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1、CEIIECINTERNATIONALEINTERNATIONALSTANDARDNORMESpcifications pour types particuliers de filsde bobinage Partie 7:Fil de section circulaire en cuivre maillavec polyimide,classe 220Specifications for particular types ofwinding wires Part 7:Polyimide enamelled round copper wire,class 22060317-7Edition 3

2、.21997-12Numro de rfrenceReference numberCEI/IEC 60317-7:1990+A.1:1997+A.2:1997Edition 3:1990 consolide par les amendements 1:1997 et 2:1997Edition 3:1990 consolidated with Amendments 1:1997 and 2:1997LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK

3、SUPPLY BUREAU.Numros des publicationsDepuis le 1er janvier 1997,les publications de la CEI sontnumrotes partir de 60000.Publications consolidesLes versions consolides de certaines publications de la CEIincorporant les amendements sont disponibles.Par exemple,les numros ddition 1.0,1.1 et 1.2 indique

4、nt respectivementla publication de base,la publication de base incorporantlamendement 1,et la publication de base incorporant lesamendements 1 et 2.Validit de la prsente publicationLe contenu technique des publications de la CEI est constam-ment revu par la CEI afin quil reflte ltat actuel de latech

5、nique.Des renseignements relatifs la date de reconfirmation de lapublication sont disponibles auprs du Bureau Central dela CEI.Les renseignements relatifs ces rvisions,ltablissementdes ditions rvises et aux amendements peuvent treobtenus auprs des Comits nationaux de la CEI et dans lesdocuments ci-d

6、essous:Bulletin de la CEIAnnuaire de la CEIAccs en ligne*Catalogue des publications de la CEIPubli annuellement et mis jour rgulirement(Accs en ligne)*Terminologie,symboles graphiques et littrauxEn ce qui concerne la terminologie gnrale,le lecteur sereportera la CEI 60050:Vocabulaire Electrotechniqu

7、eInternational(VEI).Pour les symboles graphiques,les symboles littraux et lessignes dusage gnral approuvs par la CEI,le lecteurconsultra la CEI 60027:Symboles littraux utiliser enlectrotechnique,la CEI 60417:Symboles graphiquesutilisables sur le matriel.Index,relev et compilation desfeuilles individ

8、uelles,et la CEI 60617:Symboles graphiquespour schmas.Publications de la CEI tabliespar le mme comit dtudesLattention du lecteur est attire sur les listes figurant la fin decette publication,qui numrent les publications de la CEIprpares par le comit dtudes qui a tabli la prsentepublication.*Voir adr

9、esse web site sur la page de titre.NumberingAs from the 1st January 1997 all IEC publications are issuedwith a designation in the 60000 series.Consolidated publicationsConsolidated versions of some IEC publications includingamendments are available.For example,edition numbers 1.0,1.1 and 1.2 refer,r

10、espectively,to the base publication,thebase publication incorporating amendment 1 and the basepublication incorporating amendments 1 and 2.Validity of this publicationThe technical content of IEC publications is kept under cons-tant review by the IEC,thus ensuring that the content reflectscurrent te

11、chnology.Information relating to the date of the reconfirmation of thepublication is available from the IEC Central Office.Information on the revision work,the issue of revised editionsand amendments may be obtained from IEC National Commit-tees and from the following IEC sources:IEC BulletinIEC Yea

12、rbookOn-line access*Catalogue of IEC publicationsPublished yearly with regular updates(On-line access)*Terminology,graphical and letter symbolsFor general terminology,readers are referred to IEC 60050:International Electrotechnical Vocabulary(IEV).For graphical symbols,and letter symbols and signs a

13、pprovedby the IEC for general use,readers are referred to publicationsIEC 60027:Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology,IEC 60417:Graphical symbols for use on equipment.Index,survey and compilation of the single sheets and IEC 60617:Graphical symbols for diagrams.IEC Publications prepared

14、 by the same technical committee The attention of readers is drawn to the end pages of thispublication which list the IEC publications issued by the techni-cal committee which has prepared the present publication.*See web site address on title page.LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTE

15、RNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.CEIIECINTERNATIONALEINTERNATIONALSTANDARDNORMECODE PRIXPRICE CODEPour prix,voir catalogue en vigueurFor price,see current catalogueCommission Electrotechnique InternationaleInternational Electrotechnical Commission IEC 1997 Droits de repr

16、oduction rservs Copyright-all rights reserved e-mail:inmailiec.chSpcifications pour types particuliers de filsde bobinage Partie 7:Fil de section circulaire en cuivre maillavec polyimide,classe 220Specifications for particular types ofwinding wires Part 7:Polyimide enamelled round copper wire,class 220CA60317-7Edition 3.21997-12International Electrotechnical CommissionTelefax:+41 22 919 0300No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in anyform or by any means,electronic or mechani


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