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1、INTERNATIONALSTANDARDIEC60489-21991AMENDMENT 11999-07Amendment 1Methods of measurement for radio equipmentused in the mobile services Part 2:Transmitters employing A3E,F3Eor G3E emissionsAmendement 1Mthodes de mesure applicables au matrielde radiocommunication utilisdans les services mobiles Partie

2、2:Emetteurs utilisant les missionsA3E,F3E ou G3E Commission Electrotechnique Internationale International Electrotechnical CommissionFor price,see current catalogue IEC 1999 Copyright-all rights reservedInternational Electrotechnical Commission3,rue de Varemb Geneva,SwitzerlandTelefax:+41 22 919 030

3、0e-mail:inmailiec.ch IEC web site http:/www.iec.chPRICE CODETLICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.2 60489-2 Amend.1 IEC:1999(E)FOREWORDThis amendment has been prepared by IEC technical committee 102:Equipment used in radioco

4、mmunications for mobile services and for satellite communication systems.The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:FDISReport on voting102/43/FDIS102/52/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report onvoting indicated in the abov

5、e table.A bilingual version of this amendment may be issued at a later date.Page 3CONTENTSInsert,after clause 12,the following new clause 13:13 Modulation sensitivity.Renumber the existing clause 13 and amend its title as follows:14 Total distortion factor.Renumber clause 14 as clause 15.Insert the

6、following new clause 16.16 Compressor characteristics.Renumber the existing clauses 15,16,17 and 18,as 17,18,19 and 20,respectively.APPENDICESDelete appendices B and D.Rename appendix C as appendix B.LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK S

7、UPPLY BUREAU.60489-2 Amend.1 IEC:1999(E)3 Page 5PREFACEAdd,in the list of quoted publications,after 60244-6(1976)the following:60244-7(1979):Part 7:Cabinet radiation at frequencies above 1 GHzAdd,under 60489-1(1983)the following:Amendment 1(1996)Amendment 2 1)With regard to amendment 2,add the follo

8、wing footnote:Add,under 60489-3(1988)the following:ITU-T Recommendation O.41(1994):Psophometer for use on telephone-type circuitsPage 7SECTION 1:GENERAL,SUPPLEMENTARY DEFINITIONS AND CONDITIONSOF MEASUREMENT5.4 Limitation of the measuring audio-frequency bandReplace,on page 11,this subclause by the

9、following:Because some properties,for example noise and audio-frequency harmonic distortion,dependupon the audio-frequency bandwidth of the test equipment,reproducible results can beobtained only when the band of audio-frequencies occupied by the demodulated signal isrestricted to specified limits.T

10、his restriction may be accomplished by means of a band-limiting filter preceding any audio-frequency measuring device and adapted to the type of signals to be transmitted.The filter maybe incorporated within the measuring equipment.When measuring residual hum and noise,only the low-pass portion of t

11、he filter need be specified(see appendix A).Page 13SECTION 2:METHODS OF MEASUREMENT8.3.2 Method of measurement at the antenna terminalsAdd,on page 15,the following sentence to 8.3.2 a):If the band rejection filter exhibits unwanted attenuation(certain types of band rejection filters,such as those co

12、nstructed with transmission lines or cavities,can have unwanted attenuationat odd multiples of the centre frequency of the rejection bandwidth),for the measurement ofspurious components at and above the second harmonic of the carrier frequency,the bandrejection filter shall be replaced by a high-pas

13、s filter whose cut-off frequency is approximately1,5 times the carrier frequency.1)To be published.LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.4 60489-2 Amend.1 IEC:1999(E)Page 17Replace,in figure 2,the text of legend 8 by the foll

14、owing:band-rejection filter or high-pass filter(if needed)Page 198.4.3 Method of measurementAdd,at the end of 8.4.3 e),the following note:NOTE The permissible input level which does not degrade the receiver performance can be calculated fromPrt=Pt A Pr+S 10 dBmwherePrtis the permissible receiver inp

15、ut level,in decibels(dBm);Ptis the carrier power of transmitter under test,in decibels per metre(dBm);Ais the attenuation recorded in step e),in decibels(dB);Pris the reference sensitivity of the test receiver,in decibels per metre(dBm);Sis the selectivity of the receiver,in decibels(dB).Page 29Add,

16、before 8.5.7 a),the following note 1:NOTE 1 This method of measurement can be applied to the transmitter that has a modulating signal which issuperimposed on the speech signal and cannot be turned off(e.g.continuous tone controlled squelch systems).Add,to 8.5.7 b),the following note 2:NOTE 2 In the case of transmitters that have a modulating signal which is superimposed on the speech signaland cannot be turned off(e.g.continuous tone controlled squelch systems),operate the transmitter in modulat


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