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1、中国 China薪酬报告Salary Guide 2023Page Insights 中国 薪酬报告|China Salary Guide 2023|2 The Page Insights Salary Guide is an annual resource that provides hiring managers and candidates with salary references across various industries by job functions,including Finance,Technology,Human Resources,Engineering,Sa

2、les and more.This report serves as a valuable tool for informed decisions in the hiring process.The figures presented in the Page Insights Salary Guide are derived from our proprietary data and network in Mainland China.This year,the salary figures are represented by the minimum,maximum and median w

3、here the median represents the middle-most value in a set of data,arranged in ascending order.This means half the people who work in a specific field earn less than the median salary from the minimum,while the other half earns more towards the maximum.AboutReportmethodologyPage Insights 薪酬报告 为我司年度调查

4、报告,旨在为招聘经理与求职者在了解各行业职能的薪资范围时提供参考,涉及财务、技术、人力资源、销售等多个领域。报告中所涉及的数据来自我们专有数据库以及针对中国大陆地区 2023 年的涨薪预估。今年,所有薪酬数据将以最低值、最高值与中位值呈现。中位值代表着一组按升序排列数据的中位数值。这 意味着半数人员的薪酬会低于中位值,而另一半人员的工资则会高于该数值。关于报告统计方法 Page Insights 中国 薪酬报告|China Salary Guide 2023|3 目录 Contents中国大陆的人才市场前景/Mainland Chinas Workforce Outlook 4求职者建议/Fo

5、r Job Seekers 6雇主建议/For Employers 8行业趋势/Industry Insights银行与金融服务/Banking&Financial Services 10消费品与零售/Consumer&Retail 18医疗保健与生命科学/Healthcare&Life Sciences 28工程与制造/Industrial&Manufacturing 36房地产与建筑/Property&Construction 46半导体/Semiconductors 50技术/Technology 54职能趋势/Discipline Insights北京/Beijing 61成都/Che

6、ngdu 102广州/Guangzhou 136上海/Shanghai 174深圳/Shenzhen 220苏州/Suzhou 257Page Insights 中国 薪酬报告|China Salary Guide 2023|4 中国大陆的 人才市场前景影响候选人选择工作的五大关键因素计划辞职的五大原因领导晋升 办公地点薪资/奖金/奖励企业文化与价值观不适应企业文化更换职业/职位/行业对薪资不满意对公司战略/方向不满意寻求职业发展/晋升许多人在疫情期间找到了新工作。根据我们的 人才趋势报告2022,中国大陆有 48%的受访者在当前的岗位上工作了不到两年。有 59%的来自不同年龄组别、行业、市场

7、与资历水平的受访者计划寻求新的职业挑战。薪资仍是影响候选人决定在何处工作的最大动力。在整体年通胀率为 4%的大环境下,企业应该重新评估薪资并制定非货币策略,以留住人才。Page Insights 中国 薪酬报告|China Salary Guide 2023|5 Mainland Chinas Workforce OutlookTop 5 factors that influence candidates decisions on where to work Top 5 reasons for planned resignationsLeadershipPromotion Office loc

8、ationSalary/bonus/rewards Company Culture&values Looking for career progression/promotionUnhappy with salaryUnhappy with strategy/direction of companyChange career/role/industryA lot of people found new jobs during the pandemic.According to our Talent Trends 2022 survey report,48%of respondents in M

9、ainland China have worked for not more than two years in their current roles.59%of respondents across every age group,industry,market and seniority level plan to look for new career prospects.Salary is still the top motivator that influences candidates decisions on where to work.Companies should con

10、sider reviewing salaries and developing non-monetary strategies to improve talent retention with the overall year-on-year inflation rate at 4%.Company Culture is not a fitPage Insights 中国 薪酬报告|China Salary Guide 2023|6 求职者:了解你的价值,准备好行动做一些研究,了解自己的价值,在薪资谈判前做好充分准备。整天感到疲惫或没有发展机会,表明你可能需要另谋他职。在中国大陆,有 77%的

11、雇主宁愿对现有员工进行技能升级和再培训,也不愿雇用新员工。利用这些备受青睐的技能为你的职业生涯提供保障。充满信心地进行 薪资谈判在不自断后路的情况下优雅地辞职利用这些关键技能适应未来的工作2022 年如何有技巧地与雇主谈薪?如何判断离职时机是否恰当?适应未来职场的七大重要技能阅读更多阅读更多阅读更多阅读更多阅读更多阅读更多Page Insights 中国 薪酬报告|China Salary Guide 2023|7 Job Seekers:Know your worth and be ready to move Do your research,understand your worth an

12、d be well-prepared before walking into a salary negotiation.Feeling perpetually burnt out or having no growth opportunities may be signs that you need an exit strategy from your current workplace.77%of employers in Mainland China would rather upskill and reskill existing employees than hire someone

13、new.Future-proof your career with these sought-after skills.Negotiate your salary with confidenceResign gracefully without burning any bridgesAdapt to the future of work with these crucial skillsHow to negotiate salary and get the pay rise you deserveHow to know when its time to resign-and how to le

14、ave wellSeven crucial skills to adapt to the new future of workRead moreRead moreRead moreRead moreRead moreRead morePage Insights 中国 薪酬报告|China Salary Guide 2023|8 当候选人得到多个工作机会时,他们更有可能选择那些提供愉快的面试经历的公司。有效的入职流程有助于让员工轻松融入新的职位,并感觉与公司的联系更紧密。对于那些有混合办公和远程工作安排的人来说,这一点尤为 重要。对员工出色地完成工作表示赞赏会让员工明白他们所做的贡献得到了认可,

15、这会让工作场所变得更具吸引力。当员工感到快乐时,他们去找寻新工作的可能性就更低。提升员工体验除了薪酬福利,良好的员工体验能够聚拢顶尖人才,也能吸引现有员工保持专注,提升效率。应该在员工生命周期的各个阶段更新与这一话题相关的政策,以提升人才吸引力和保留率。在面试阶段在入职培训期间在绩效回顾阶段为什么您需要重视求职者体验?为什么高效的入职流程如此重要?想激发业务活力?你需要知道如何认可员工雇主:了解员工重视的东西阅读更多阅读更多阅读更多阅读更多阅读更多阅读更多Page Insights 中国 薪酬报告|China Salary Guide 2023|9 Employers:Find out wha

16、t Employees value When candidates receive multiple job offers,they are more likely to choose the company that provides a more pleasant interview experience.An effective onboarding process helps new employees feel connected and supported,especially in hybrid and remote work settings.Recognition fosters employee satisfaction and retention,making the workplace more engaging.It also helps retain employees.Invest in your Employee ExperienceRemuneration aside,a great Employee Experience attracts top t


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