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1、DOI:10.13925/ki.gsxb.2022067373份草莓种质资源表型性状的遗传多样性分析及在湖北省的综合评价肖桂林1,2,管自豪3,张思思4,温昕5,陈锡洋1,2,曾祥国1,2,张庆华1,2,刘爽1,5,刘思佳1,5,王涌1,2,邓江丽1,2,韩永超1,2*(1湖北省农业科学院经济作物研究所,武汉 430064;2蔬菜种质创新与遗传改良湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430064;3长江大学园艺园林学院,湖北荆州 434000;4上饶师范学院,江西上饶 334001;5华中农业大学,武汉 430070)摘要:【目的】全面系统地鉴定草莓种质资源表型变异,明确表型性状的遗传多样性,并基于综合评

2、价指标筛选出优异资源,为草莓品种改良及理论研究奠定材料基础。【方法】对来源于国内、日韩及欧美的73份草莓种质资源的58个植物学、产量及品质性状进行系统评价和分析。【结果】51个表型性状具有不同程度的多态性,包括34个描述型性状和17个数值型性状。描述型性状共检测出115个变异类型,平均遗传多样性指数H 达到0.85;数量型性状遗传多样性指数H 的变异范围为1.682.92,表明供试草莓资源性状变异丰富,尤其是果实性状,平均遗传多样性指数(1.05)远高于非果实性状(0.61)。PCA分析结果均表明,日韩草莓与中国草莓在表型上较为相似,欧美草莓与亚洲草莓在表型上存在较大差异。进一步通过综合指标评


4、种。Tel:13387586661,E-mail:*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:18963965088,E-mail:果树学报2023,40(8):1546-1558Journal of Fruit ScienceGenetic diversity and comprehensive evaluation of phenotypic traits in73 germplasm resources of cultivated strawberries grown in Hubei prov-inceXIAO Guilin1,2,GUAN Zihao3,ZH

5、ANG Sisi4,WEN Xin5,CHEN Xiyang1,2,ZENG Xiangguo1,2,ZHANG Qinghua1,2,LIU Shuang1,5,LIU Sijia1,5,WANG Yong1,2,DENG Jiangli1,2,HAN Yongchao1,2*(1Institute of Industrial Crops,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430064,Hubei,China;2Hubei Key Laboratory of Vegeta-ble Germplasm Enhancement and Ge

6、netic Improvement,Wuhan 430064,Hubei,China;3College of Horticulture and Gardening,YangtzeUniversity,Jingzhou 434000,Hubei,China;4Shangrao Normal University,Shangrao 334001,Jiangxi,China;5Huazhong AgriculturalUniversity,Wuhan 430070,Hubei,China)Abstract:【Objective】The purpose of this study is to expl

7、ore the genetic diversity of cultivated straw-berry germplasms from China,Japan and Korea(JapKor),Europe and America(Europe)and identifyexcellent germplasms by comprehensively screening phenotypic traits,including morphological traits,yield,and fruit quality,which will lay the foundation for the mol

8、ecular improvement and genetic map-ping of important agronomic traits in cultivated strawberry.【Methods】Based on strawberry germplasmresource descriptors,58 phenotypic traits were systematically investigated,including plant height,plantarchitecture,leaf traits,flower traits,runner,fruit and other re

9、lated traits.Then,the coefficient of varia-tion as well as the Shannons diversity index(H)were calculated for each trait to estimate genetic di-versity.Next,the Pearson correlation analysis,the principal component analysis as well as the compre-,等:分析及在湖北省的综合评价第8期hensive evaluation value D were calcu

10、lated by using the SPSS,SIMCA and R software.【Results】Among all 58 phenotypic traits,except for petiole color(olivine),calyx color(green),blade margin ser-rated(sharp),lobular number(three),flower sex(hermaphrodite flower),petal shape(round),degree ofconcavity of calyx center(concave),the remaining

11、51 traits showed different degrees of phenotypic vari-ation,of which 34 traits were descriptive traits and 17 traits were quantitative traits.There were 115variation types for 34 descriptive traits,and 3.38 variation types for each descriptive trait.The Shannons diversity index H ranged from 0.24 to

12、 1.49,with an average score of 0.85.The coefficient of varia-tion of the 17 quantitative traits ranged from 10.31%to 60.65%and the Shannon s diversity indexranged from 1.68 to 2.92.Genetic diversity analysis showed that strawberry germplasm resourcesshowed rich phenotypic variation.Furthermore,fruit

13、 traits showed more phenotypic variation than non-fruit traits because the average Shannon s diversity index H was 1.05 and 0.61 for fruit traits and non-fruit traits,respectively.The Shannons diversity index Hwas the highest for fruit flavor(1.49),fol-lowed by flesh color,whose Hwas 1.46.The third

14、highest attribute was 1.35,which corresponded topulp texture and pulp color.The average fruit weight,fruit longitudinal diameter and fruit transverse di-ameter were 14.34 g,35.38 mm and 29.21 mm,respectively.The correlation coefficients among traitsranged from-0.70 to 0.95,the plant height and petio

15、le length were extremely significantly and positive-ly correlated,with a correlation coefficient of 0.95.Petiole length was negatively correlated with plantarchitecture and the lowest correlation coefficient was-0.70.In addition,17 quantitative traits were pos-itively correlated with each other,i.e.

16、,plant height,canopy diameter,leaf length,leaf width,length/width ratio,petiole length,petiole diameter,number of compound leaves,leaf thickness,pedicel length,pedicel diameter,flower numbers,flower diameter,plant architecture,fruit weight,fruit longitudinal di-ameter and fruit transverse diameter.Leaf length/width ratio was significantly correlated with leafshape,and trichome density of the upper leaf surface was significantly correlated with that of the lowerleaf surface and leaf texture,respe


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