and subscripts171.41 List OF SUbSCriptS171.4.2 List of symbols(self evident symbols are not listed)91.5 Definitic0nS231.5.1 Semiconductor device(IEV 551-03-05,modified)251.5.2 Power semiconductor diode.1.5.3 Thyristor251.5.4 Reverse

16、 blocking triode thyristor21.5.5 Reverse conducting triode thyristor51.6 Bidirectional triode thyristor(triac)251.5.7 Turn-off thyristor(GTO Gate Turn Off)21.5.8 Combination of semiconductor devices251.5.9 Convertor circuit elements.71.5.10 Convertor connection(IEV 551-04-17)271.5.11 Controllability

17、 of convertor arms291.5.12 Quadrants of operation(on d.c.side)291.5.13Commutation and quenching(see figure 1)311.5.14Type of commutation311.5.15 Self commutation(IEV 551-05-06)311.5.16 Type of quenching331.5.17 Commutation circuit(IEV 551-05-09)331.5.18Trigger delay angle a(IEV 551-05-29,modified)37

18、1.5.19Trigger advance angle B.371.5.20 Inherent delay angle ap371.5.21Extinction angle y0EV551-05-30,modified))371.5.22Definitions of rated values391.5.23 Definitions of rated values for assemblies and equipment431.5.24Efficiency definitions.431.5.25 Terms used in connection with convertor faults.45

19、1.5.26Factors on the a.c.side.451.5.27Terms used in connection with d.c.voltage944451.5.28 Terms used in connection with direct voltage regulation491.5.29Definitions related to cooling444444400004404445444444444511.5.30Temperature definitions531.5.81 Electrical disturbance.551.5.82 Level of immunity

20、 of a convertor.551.5.33 Level of generated disturbance of a convertor.551.5.34 Reference level of generated disturbance of a convertor4441.5.35 Relative short-circuit power,Rsc.1.5.36 Compatibility of a system571.5.37 Types and characteristics of common disturbances571.5.38 Harmonic distortion(IEV 551-06-07)59


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