1、博古通今学汉语丛书Gems of the Chinese Language Through the Ages谚语100100 Pearls of Chinese Wisdom尹斌庸编著韩晖翻译田园绘图华语教学出版社SINOLINGUA图书在版编目(P)数据谚语100:汉英对照/井斌庸编著.一北京:华语教学出版社,1999.8(博古通今学汉语丛书)1SBN7-80052-709-3I.谚.尹.对外汉语教学一谚语一对照读物一英、汉N.H195.5中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(1999)第08152号博占通今学汉语丛书谚语100华语教学出版社华语教学出版社出版(中国北京百万庄路24号)邮政编码100
2、037电话:86-010-68326333/68996153传真:86-010-68994599电子信箱:sinolingua(北京外文印刷厂印刷中国国际图书贸易总公司海外发行(中国北京车公庄西路35号)北京邮政信箱第399号邮政编码100044新华书店国内发行1999年(34开)第一版2000年第二次印刷2001年第三次印刷(汉英)ISBN7-80052-709-3/H779(外)016009-CE-3331PPrefaceWhat is the next step for a foreign student of the Chineselanguage after mastering th
3、e phonetics,grammar,and a fairamount of vocabulary?It is highly desirable to grasp some-thing typical Chinese-like idioms,set phrases,proverbs oreven the two-part allegorical sayings peculiar to Chinese.These idioms are so closely related to Chinese culture thatonce one has mastered them,one will no
4、t only be able tespeak idiomatic Chinese and sound more like a nativespeaker,but also penetrate deeper into Chinese culture,andgradually become a“China Hand”.For this purpose,we have composed this Gems of theChinese Language Through the Ages series,which comprisesthe following four books:The Stories Behind 100 Chinese Idioms100 Pearls of Chinese Wisdom100 Common Chinese Idioms and Set Phrases100 Chinese Two-Part Allegorical SayingsThese idioms and proverbs have been chosen for theirfrequency of use,practical value and expressiveness.2