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1、图书在版编目(CIP)数据中国传统文化双语选读:英汉对照/张蕴,孙晶,张凡编著 哈尔滨:黑龙江教育出版社,2012.3(中国文化双语选读)ISBN 978 7 5316 6244 0 中 张孙张 英语汉语对照读物中华文化.H319 4:K中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2012)第 040306 号中国传统文化双语选读ZHONGGUO CHUANTONG WENHUA SHUANGYU XUANDU张蕴孙晶张凡王孝华编著责任编辑徐永进封面设计朱建明责任校对程佳出版发行黑龙江教育出版社(哈尔滨市南岗区花园街 158 号)印刷黑龙江远东联达教育文化传媒有限公司开本787 毫米 1092 毫米1/

2、16印张11.5字数340 千版次2012 年 5 月第 1 版印次2012 年 5 月第 1 次印刷书号ISBN 978 7 5316 6244 0定价30.00 元(共二册)黑龙江教育出版社网址:www hljep com cn如需订购图书,请与我社发行中心联系。联系电话:0451 8252959382534665如有印装质量问题,请与我社联系调换。联系电话:0451 82529347如发现盗版图书,请向我社举报。举报电话:0451 82560814,王孝华前言博大精深,具有五千年积淀的中国文化是人类文明的重要组成部分。随着中国经济的迅速发展和国际影响的不断扩大,中国与世界的跨文化交流日益

3、频繁,学习和传播中国文化的需求不断增加。本书从弘扬中华文化的背景出发,以英汉双语的形式,有选择地介绍了中国文化中最具特色的部分。既涵盖传统文化,也包括民俗风情。每篇短文 500 字左右,配有生词、练习和译文。文章内容翔实丰富,英文表述简单易懂。可以作为课堂教材、课外阅读材料或参考手册,为国内大学生、外国留学生以及对中国文化感兴趣的中外人士提供学习、了解和传播中国文化的素材,从而实现把中国介绍给世界,让世界更多的人了解中国的愿望。本书作者分别来自黑龙江工程学院、东北林业大学、东北农业大学、黑龙江司法警官职业学院和山东省烟台市高新技术产业园区只楚园管委会。中国传统文化双语选读 的编写分工如下:张蕴

4、执笔编著的内容为 10 万字,负责制定全书的编写纲要及体例,全书的统稿、修改和审改;孙晶执笔编著的内容为 8 万字,负责英文内容的校对;张凡执笔编著的内容为 8 万字,负责原始素材的搜集和整理;王孝华执笔编著的内容为 8 万字。在编写过程中,我们得到了诸多关心与支持,参阅了大量文献和著作,篇幅所限,不能一一列举,谨向各位专家、学者和教师同行们致谢!由于编著者水平有限,错误疏漏之处在所难免,希望使用者和专家学者不吝赐正。编者2011 年 12 月1ContentsChapter OneThe Historical Development of the Chinese Culture(1)Sect

5、ion 1The Pre-Qin Period(1)Section 2The Qin and Han Dynasties(3)Section 3The Period of Wei Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties(5)Section 4The Sui and Tang Dynasties(7)Section 5The Song,Liao,Xia,Jin and Yuan Dynasties(9)Section 6The Ming and Qing Dynasties(11)Section 7Modern Period(13)Section

6、8Contemporary Period(15)Chapter TwoAncient Thinkers(18)Section 1Laozi(18)Section 2Kongzi(Confucius)(20)Section 3Sun Wu(23)Section 4Mozi(25)Section 5Mengzi(27)Section 6Zhuangzi(30)Section 7Xunzi(32)Section 8Hanfei(34)Section 9Zhu Xi(37)Chapter ThreeAncient Literature Achievements(40)Section 1Shi Jing

7、(The Book of Songs)(40)Section 2Chu Ci(Songs of Chu)(42)Section 3Yuefu Folksongs(44)Section 4Poetry in Tang Dynasty(46)Section 5Ci-Poetry of the Song Dynasty(48)2Section 6Mixed Opera of the Yuan Dynasty(50)Section 7Sanqu Songs of Jin and Yuan Dynasties(52)Section 8Novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasti

8、es(54)Chapter FourAncient Scientific Achievement and Its Recordation(57)Section 1Chinese Lunar Calendar(57)Section 2The Sericulture of China(59)Section 3Traditional Chinese Agriculture(61)Section 4The Four Great Inventions()(63)Section 5The Four Great Inventions()(65)Section 6Documents and Classics(

9、)(68)Section 7Documents and Classics()(70)Section 8Documents and Classics()(73)Chapter FiveNational Arts(76)Section 1Chinese Calligraphy(76)Section 2Chinese Seal(78)Section 3Chinese Painting(80)Section 4Beijing Opera()(83)Section 5Beijing Opera()(85)Section 6Famous Music(88)Chapter SixTraditional Ch

10、inese Medicine(91)Section 1The Classics of Chinese Medicine(91)Section 2Chinese Medical Diagnostics(93)Section 3Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbs(96)Section 4Chinese Medicated Diet(98)Section 5The Yin-Yang Theory(100)Section 6The Five-Element Theory(102)1目录第一章中国文化的历史发展(106)第一节先秦时期(106)第二节秦汉时期(1



13、(144)书书书1Chapter OneThe Historical Development ofthe Chinese CultureSection 1The Pre-Qin PeriodThe Pre-Qin Period refers to time before the Qin Dynasty It began from the time whenancient people appeared to 221 BC when Emperor Qin Shi Huang united the other sixkingdomsIt is said Emperor Yan and Emper

14、or Huang had a great war in ancient times EmperorHuang won and established China All the emperors,including three Emperors and FiveSovereigns,adopted the demise from about 5700 BC to 2100 BC,a period that lasted forabout 3 600 years Emperor Yao gave his throne to Shun,Shun to Yu,and Qi Yus sontook o

15、ver the power after Yus death set up the first Xia Dynasty,and put an end to thedemise 400 years later,because the last king of the Xia Dynasty was brutal and immoral,Chengtang ended the Xia Dynasty and established the Shang Dynasty At that time,theindustry of bronzes was well developed and inscript

16、ions on bones or tortoise shells wererather mature So,the Xia and Shang dynasties were called the Bronze Age Then about1046 BC,Emperor Zhouwu won the decisive victory against the Shang Dynasty TheShang and Zhou dynasties developed the slave system In 841 BC,the citizens rebelledEmperor Zhoulis power,which was the beginning of Chinas exact recorded event Thisperiod was regarded as the transitional period from the slave society to the federal societyWith the Zhou Dynasty declined,many nobles fough


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