1、CROCODILEWhat happens whenDad is childminderEYEWITNESS:MIRACLE OF A GREY SEAL BIRTHWhereandwhyUKhedgehogsaregrowinginnumbersBBC NATURAL WORLDWhdhHOGSONTHEUP!owpeoplethroughouthistorysawthepangolinRarities flourishing among the tank tracksA P R I L 2 0 1 8April 2018 Volume 36 Number 04uxuruxurwo-nwo-
2、nsos a on orsen orse s swewe-r c-r ccoacoas sIsChinaactually leading the way in conservation?RTALKING POINT walked the coast to coast?DonateyouroldREUSABLEgear so someone else can do it too.Proud tosupportGive your old gear a new lease of life.Founded by Sarah Howcroft,Gift Your Gear is an award-win
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4、purchase made in March.Visit rohan.co.uk/Home/Shop WRQGRXUQHDUHVWVWRUHRUFDOOXV RQ 0800 840 1411.7HUPV DQG FRQGLWLRQV 7KH R RHU ZLOO EH YDOLG DJDLQVW D IXOO SULFH SXUFKDVH PDGH RQthe same day as a qualifying Gift Your Gear donation.Discount is per transaction and isnot based on the number of items do
5、nated.Items can only be donated at a Rohan shop.2HU HQGV$SULO LVFRXQW PD QRW EH XVHG DJDLQVWDSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHWR EX JLIWFDUGVRULQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKDQRWKHU RHUwhen youGift Your Gearat any Rohanshop from1 March to1 April 2018 15%offany full price purchase*NATALIELAWRENCENatalielovesanimaloddities.“Pangoli
6、nsareperhapsthemostspectacularlyunusualmammalsinexistence,and are still illegally tradedworldwide,”shesays.See p72WELCOMEBBC WildlifeApril 20183It was during a stayat Lulworth Cove inDorset that I had thechance to walk acrossthe MoD land aroundthe abandonedvillage of Tynehamon one of the open weeken
7、ds whenno artillery firing was taking place.That was the first time I was aware ofthe wildlife treasure houses containedwithin these army training ranges.Farming land left virtually untouchedfor decades promotes a profusion ofplants and animal species,the like of which our countryside has hardly see
8、nsince the pre-War years.Ben Hoare,our features editor,wasprivileged to be allowed to spend theday on parts of Salisbury Plain thatthe public are not normally allowed tovisit,and he reports on p22 on someinteresting studies being conductedin amongst the tank tracks.We also present another fascinatin
9、gstudy area on p66.In OxfordshiresWytham Woods scientists have learnt awealth of facts about great and blue tits.Welcome.ContributorsSheena Harvey Editorsheena.harveyimmediate.co.ukON THE COVER:hedgehog:Paul Hobson;seal pup:Vince Burton/Alamy;pangolin:Suzi Eszterhas;marsh fritillary:Malcolm Schuyl/A
10、lamyJanDec15total 35,934Apr14Mar15241,000ImmediateMediaCompanyBristolisworkingtoensurethatallofitspaperissourcedfromwell-managedforests.ThismagazineisprintedonForestStewardshipCouncil(FSC)certifiedpaper.This magazine can be recycled,for use in newspapers andpackaging.Please remove any gifts,samples
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12、pp support Ads Neil Lloyd 0117 300 8276;neil.lloydimmediate.co.ukSyndication Emma Brunt 0117 314 8782;emma.bruntimmediate.co.ukEDITORIALTel01173147366Emailwildlifemagazineimmediate.co.ukPostBBCWildlifeMagazine,ImmediateMediaCompany,2ndFloor,TowerHouse,Fairfax Street,Bristol BS13BN in touchJO WIMPENN
13、YJoisasciencewriter.“WythamWoodsisatrueliving laboratory”shesays.“Greattitshavebeenstudiedheresince1947,makingthisoneofthelongest-runningbiologicalexperimentsintheworld!”See p66JANAKI LENINJanaki writes aboutIndian wildlife.She says,“Uniquenessruns deep ingharials their pescatarian diet,riverine hab
14、itat,and now,alloparenting.Im amazedthey are related to othercrocodilians at all.”See p48GET YOUR DIGITAL COPYCHECK OUT OUR WEBSITEBuyadigitaleditionofBBCWildlifeMagazineforiOS,Android,KindleFire,PCorMac.VisitiTunes,theGoogPlaystore,AtofindoutmoreFindbreakingnews,fascinatingfactsandamazing photos:C
15、C gle e e ew w w.Bruno DAm c sTHE UNMANAGED FORESTS OF ABRUZZO NATIONAL PARK IN ITALY SUPPORT LILFORD S WOODPECKERS.Find out more on p78THE BIG BOOK OF MAMMALSDiscover the worlds mostexciting animals in thisfact-packed collectablefrom BBCWildlife,revealingeverything from the fastest to the fiercest
16、and thebrilliant to the bizarre.Only 7.99+P&P(P&P isfree for UK subscribers) WildlifeApril 2018CONTENTSFeaturesAgendaWild6Conservation iconCelebrating the comebackof ospreys in the UK8April highlightsBrimstone butterflies,breedingdunnocks andbaskingcommon lizards11Hidden BritainCoverstoryMeet a furry seamouse that can reflect light12Wild events Join a writing workshop inspired by nature14Urban wildlifeHow to observe wildflowers in a springwoodland16Latestscience researchSelf-medicating orangutan