1、(京)新登字155号This edition of New Integrated Eng-lish is jointly published by Foreign京权图字:01-97-1440language Teaching and ResearchPress,Beijing and Longman Asia Lim-图书在版编目(CP)数据ited,Hong Kong.新综合英语(3A)/(英)布朗(Brown,A.)等编Longman Asia Limited 1988,1991,著.-北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1997.91996,1997ISBN7-5600-1341-4All r
2、ights reserved;no part of thisI.新.布.英语课-中学一教材publication may be reproduced,V.G634.411stored in a retrieval system,ortransmitted in any form or by any中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(97)第20229号means,electronic,mechanical,pho-tocopying,recording or otherwise,without the prior written permissionof the Publishers.License
3、d for sale in the mainland ter-ritory of the Peoples Republic of Chi-na only.新综合英语(3A)外语教学与研究出版社出版发行本书任何部分之文宇及图片,如未获得(北京西三环北路19号100089)出版者之书面同意,不得用任何方式抄http:/袭、节录或翻印。北京第二新华印刷厂印刷开本88912301/16印张11.51997年9月第1版2001年7月第4次印刷本书由外语教学与研究出版社和朗文出印数:13001-18000套版亚洲有限公司合作出版,只供在中华人民共和国火陆地区销售ISBN7-5600-1341-4/G559
4、凡属合法出版之本书,封面均贴有防伪定价:20.90元(包括:学生用书、练习册、听说练习)标贴。凡无防伪标贴者均属未经授权之如有印刷、装订质量问题出版社负责调换制售盗版必究举报查实奖励版本版权保护办公室举报电话:(010)68917519本书出版者及原版权持有者将予以追究了IntroductionNew Integrated Englisb has been completely rewritten in accordance with changes in the English Janguagesyllabus.The emphasis has been shifted towards co
5、mmunication skills in order to help you comunicateeffectively in English in your future.Pre-readingThe pre-reading activities introduce the topic of each unit and enable you to discuss your ideas and experiences.ReadingThe passages are based on authentic material from a variety of local and foreign
6、sources.The topics all havelocal implications and,it is hoped,will provide a basis for classroom discussion.The different examples of styleyou will find in these passages will also help you with your own writing.ComprehensionThe comprehension exercises are designed to develop your reading skills.Usi
7、ng WordsThese exercises use vocabulary from the passages in a variety of interesting and communicative ways.Thissection also introduces new vocabulary items related to those found in the passages.LamnguageThis section introduces language structures in a systematic and clear manner.Each grammar point taught isclosely related to the passages.Reading,Listening,WritingThis section will help improve your listening skills in realistic and communicative contexts.SpeakingThis section will help you improve your confidence and competence in speaking English.