1、106 The HBR InterviewSony s Mi chael Lynton on the Hacki ng Debacle38 The Big IdeaIntel s Employer-Led Health Care Revoluti onPatricia A.McDonald et al.118 Managing YourselfJob Search:Ace the AssessmentTomas Chamorro-PremuzicJULYAUGUST 201 5HRAND BUILD SOMETHING NEW.HERES HOWPAGE 53ITS TIME TO BLOW
2、UP When you need someone t o strat egi ze wi th,wel l be ready t o t al k.Our rel ati onshi p managers t ake the ti me t o l earn your busi ness and gai n a deeper underst andi ng of your expansi on goal s.Weve successful l y partnered wi th mi d-si zed t o l arge corporati ons t o hel p them meet t
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4、ement*1Capi tal Fi nanceCommerci al&CorporateCommerci al Real EstateGovernment&Insti tuti onalInsurance*2Internati onalInvestment Banki ng&Capi tal Markets*3Treasury Management“We want a banker who wi ll work wi th us and be part of the team.”JulyAugust 201553Contents54HUMAN RESOURCESWhy We Love to
5、Hate HR and What HR Can Do About It This is a moment of enormous opportunity for HR leaders to separate valuable practices from worthless ones.Here are the steps they can take.Peter Cappelli62LEADERSHIP People Before Strategy:A New Role for the CHRO To strengthen business,CEOs need to make the human
6、 resources leader a partner in the inner circle,with a revamped job description.Ram Charan,Dominic Barton,and Dennis Carey72CASE STUDY Bright,Shiny Objects and the Future of HR Dig beneath the surface of popular new ideas,and you can set the stage for true impact.John Boudreau and Steven RiceSPOTLIG
7、HT ON RETHINKING HUMAN RESOURCESABOVE Do Ho SuhKarma,2003Urethane paint on glass fiber reinforced resin389.9 x 299.7 x 729.1 cmInstallation view at Artsonje Center,Seoul,Korea DO HO SUHJulyAugust 2015Harvard Business Review3Features JulyAugust 201538THE BIG IDEAThe Employer-Led Health Care Revolutio
8、nHow companies can use their purchasing power to transform the U.S.health care system Patricia A.McDonald,Robert S.Mecklenburg,MD,and Lindsay A.Martin80INNOVATIONEngineering Reverse InnovationsPrinciples for designing breakthrough productsby addressing the unique needs of emerging markets Amos Winte
9、r and Vijay Govindarajan 90OPERATIONSHow to Negotiate with Powerful Suppliers Four ways for buyers to strategically redefine the relationship Petros Paranikas,Grace Puma Whiteford,Bob Tevelson,and Dan Belz98STRATEGYBreak Your Industrys BottlenecksSuccessful companies understand how to overturn the s
10、tatus quo to gain advantage.Barrett Ersek,Eileen Weisenbach Keller,and John Mullins106LEADERSHIP“They Burned the House Down”Recovering from the most devastating hack in corporate history Sony Pictures CEO Michael Lynton,interviewed by Adi IgnatiusTHE VOORHEESHBR.ORG4 Harvard Business ReviewJulyAugus
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15、the best way to create a profitable and sustainable business is to shrink.”Departments JulyAugust 2015IN EVERY ISSUE 8 From the Editor 14 Interaction 28 Vision Statement 30 Strategic Humor 132 Executive SummariesIs the CEO to blame for a companys security breach?page 123The internet creates overconf
16、idence.page 26EXPERIENCE118MANAGING YOURSELFAce the AssessmentOrganizations take hiring tests seriously.You should,too.Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic123CASE STUDY Who Should Take the Fall?When a mobile payment service is hacked,the board demands a scapegoat.Jana Seijts130SYNTHESISThe Happiness BacklashA review of Frdric Lenoirs Happiness:A Philosophers Guide and other books on that elusive feelingAlison Beard136LIFES WORKKen Burns The noted documentarian on waning attention spans and why business leade