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1、NORMECEIINTERNATIONALEIECINTERNATIONAL60353STANDARDDeuxieme editionSecond edition1989-10Circuits-bouchons pour reseaux alternatifsLine traps for a.c.power systemsIECNumero de referenceReference numberCEI/1EC60353:1989Numeros des publicationsNumberingDepuis le 1er janvier 1997,les publications de la

2、CElAs from 1 January 1997 all IEC publications aresont numerotees a partir de 60000.issued with a designation in the 60000 series.Publications consolideesConsolidated publicationsLes versions consolidees de certaines publications deConsolidated versions of some IEC publicationsla CEI incorporant les

3、 amendements sont disponibles.including amendments are available.For example,Par exemple,les numeros dedition 1.0,1.1 et 1.2edition numbers 1.0,1.1 and 1.2 refer,respectively,toindiquent respectivement la publication de base,lathe base publication,the base publication incor-publication de base incor

4、porant Iamendement 1,et laporating amendment 1 and the base publicationpublication de base incorporant les amendements 1incorporating amendments 1 and 2.et 2.Validite de la presente publicationValidity of this publicationLe contenu technique des publications de la CEl estThe technical content of IEC

5、 publications is keptconstamment revu par la CEI afin quil reflete letatunder constant review by the IEC,thus ensuring thatactuel de la technique.the content reflects current technology.Des renseignements relatifs a la date de reconfir-Information relating to the date of the reconfirmationmation de

6、la publication sont disponibles dans leof the publication is available in the IEC catalogue.Catalogue de la CEl.Les renseignements relatifs a des questions a letude etInformation on the subjects under consideration anddes travaux en cours entrepris par le comite techniquework in progress undertaken

7、by the technicalqui a etabli cette publication,ainsi que la liste descommittee which has prepared this publication,as wellpublications etablies,se trouvent dans les documents ci-as the list of publications issued,is to be found at thedessous:following IEC sources:.Site web de la CEl*.Catalogue des p

8、ublications de la CEl.JEC web site*Publie annuellement et mis a jour.Catalogue of IEC publicationsregulierementPublished yearly with regular updates(Catalogue en ligne)*(On-line catalogue)*.Bulletin de la CEl.IEC BulletinDisponible a la fois au site web de la CEl*Available both at the IEC web site a

9、ndet comme periodique imprimeas a printed periodicalTerminologie,symboles graphiquesTerminology,graphical and letteret litterauxsymbolsEn ce qui concerne la terminologie generale,le lecteurFor general terminology,readers are referred tose reportera a la CEI 60050:Vocabulaire Electro-IEC 60050:Intern

10、ational Electrotechnical Vocabularytechnique International(VEI).(IEV).Pour les symboles graphiques,les symboles litterauxFor graphical symbols,and letter symbols and signset les signes dusage general approuves par la CEl,leapproved by the IEC for general use,readers arelecteur consultera la CEI 6002

11、7:Symboles litteraux areferred to publications IEC 60027:Letter symbols toutiliser en lectrotechnique,la CEI 60417:Symbolesbe used in electrical technology,IEC 60417:Graphicalgraphiques utilisables sur le materiel.Index,releve etsymbols for use on equipment.Index,survey andcompilation des feuilles i

12、ndividuelles,et la CEI 60617:compilation of the single sheets and IEC 60617:Symboles graphiques pour schemas.Graphical symbols for diagrams.*Voir adresse site web sur la page de titre.*See web site address on title page.353IEC-3-CONTENTSPageFOREWORD7PREFACE.7SECTION ONE-GENERALClause1.Scope.112.Obje

13、ct.113.Symbols used in this standard.114.Service conditions.134.1 Standard conditions.134.2 Altitude.134.3 Ambient temperature.134.4Power frequency.134.5 Wave shape.134.6 Unusual service conditions.13SECTION TWO-DEFINITIONS5.General.155.1 Main coil.155.2 Tuning device.175.3 Protective device.175.4 C

14、arrier-frequency characteristics.175.5 Currents.21SECTION THREE-REQUIREMENTS6.General requirements.216.1 Main coil.216.2 Tuning device.236.3 Protective device.237.Blocking requirements.258.Continuous service requirements.259.Ability to withstand rated short-time current.279.1 Mechanical strength.279.2 Thermal behaviour.2710.Insulation level.2710.1 Insulation across a line trap.2710.2 System voltage insulation.2910.3 Line traps for use at high altitudes.29


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