1、实用医学影像杂志 2023 年 6 月第 24 卷第 3 期JPMI,June 2023,Vol.24.No.3【摘要】目的探讨 3.0 T 磁共振成像(MRI)动态增强时间信号曲线(DCE鄄TIC)联合血清癌胚抗原(CEA)、癌抗原 15鄄3(CA15鄄3)在乳腺癌诊断中的价值。方法将漳州市医院 2020 年 1 月至 2022 年 11 月收治的 61 例乳腺癌作为观察组及 54 例乳腺良性肿瘤组作为对照组;2 组均进行 3.0 T MRI 动态增强扫描并绘制DCE鄄TIC,并进行血清 悦耘粤、悦粤员缘鄄猿 水平检测;以病理学诊断作为金标准,分析 酝砸陨 DCE鄄TIC、悦耘粤、悦粤员缘鄄
2、猿 单一检测以及联合检测在乳腺癌诊断中的效能。结果对照组 DCE鄄TIC 以玉型为主,观察组以芋型为主,差异有统计学意义(孕约园援园园员)。观察组患者血清 悦耘粤、悦粤员缘鄄猿 水平显著高于对照组(孕约园援园园员)。悦耘粤 诊断乳腺癌的最佳诊断值 圆援圆 灶早/皂造,相应灵敏度 源员.0豫,特异度 怨源援源豫,准确度 猿缘援源豫,受试者工作特征曲线下面积(粤哉悦)(怨缘豫悦陨)为 园援苑圆猿(园援远猿圆,园援愿员源)。CA15鄄3 诊断乳腺癌的最佳诊断值 远援愿缘 灶早/皂造,灵敏度 苑缘援源豫,特异度 远源援愿豫,准确度源园援圆豫,粤哉悦(怨缘豫悦陨)为 园援苑员(园援远员缘,园援愿园缘)。
3、DCE鄄TIC 检测乳腺癌准确性最高,而 猿 种方法联合检测乳腺癌准确性并没有提高。结论猿援园 栽 磁共振动态增强曲线检测乳腺癌诊断准确性高于联合血清 CEA、CA15鄄3 检测方法。【关键词】乳腺癌;磁共振;动态增强曲线;癌胚抗原;癌抗原 15鄄33.0 T 磁共振成像动态增强时间信号曲线联合血清癌胚抗原癌抗原 15鄄3 在乳腺癌诊断中的价值刘郁芳赖凯旋詹阿来Analysis on the value of DCE鄄TIC in 3.0 T MRI combined with CEA and CA15鄄3 detection in the diagnosisof breast cancerL
4、iu Yufang,Lai Kaixuan,Zhan Alai.Department of Medical Imaging,Zhangzhou HospitalAffiliated of Fujian Medical University Fujian 457000袁 China揖粤遭泽贼则葬糟贼铱 韵遭躁藻糟贼蚤增藻To explore the value of 3.0T magnetic resonance dynamic enhancement curve combinedwith serum carcinoma embryonic antigen 渊CEA冤and cancer ant
5、igen渊CA冤15鄄3 in breast cancer diagnosis.MethodsSixty鄄one cases of breast cancer admitted to Zhangzhou Hospital from January 2020 to November 2022 were selectedas the observation group and 54 cases of benign breast tumors were chosen as the control group.All the cases in bothgroups were scanned with
6、3.0 T magnetic resonance dynamic enhancement and serum CEA and CA15鄄3 levels weredetected.Taking pathological diagnosis as the gold standard,the value of single detection and combination detectionof each index in breast cancer diagnosis was compared and analyzed.ResultsThe time signal curve of the c
7、ontrolgroup was mainly type 玉,the observation group was mainly type 芋,and the difference was statistically significant 渊孕0.001冤.The serum CEA and CA15鄄3 levels in the observation group were significantly higher than those in thecontrol group 渊孕0.05),Kappa 检验TAS+HCG 与产后病理诊断的一致性较好(Kappa 值=0.757),TAS、H
8、CG 与产后病理诊断的一致性一般(Kappa值=0.575、0.566,孕约0.05)。DPP 合并 PA 组胎盘厚度、血清 HCG 均高于 DPP 组(孕约0.05)。结论TAS 联合 HCG 可提高 DPP 诊断准确率、灵敏度、特异度,并鉴别是否存在 PA,具有较高的临床诊断、应用价值。【关键词】前置胎盘;经腹部超声检查;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;诊断效能超声联合血人绒毛膜促性腺激素对凶险性前置胎盘的诊断研究荣洁Accuracy,sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound combined with blood HCG in the diagnosis o
9、f dangerousplacenta previaRong Jie.Department of Ultrasound,Nanyang Central Hospital,Henan 473000袁 China揖粤遭泽贼则葬糟贼铱 韵遭躁藻糟贼蚤增藻To analyze the accuracy,sensitivity and specificity of transabdominal ultrasound(TAS)combined with blood human chorionic gonadotropin(HCG)in the diagnosis of dangerous placenta
10、 previa(DPP).Meth鄄odsFifty patients with high suspicion of DPP who were admitted to the Department of Ultrasound Medicine in ourhospital from October 2019 to October 2021 were selected and given TAS and HCG examinations,respectively,andcompared TAS,HCG,TAS+HCG to diagnose DPP and placenta accreta Th
11、e accuracy,sensitivity,and specificity ofPA),the postpartum pathological diagnosis results were used as the gold standard in this study,the consistency ofKappa test alone and combined diagnosis and the gold standard was compared,and placental thickness and serumHCG were compared in the DPP group and
12、 DPP combined PA group.ResultsThe accuracy rate(92.0%),sensitivity(92.7%)and specificity(88.9%)of TAS+HCG in diagnosing DPP were higher than those of TAS(40.0%,46.3%,11.8%),HCG(48.0%,53.7%,22.2%),the Kappa test TAS+HCG had good consistency with postpartum pathologicaldiagnosis(Kappa=0.796),and the c
13、onsistency between TAS,HCG and postpartum pathological diagnosis was general(Kappa=0.607,0.599).The accuracy(75.6%)and sensitivity(71.0%)of TAS+HCG in the diagnosis of DPP combinedwith PA were higher than those of TAS(31.7%,19.4%)and HCG(29.3%,12.9%),孕0.05,TAS+HCG in the diagnosisof DPP combined The
14、 specificity of PA(90.0%)was compared with that of TAS(70.0%)and HCG(80.0%).TheKappa test was in good agreement between TAS+HCG and postpartum pathological diagnosis(Kappa=0.757).Theconsistency of postpartum pathological diagnosis was general(Kappa value=0.575,0.566),孕0.05.The placenta thick鄄DOI:10.
15、16106/14鄄1281/r.2023.03.011作者单位:473000 河南省南阳市中心医院超声医学科圆园怨鄄圆源怨援 DOI:10.3322/caac.21660.8 焦鎏鎏,张禹援酝砸陨 动态增强曲线半定量参数联合 阅宰陨 在乳腺良恶性肿瘤诊断中的作用 允 援中国临床医学影像杂志,圆园圆圆,猿猿(怨):远猿猿鄄远猿苑援 DOI:10.12117/jccmi.2022.09.006.9 成祥君,杨璐,张伟,等援 不同分子分型乳腺癌血清肿瘤标志物的表达差异与肿瘤复发转移的影响因素 允 援 临床检验杂志,圆园员怨,猿苑(员圆):愿怨猿鄄愿怨远援 阅韵陨:员园援员猿远园圆/躁援糟灶噪蚤援躁糟造泽援圆园员怨援员圆援园源.10 载怎藻 云,酝藻灶早 再,允蚤葬灶早 允援 阅蚤葬早灶燥泽贼蚤糟 v葬造怎藻 燥枣 d赠灶葬皂蚤糟 e灶澡葬灶糟藻凿m葬早灶藻贼蚤糟 r藻泽燥灶葬灶糟藻 i皂葬早蚤灶早 c燥皂遭蚤灶藻凿 憎蚤贼澡 s藻则怎皂 悦粤员缘鄄猿,悦再云砸粤圆员鄄员,葬灶凿 栽云云员 枣燥则 b则藻葬泽贼 c葬灶糟藻则 允 援允 匀藻葬造贼澡糟 耘灶早,圆园圆圆,圆园圆圆:苑怨愿源缘怨员援 DOI:10.1155/2022/7984591.(收稿日期:2023鄄01鄄03)206窑窑