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1、C O M M I S S I O N L E C T R O T E C H N I Q U E I N T E R N A T I O N A L E N O R M E D E L A CE1 I N T E R N AT10 N A L E L E C T R O T E C H N I C A L C O M M I S S 1 ON I E C S T A N D A R D Modification no 1 Fvrier 1987 l a Publication 621-4 1981 Amendment No.1 February 1987 t o Installations

2、lectriques pour chantiers extrieurs soumis des conditions svres(y compris mines ciel ouvert et carrires)Quatrime partie:Rgles dinstallations Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy condi ti ons(including open-cast mines and quarries)Part 4:Requirements for the instal 1 ation L Bureau

3、Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale Genve,Suisse-,-.3,rue de Varemb/Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-no 1 Fvrier 1987 l a Publication 621-4

4、 1981 No.1 February 1987 t o Installations lectriques pour chantiers extrieurs soumis des conditions svres(y compris mines ciel ouvert et carrires)Quatrime partie:Rgles dinstallations Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy conditions(including open-cast mines and quarries)Part 4:Requ

5、irements for the installation 0 CE1 1987 Droits de reproduction rservs-Copyright-a l l rights reserved Code prix Price code Pour prix,voir catalogue en vigueur For price,see current catalogue Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo r

6、eproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IEC 62%PT*4 83 W 4844873 0064340 8 621-4 mod.1-2-Copyright CE1 1987 PREFACE La prsente modification a t tablie par le Comit dEtudes no 71 de la.CE1:Installations lectriques pour chantiers extrieurs soumis des condi-tions svres(y compri

7、s mines ciel ouvert et carrires).Le texte de cette modification est issu des documents suivants:71(BC)35 71(BC)39 Pour de plus amples renseignements,consulter le rapport de vote mentionn dans le tableau ci-dessus.Page 24 Ajouter le nouveau chapitre suivant:CHAPITRE IV:MACHINES DE TRAITEMENT SECONDA

8、Introduction Le Prsent chapitre spcifie les Prescriptions partic RE I I ihres applicables au mathe1 lectrique des machines detraitement secondaire.Les prescriptions de la Publication 621-2 de la GEI:Installations lectriques pour chantiers extrieurs soumis des conditions svres(y compris mines ciel ou

9、vert et carrires),Deuxime partie:Prescriptions gnrales de protection,et de la Publication 621-3 de la CEI:Troisime partie:Prescriptions gnrales relatives au matriel lectrique,sont applicables,sauf lorsque des exceptions spcifiques sont admises par le prsent chapitre.13.Prescriptions complmentaires s

10、pciales et exceptions pour assurer la protection contre les contacts directs et indirects 13.1 Montage des lments Des conducteurs de protection ne sont pas exigs pour les masses dlments individuels condition que:a)chaque lment soit mont sur une partie conductrice qui est:i)soit un conducteur de prot

11、ection,i;)soit directement relie un conducteur de protection,Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PREFACE Six Months Rule 71(CO)35 This amendment has been prepared

12、by IEC Technical Committee No.71:Electrical Installations for Outdoor Sites under Heavy Conditions(including Open-cast Mines and Quarries).Report on Voting 71(C0)39 The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:Further information can be found in the Report on Voting indicated in th

13、e table above.Page 25 Add the following new chapter:CHAPTER IV:SECONDARY PROCESSING MACHINERY Introduction This chapter specifies the requirements which particularly apply to the elect rical equipment of secondary processing mach i nery.The requirements of IEC Publication 621-2:Electrical Installati

14、ons for Outdoor Sites under Heavy Conditions(including Open-cast Mines and Quarries),Part 2:General Protection Requirements,and IEC Publica-tion 621-3:Part 3:General Requirements for Equipment and Ancillaries,shall apply,except where specific exemptions are allowed in this chapter.13.Special additio

15、nal requirements for and exemptions from the normal protection against direct and indirect contact 13.1 Mounting of components Protective conductors are not required for the exposed conductive parts of individual components provided that:a)each component is mounted on a conductive part which is eith

16、er:i)a protective conductor,or i;)directly connected to a protective conductor,Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IEC b2L PT*4 BL E 4849B9L 00b4342 L 621-4 mod.1-4-Copyright CE1 1987 b)la conductibilit entre chaque lment et la partie sur laquelle il est mont soit au moins gale celle qui rsulte de lapplication du paragraphe 13.6.2 de la Publication 621-2A de la


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