1、60The HBR Interview:Leading Change When Business Is Good Samuel J.Palmisano 72How Market Smarts Can Protect Property RightsBharat Anand and Alexander Galetovic 82Beyond Offshoring:A ssess Y our Company sGl ob al PotentialDiana Farrell 92How to Grow Great LeadersDouglas A.Ready 104Buil ding Deep Supp
2、l ier Rel ationships Jeffrey K.Liker and Thomas Y.Choi 114We re in This Together Douglas M.Lambert and A.Michael Knemeyer16Forethought33HBR Case StudyNone of Our Business?Roberta A.Fusaro 47Big PictureBest Face Forward Jeffrey F.Rayport and Bernard J.Jaworski 125Best Practice The Path to Corporate R
3、esponsib il ity Simon Zadek 134Tool Kit Making Real Options Real l y WorkAlexander B.van Putten and Ian C.MacMillan 146Executive Summaries 152Panel Discussion Business and Privacypage 33The War Against Piracypage 72Feeding the FireDecember 2004 www.hbr.orgpage 60HBRSpotlight104The 21st-Century Suppl
4、y ChainPart 3of 3TLFeBOOKTLFeBOOKTLFeBOOKTLFeBOOKTLFeBOOKCOVER ART:STEPHEN SWINTEKF e a t u r e s9260The HBR Interview:Samuel J.PalmisanoLeading Change When Business Is GoodInterviewed by Paul Hemp and Thomas A.StewartWould you ask your employees to determine the core values that define your company
5、 and guide their deci-sions every day?Would you listen to them if you did?IBMs CE O maintains thats the only way to manage a big,broad company.72How Market Smarts Can Protect Property RightsBharat Anand and Alex ander G aletovicIntellectual property comprises an ever-increasing f rac-tion of corpora
6、te wealth,but whats the good of that if an ever-increasing f raction of the property is copied orstolen?Six market-based strategies can help companiesprotect their innovations.82Beyond Offshoring:A ssess Y our CompanysGl ob al PotentialDiana Farrell Theres no question that globalization will save yo
7、ur company costs.But what about using it to generate new revenues as well?Heres how.92How to Grow Great LeadersDouglas A.ReadyMore than ever,companies must synchronize unitsactionswith broader enterprise goals.The challenge is to developleaders who can manage the inherent tensions betweenthe twoand
8、that may require a strategic overhaul.HBRDecember 2004104608272HBRSpotlightThe21st-Century Supply Chaincontinued on page 64harvard business reviewPart 3 of 3104Building Deep Supplier RelationshipsJef f rey K.Liker and Thomas Y.ChoiWhen it comes to building strong relationships withNorth American sup
9、pliers,automakers Toyota andHonda have the Big Three beat hands down.So how do they do it?Six steps are the key.114We re in This TogetherDouglas M.Lambert and A.Michael KnemeyerE ven when a f ull-blown partnership with a supplier seems impeccably justified,it can f ail if the partners har-bor mismat
10、ched ex pectations.A f ocused day-and-a-half session of f rank talk can ensure the relationships long-term success.TLFeBOOKTLFeBOOKDepartments8December 2004102STRATEGIC HUMOR125BEST PRACTICEThe Path to CorporateResponsib il itySimon ZadekIntense pressure f rom activists in the1990s f orced Nike to t
11、ake a long,hardlook at the way it was doing business.Heres how the company transf ormed itself f rom the poster child f or corporateirresponsibility to a progressive leaderthat cultivates and champions ethicalbusiness practices.134TOOL KITMaking Real Options Real l y WorkAlex ander B.van Putten and
12、Ian C.MacMillanDiscounted cash flow analysis is a greatway to protect yourself f rom the down-side of a risky growth opportunity,but it doesnt do justice to the potentialgains.Real options can capture that up-side yet can underplay the risks.Ratherthan apply one method or the other,itsf ar better to
13、 combine the two.Theres a simple way to do it.143LETTERS TO THE EDITORTransf erring wisdom is a huge issue f orpreserving human capital.But of ten theincumbent gurus are not willing to sharewhat they knowbecause by keeping itto themselves,they maintain some de-gree of job security.146EXECUTIVE SUMMA
14、RIES152PANEL DISCUSSIONFirst A mong Unequal sDon MoyerFar more people consider themselvesabove average in intelligence and skillsthan the definition of“average”allows.HBR16471251346harvard business review8FROM THE EDITORBurning to Be GreatWhen it comes to managing change,the consensus is that most p
15、eople wontjump until they f eel the flames of disas-ter licking their ankles.So what do youdo if business is pretty good?16FORETHOUGHTInvestorsherd instinctAre businessschool curricula f alling short on ethicsand leadership?Like open source,open corporate suggestion box esWhyemployee engagement is s
16、o importantInf ormation law as the new competitiveplaying fieldCitizenship means dif f er-ent things to dif f erent companiesWhoswinning in womens international sportsand the implications f or businessTheconsequences of not adjusting cost-of-capital calculations to reflect pensionrisksTips f or competing against Wal-MartInsurance programs f or indepen-dent workersMarketing your ex per-tise,not just your productsHow tobecome more politically savvy.33HBR CASE STUDYNone of Our Business?Roberta A.Fu