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1、 题 目: 基于PaaS云平台及3G通信技术的移动智能医疗云平台 摘要的台务 在传统的医疗护理过程中,不少医疗机构病人就诊手续繁琐、效率较低,由于技术和客观条件的限制,医疗机构长期以来采取各种手段并没能有效地简化就诊手续、提升效率并减少医疗差错的发生。而且往往因为医疗差错导致医疗机构的声望造成了恶劣的影响,还给患者带来不可弥补的损失,同时也造成了巨大的经济损失。为简化病人的繁琐就诊手续,提高医疗服务的质量、效率,降低医疗成本,以实现卫生信息共享和业务协同为核心的卫生信息化建设成为了当前的热点。本文旨在设计一个基于移动通信公司现有云服务平台项目,通过PaaS(平台即服务)模式构建医疗信息共享智能


3、究和设计。最后,给出了基于PaaS云平台及3G通信技术的移动智能医疗云平台的实现及运行结果。关键词:云平台;移动智能医疗;3G;健康服务AbstractIn the traditional process of medical care, many medical institutions, patient treatment procedures cumbersome, less efficient, due to the limitations of the technology and objective conditions, medical institutions have lon

4、g taken a variety of means did not effectively simplify treatment procedures, improve efficiency and reducethe occurrence of medical errors. And often lead to the prestige of the medical institutions because of medical errors caused bad influence, returned to the patient irreparable loss, but also c

5、aused huge economic losses.Tedious treatment procedures to simplify the patients medical services to improve the quality, efficiency, and reduce health care costs, and to achieve health information sharing and business collaboration as the core health information technology has become the current ho

6、t spots. This article aims to design a mobile communications company based on existing cloud services platform project, to build a medical information sharing smart medical Cloud platform PaaS (Platform as a Service) mode, the current popular 3G mobile communication technologies, cloud computing tec

7、hnology, the Internet of Things technology applications with cloud services platform in the medical field, to create a real-time sharing of medical information services, interactions between patients and medical personnel, medical institutions, medical care network, wireless applications, medical in

8、formation sharing platform .Firstly, research and analysis of the cloud computing model and technical framework, and then combined with the application of medical information services and technology needs, the design of medical information shared of intelligent medical Cloud platform logic compositi

9、on and structural relationships proposed based PaaS cloud platform and 3G communication technology the of mobile intelligent medical cloud platform architecture. Organic integration of the existing off-site heterogeneous health information resources, responsible for the analysis and design of data c

10、ommunication of health information services bus and integrated service components constitute proposed integrated resource engine design, and cloud computing storage technology research and design. Finally, PaaS cloud platform and 3G communication technology, mobile smart medical cloud platform-based

11、 implementation and operation results.Keywords: cloud platform; mobile intelligent medical; 3G; health services 目 录第一章:序论- 5 -1.1课题研究背景与意义- 5 -1.2国内外研究现状- 6 -1.2.1国外发展现状- 6 -1.2.2国内发展现状- 7 -1.3 课题研究内容和目标- 8 -第二章 移动智能医疗云平台的需求分析- 9 -2.1 用户分析- 9 -2.2 功能需求- 10 -2.2.1 电子病历- 10 -2.2.2服务管理- 10 -2.2.3医疗信息-

12、11 -2.2.4医疗协同- 12 -2.2.5医疗保险查询- 12 -2.3 技术需求- 12 -2.3.1 角色与安全- 12 -2.3.2 数据集成- 13 -2.3.3 应用集成- 13 -2.3.4 数据存储- 13 -2.3.5 移动交互- 14 -2.4 本章小结- 14 -第三章 医疗信息云服务的体系结构设计- 15 -3.1医疗信息服务的云计算框架- 15 -3.2 体系结构的分析与设计- 16 -3.3 分布式信息资源集成引擎- 17 -3.4 本章小结- 18 -第四章 资源集成引擎的研究与设计- 19 -4.1 医疗信息服务总线- 19 -4.2 资源集成引擎的设计-

13、20 -4.3 本章小结- 22 -第五章 移动智能医疗云平台门户的实现- 24 -5.1 门户基本服务的实现- 24 -5.1.1 用户管理- 24 -5.1.2 资源节点管理- 25 -5.1.3 系统管理- 25 -5.2 智能医疗云平台门户的实现- 25 -5.2.1 公众门户- 26 -5.2.2 医务人员门户- 27 -5.3 云平台的WAP模型架构- 28 -5.4 本章小结- 29 -结论及展望- 30 -第一章:序论当前,国家整大力监管医疗事业,鼓励发展信息化。随着社会经济的不断发展,人们对医疗卫生服务的要求也在不断提高,以信息化手段提高健康服务质量是发展所趋。利用卫生信息共




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