1、ISO/IEC 30141:2018/COR1:2020 1 ISO/IEC 2020 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION _ ISO/IEC 30141 Edition 1.0 2018-08 INTERNET OF THINGS(IoT)REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE C O R R I G E N D U M 1 INTRODUCTION In the sixth paragraph,replace the second sentence with the following new sentence:The contexts
2、 can be of different kinds including the business context,the regulatory context and the technological context,e.g.industry verticals,technological requirements and/or nation-specific requirement sets.6.1 General In the first paragraph,replace the second sentence with the following new sentence:The IoT RA outlines the overall structured approach for the construction of IoT systems by providing an architectural structure framework.ISO/IEC 30141:2018-08/COR1:2020-12(en)