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1、81/223A/CCCOMPILATION OF COMMENTS ON COMMITTEE DRAFTProject number:IEC 62305-3,Ed.1Reference number of the CD81/214/CDIEC/TC or SCTC 81Date of circulation2003-12-19Title of the TC or SC:Lightning protectionTitle of the committee draft:IEC 62305-3,Ed.1:Protection against lightning-Part 3:Physical dam

2、age to structures and life hazardThe above-mentioned document was distributed to National Committees with a request that comments be submittedComments received see annex 1)DECISION OF THE CHAIRMAN(in cooperation with the secretariat)a x A revised committee draft will be distributed as a committee dr

3、aft for vote(CDV)by(date)2003-12bA revised committee draft will be distributed for comment by(date)cThe committee draft and comments will be discussed at the next meeting(date)NOTE In the case of a proposal a or b made by the chairman,P-members objecting to such a proposal shall inform the Central O

4、fficewith copy to the secretary in writing within 2 months of the circulation of this compilation(see ISO/IEC Directives,Part 1,2.5.3).Name or signature of the SecretaryG.B.Lo PiparoName or signature of the ChairmanC.BouquegneauNOTE This document cancels and supersedes document 81/223/CC in order to

5、 take into account thedecision taken at TC 81 meeting in Palma de Mallorca(2003-09-29).See 81/236/RM,item 7.The comments on document 81/232/DC are included in this document.FORM CC(IEC)2002-08-091)to be collated on Form Comments and annexed.2 81/223A/CCContentsa)Comments on 81/214/CDb)Comments on 81

6、/232/DCc)Annex Ed)Annex F(figures)a)Comments on 81/214/CDAnnexDateDocument2003-12-1981/214/CDNationalCommitteeClause/SubclauseParagraphFigure/TableType ofcomment(General/Technical/Editorial)COMMENTSProposed changeOBSERVATIONS OF THE SECRETARIATon each comment submittedGBEditorialA large amount of ed

7、itorial work isrequired for this document to beconsistent with the ISO/IEC Directives,Part 2.Particular attention needs to be given toensuring that the language used isconsistent with the status(i.e.normativeor informative)of the text.For example,informative annexes should not useshall.Noted.NLGener

8、alIn the German standard there is anannex with symbols and drawings ofexamples how to use the symbols.Take the German Annex and make itAnnex G of the document.Not agreed,Cenelec WG2 did a TR withsymbols.We can use that one.We dont place figures in the textbecause it is very difficult to maintain.PLG

9、eneralThe document is well prepared,onlysome small changes are needed.Noted.CNIndtroductionPar2edmost effective,measuremost effective measureAgreed.3 81/223A/CCNationalCommitteeClause/SubclauseParagraphFigure/TableType ofcomment(General/Technical/Editorial)COMMENTSProposed changeOBSERVATIONS OF THE

10、SECRETARIATon each comment submittedUnitedStatesIntroduction4th paragraphTechnicalThe United States does not concur withthe addition of“external”before“LPScomponents.”We understand that thechange was made due to a commentforwarded in IEC 81/211/CC,but theaddition of the word adds nothing to therequi

11、rement and contradicts statementsin the body of the document.Paragraph5.1.3 allows metal framework of abuilding to be used as a down conductorand most metal framework would not beconsidered“external.”Delete the word“external”from thissentence/paragraph.Not accepted.Separation distance or bonding sha

12、ll beimplemented toward external LPSaccording to paragraph 6Agreed.UnitedStatesIntroduction5th paragraphEditorialChange“of”to“to”in the introductoryclause in the paragraph.Revise introductory clause as follows:“Main protection measures againstinjuries to living beings”Agreed.UnitedStatesIntroduction

13、5th paragraphpart b)EditorialAdd“s”to“notice”at end of item b).Where notices are used,more than oneis likely to be required.Revise clause as follows:“physical restrictions and/or bywarning notices.”Agreed.UnitedStatesIntroduction7th paragraph,1st sentenceEditorialChange“to form”back to“of forming.”W

14、e understand that the change wasmade due to a comment forwarded inIEC 81/211/CC,but the original wordingwas grammatically correct.The noun“purpose”must be modified by anadjective vice an infinitive.“Access to ground and the proper use offoundation steelwork for the purpose offorming an effective ear

15、th termination”Agreed.UnitedStatesIntroductionLastparagraphEditorialReplace“for”with“of”in the lastsentence.The sentence is discussingthe design of the LPS not the design forthe LPS.“The design of the type and location ofthe LPS should take into account thefeatures of the existing structure.”Agreed.

16、UnitedStatesScopeFirstparagraphTechnical/EditorialDelete the final clause“outside of thestructure.”Step and touch voltages arerelevant regardless of whether theyoccur inside or outside of a structure.Paragraph 5.1.3 allows metal frameworkof a building to be used as a downconductor.Such lightning currentconductors can lead to step and touchpotentials.It is also recommended that the commaafter“(LPS)”be removed and“the”beadded before“LPS.”“This part of IEC 62305 provides therequirements for protect


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