1、ForeignAffairs/外事News Bulletin要闻一览Li Mingqing Meeting with Agung Laksono,Chair of the Presidential Advisory Councilof Golkar of Indonesia and Former Speaker of the Peoples Representative CounciloftheRepublicofIndonesia李明清会见印尼专业集团党专家委员会主席、前国会议长阿贡拉克索诺n May 17,Li Mingqing,Deputy Secretaryof the CPC Cho
2、ngqing MunicipalCommittee,had a meeting with AgungLaksono,Chair of the Presidential Advisory Councilof Golkar of Indonesia and Former Speaker of thePeoples Representative Council of the Republic ofIndonesia,who attended the Belt and Road Forumfor Interconnected Land-Sea Development 2023 inChongqing.
3、Li Mingqing,on behalf of the CPC ChongqingMunicipal Committee and the Chongqing MunicipalGovernment,extended a warm welcome to AgungLaksono and introduced how Chongqing has beenstudying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought onSocialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Eraand the guiding principl
4、es of the 20th CPC NationalCongress and building a modern socialist newChongqing in all respects on the new journey and ina new era.It is expected that both sides would deepenexchanges and cooperation,jointly build the NewInternational Land-Sea Trade Corridor with sharedbenefits and constantly upgra
5、de economic and tradecooperation.Agung Laksono noted that Indonesia would fullyimplement the important consensus reached by thetwo Presidents,continue to deepen cooperation andexchanges with Chongqing in economy,trade,culture,and people-to-people interaction,and open a newchapter for bilateral cooperation,5月1 7 日,市委副书记李明清会见来渝出席2 0 2 3“一带一路”陆海联动发展论坛的印度尼西亚专业集团党专家委员会主席、前国会议长阿贡拉克索诺一行。李明清代表市委、市政府对阿贡拉克索诺一行表示欢迎,向客人介绍了全市学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的二十大精神,推进新时代新征程现代化新重庆建设有关情况,希望双方进一步深化交流合作,着力共建共享陆海新通道,持续提升经贸合作水平。阿贡拉克索诺表示,印尼将落实好两国元首达成的重要共识,持续深化与重庆在经贸、人文等方面的交流合作,开启双方合作新篇章。44The World and Chongqing