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1、热点11 环保 环保无疑是今年的火爆热点之一,它为我们的生活带来了很大的影响。今天,选择的2023年年中考英语写作预测话题是:环保。【预测题目】(一)人人都提倡低碳生活,环保节能,请你写出为环保所做的五件事。要点提示:1自己骑自行车上学。2. 在家使用节能灯( energy saving lamp)。3. 减少淋浴时间。4. 将用过的课本留给下届学生。5自带购物袋。_【参考范文】One possible version:1. We can go to school by bike or on foot.2. We should use energy saving lamps.3. Spend

2、less time when we are taking a shower as possible as we can.4. Dont throw away the used textbooks and leave them to the students of lower grades.5. Bring our own bags when we are shopping.【解析】试题分析:该文题目给出了一些要点,要求你写出为环保所做的五件事。我们要做的就是把这些要点用正确的英语句子表达出来,实际上就是个汉译英练习。要注意符合英语表达习惯,合乎语言规范。写作亮点:这些句子表达准确,合乎英语语言

3、表达规范。(二)当今,低碳生活(low-carbon living)的理念已深入人心,植树造林、节能减排、环保出行等已成为人们的自觉行为。请你用英语写一篇90词以上的短文,谈谈你践行这种绿色环保生活理念的做法与心得。内容要求:1. 低碳生活的重要性是什么?2. 你为过低碳生活付出了怎样的努力?3. 你对全民践行低碳生活有何期待?_【参考范文】Low-carbon living, a green and healthy lifestyle, is becoming more and more popular. It can help change the global warming great

4、ly.To live a low-carbon life, I walked or rode bikes to school every day. In my daily life I managed to save electricity and water. And I often kept in touch with friends by writing emails instead of using a printer. I often planted trees with my family on weekends.I hope that more and more people w

5、ill realize the importance of environmental protection and practice the low-carbon lifestyle.【解析】试题分析:本文介绍的是低碳生活的重要性及我为低碳生活做的努力。首先要用正确的格式去写,会用一些短语,会仿照课文的句子写出正确的英语句子,注意用一般现在时和现在进行时及将来时,用第一人称来叙述。【亮点说明】短文用了不定式表示目的,如:To live a low-carbon life, I walked or rode bikes to school every day.等,最后还用hope+that从句

6、寄予了期待。(一)保护环境,人人有责。假如上周日为保护环境,你校师生开展了一些活动。请根据下面所提供的信息写一篇日记。出发时间、地点:早上八点,学校门口目的地 / 交通工具:市区附近的一个小镇 / 校车所带物品:在校自制的有关环保的海报和传单活动内容:上午:贴海报,发传单,宣传环保知识下午:捡垃圾、塑料袋,打扫街道,种花,植树要求:1. 时态正确,书写工整,可适当发挥;2. 生词:leaflets 传单,environmental protection 环保;3. 词数:70词左右(文段首句已给出,不计入总词数。)_【参考范文】Sunday, March 6 SunnyToday I m ve

7、ry excited because I did a lot of things with my classmates and teachers to protect our environment. We met the school gate at eight oclock in the morning, before we went to a small town in our school bus. We took the posters and leaflets made at school with us. There some students put up posters on

8、 the walls and handed out leaflets to the people who passed us in the morning and others talked about the environment protection to the people. In the afternoon we collected litter and picked up plastic bags. Besides, we also cleaned up the streets and planted trees and flowers.At six in the evening

9、 we came back home. I felt very tired but happy. I think if everyone can take part in protecting the environment , the world will become more beautiful.【解析】试题分析:这是一篇利用图表的给材料作文。本文要写的材料比较具体,我们要做的就是运用正确的英语把这些内容表达出来。我们要好好选用词汇和短语,可以适当发挥。根据材料内容可知本文是日记,所以主要是一般过去时态。【亮点说明】这篇短文短文内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。词汇和句型句式运用恰当,时态应用准确。(二)假如你是某中学的学生会主席王东,为了配合环保教育主题活动,请根据下面所给提示,用英语写一封倡议书,内容包括:1. 环保措施和美化城市的措施(各2条);2. 你的希望。注意:1. 注意文章的整体连贯;2. 文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3. 80词左右。Dear friends,In order to make the environment more beautiful, we


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