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1、更多资料添加微信号:DEM2008 淘宝搜索店铺:优尖升教育 网址:八年级下学期期末重难知识点串讲+精练专题09 完形填空专练(一)Robby was 11 years old when his mother dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I _1_ that students begin at an earlier age, which I explained to Robby, but Robby said that it had been his mothers _2_ to hear him play the piano. So

2、 I took him as a student.Although Robby tried very hard, he didnt have the basic sense of music. However, he continued and at the end of each weekly _3_ he would always say, “My moms going to hear me play some day.” But it seemed _4_. He just did not have any inborn ability.I only knew his mother fr

3、om distance as she dropped Robby off or waited in her old car to _5_ him up. She always waved and smiled but never visited my class. Then one day Robby _6_ coming to our lessons. He telephoned me and said his mother was _7_.Several weeks later I was preparing my students for the music show _8_ Robby

4、 came and asked me if he could be in it. “Miss Hondorf I will just go to _9_!” He said.The night for the show came. The high school gym was _10_ with parents, friends and relatives. The show went off well. Then Robby came up on stage. I was _11_ when he said that he had chosen Mozarts Concerto No. 2

5、1 in C Major. I was not _12_ what I heard next. His fingers were light on the keys. He played so _13_ that everyone rose to applaud (为鼓掌) him. In tears I ran up on stage, “Oh, Robby! Howd you do it?”“Well, Miss Hondorf . I kept on _14_ at home. Remember I told you my mom was sick? Well, in fact she

6、had cancer and passed away this morning. And well . she was born deaf, so tonight was the _15_ time she ever heard me play .”1AimagineBpreferCthinkDwish2AdreamBideaCneedDplan3AmeetingBlessonCtestDshow4AsuccessfulBhopelessCwonderfulDuseless5AtakeBputCpickDhold6AfinishedBstoppedCbrokeDended7AsickBtire

7、dCdeafDunhappy8AwhenBasCwhileDsince9AsucceedBlearnClistenDplay10AseatedBheldCfilledDmixed11AangryBcertainCdisappointedDsurprised12Apleased withBinterested inCexcited forDready for13AcarefullyBwonderfullyCdifferentlyDhard14AlisteningBpracticingCtrainingDlearning15AfirstBlastCworstDbest【答案】1C2A3B4B5C6

8、B7A8A9D10C11D12D13B14B15A【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者的一个钢琴学生罗比和他母亲之间感人的故事。1句意:我认为学生应该从小就开始学习,我向罗比解释了这一点,但罗比说,听他弹钢琴一直是他母亲的梦想。imagine想象;prefer更喜欢;think认为;wish希望。根据“students begin at an earlier age, which I explained to Robby”可知“学生们从小就开始学习”是作者的想法,用think符合语境。故选C。2句意:我认为学生应该从小就开始学习,我向罗比解释了这一点,但罗比说,听他弹钢琴一直是他母亲的梦想。d

9、ream梦想;idea主意;need需要;plan计划。根据“My moms going to hear me play some day.”可推出罗比学习弹钢琴是为了妈妈的梦想。故选A。3句意:然而,他仍然坚持下去,在每周的课结束时,他总是说:“有一天我妈妈会听到我弹琴的。”meeting会议;lesson课;test测试;show展示。根据“Robby was 11 years old when his mother dropped him off for his first piano lesson.”可推出是每周课程结束时。故选B。4句意:但似乎没有希望。successful成功的;h

10、opeless没有希望的;wonderful精彩的;useless没用的。根据“He just did not have any inborn ability.”可知作者认为罗比没什么天赋,完成妈妈的梦想是没什么希望的。故选B。5句意:我只在他母亲送罗比回家或者开着她的旧车来接他的时候才认识她。take带走;put放;pick摘,采;hold握住。根据“waited in her old car”可知是来接罗比,pick sb. up“接某人”。故选C。6句意:然后有一天罗比不再来上我们的课了。finished完成;stopped停止;broke破坏;ended结束。根据“He telepho

11、ned me”可知停止上课了。故选B。7句意:他打电话给我说他母亲病了。sick生病的;tired累的;deaf聋的;unhappy不高兴的。根据“Remember I told you my mom was sick?”可知罗比告诉作者他母亲病了。故选A。8句意:几个星期后,当我在为学生们准备音乐节目时,罗比过来问我他是否可以参加。when当时;as因为;while当时;since自从。根据“Several weeks later I was preparing my students for the music show . Robby came and asked me if he co

12、uld be in it.”可知此处表示当某事发生时,某人正在做什么,从句是短暂性动词,用when引导时间状语从句。故选A。9句意:霍道夫小姐,我要去演奏了!succeed成功;learn学会;listen听;play演奏。根据“His fingers were light on the keys. He played .”可知罗比要上台演奏。故选D。10句意:高中体育馆挤满了家长、朋友和亲戚。seated坐下;held容纳;filled充满;mixed混合。be filled with“充满”,此处指体育管理挤满了人。故选C。11句意:当他说他选择了莫扎特的C大调第21号协奏曲时,我感到很惊

13、讶。angry生气的;certain必定的;disappointed失望的;surprised惊讶的。根据“that he had chosen Mozarts Concerto No. 21 in C Major”可知选的是名曲,让作者惊讶。故选D。12句意:我对接下来听到的事毫无准备。pleased with对感到满意;interested in对有兴趣;excited for为兴奋;ready for对有适合准备。根据“In tears I ran up on stage, Oh, Robby! Howd you do it? ”可知罗比的演奏出乎作者意料,作者没有丝毫准备。故选D。13

14、句意:他演奏得太棒了,大家都站起来为他鼓掌。carefully小心地;wonderfully极好地;differently不同地;hard努力地。根据“everyone rose to applaud him”可知大家都站起来鼓掌,应是因为他演奏的太好了。故选B。14句意:我一直在家练习。listening听;practicing练习;training训练;learning学习。根据“He played so . that everyone rose to applaud him.”及“kept on”可推出要解释因为坚持练习才演奏得这么好。故选B。15句意:并且她天生耳聋,所以今晚是她第一次

15、听我演奏first第一;last最后的;worst最糟糕的;best最好的。根据“she was born deaf”可知天生耳聋,去世的灵魂第一次听到罗比演奏。故选A。(二)Every Monday morning, 73-year-old Li Lanjuan sits in her office at the First Hospital of Zhejiang Universitys School of Medicine in Hangzhou, receiving patients.Despite being a leading figure in epidemiology in C

16、hina, Li regards herself as an _16_ medical worker. When the novel coronavirus pneumonias(新冠病毒) _17_ in late December, 2019. Li joined the expert group on January 18th, 2020. and headed for Wuhan to fight against the disease. As soon as the team found that the new virus can be _18_ from person to pe

17、rson, Li bravely suggested that Wuhan should be locked down _19_. At that time, experts still knew _20_ about the novel coronavirus spread.Li said that a city with over 11 million population would be in an emergency condition. Li cared about _21_ more than millions of people in the city and the whol

18、e nation. She handed her _22_ to the central government again. It was accepted the next day and proven to be effective(有效) later. On February 1st, Lis medical team _23_ Shulan Hospital in Hangzhou was ready for their aids to Wuhan, _24_ directly for Renming Hospital of Wuhan university to start thei

19、r work. “We can bring our experience to Wuhan. And we hope that sick patients can be _25_ in a timely manner” she told China News.But the hard work made her have very little time to _26_. When a picture of her exhausted (筋疲力竭)face was posted on the Internet, many Internet users _27_, expressing conc

20、erns about her health. One wrote, “Li is a real _28_ who has devoted herself to public health”_29_ Li smiled and said, “I am in good health, and continued to race against time,” according to China News.Any job well done must have been _30_ by a person who is fully devoted.Li devoted herself to her w

21、ork. No wonder many called her a female fighter on the front line.16AordinaryBactiveCexcellentDimportant17Aset outBcome outCbroke outDworked out18AtalkedBspreadCcheckedDspoke19Aat timesBon timeCin timeDall time20AmuchBmoreCmanyDlittle21AanythingBsomethingCnothingDeverything22AmoneyBadviceCgiftsDansw

22、ers23AoffBforCinDfrom24AheadingBgettingCagreeingDcalling25AtreatedBexplainedCavoidedDturned26AwasteBsleepCsmileDexercise27AtearedBjumpedCchangedDdoubted28AactressBheroCinventorDpatient29AAsBSoCAndDBut30Awritten downBlooked downCcarried outDtaken away【答案】16A17C18B19C20D21C22B23D24A25A26B27A28B29D30C【

23、解析】本文主要讲述了李兰娟教授在新冠病毒爆发期间致力于公共卫生事业,被称为前线女战士。16句意:尽管她是中国流行病学的领军人物,但她认为自己只是一名普通的医务工作者。ordinary普通的;active积极的;excellent优秀的;important重要的。由句首的Despite可知后半句与前半句形成对比,故李兰娟把自己当作一名普通的医务工作者,故选A。17句意:2019年12月底,新型冠状病毒肺炎爆发,李兰娟于2020年1月18日加入专家组并前往武汉抗击疾病。set out出发;come out出现;broke out爆发;worked out计算出。根据时间节点“in late Dec

24、ember, 2019”可知是新冠病毒爆发的时间,故选C。18句意:团队一发现这种新病毒能在人和人之间传播,李兰娟就勇敢的建议武汉应该及时封锁。talked谈话;spread传播;checked检查;spoke发言。根据“ from person to person”可知是说新冠病毒人人传播,故选B。19句意:团队一发现这种新病毒能在人和人之间传播,李兰娟就勇敢的建议武汉应该及时封锁。at times有时;on time准时;in time及时;all time全部时间。根据“Wuhan should be locked down”可知应该是及时封锁,故选C。20句意:在那时,专家们仍然对新冠

25、病毒的传播知道的很少。much很多;more更多;many很多;little很少。根据“still”并结合当时为疫情初期可推测是知道的很少,故选D。21句意:李兰娟关心的不过是这个城市和整个国家的数百万人。anything任何事;something一些事;nothing没有什么;everything每件事物。“nothing more than“仅仅,只不过是”,此处指李兰娟只关心这个城市和整个国家的数百万人,故选C。22句意:她再次向中央政府提交了她的建议。money金钱;advice建议;gifts礼物;answers回答。根据“It was accepted the next day”可

26、知此处是提交建议,故选B。23句意:2月1日,来自杭州树兰医院的李兰娟的医疗队准备好了支援武汉,直接前往武汉大学人民医院开始工作。off离开;for为了;in在里面;from来自。根据“Shulan Hospital in Hangzhou”可知是来自杭州树兰医院,故选D。24句意:2月1日,来自杭州树兰医院的李兰娟的医疗队准备好了支援武汉,直接前往武汉大学人民医院开始工作。heading朝前进;getting得到;agreeing同意;calling打电话。head for“前往”,此处指前往武汉大学人民医院开始工作,故选A。25句意:我们希望病人能得到及时的治疗treated治疗;expl

27、ained解释;avoided避免;turned转向。根据主语及助动词“sick patients can be ”可知是病人能得到治疗,故选A。26句意:但是艰难的工作使得她几乎没有时间睡觉。waste浪费;sleep睡觉;smile微笑;exercise锻炼。根据“When a picture of her exhausted (筋疲力竭)face was posted on the Internet”可知她几乎没有时间睡觉导致筋疲力竭,故选B。27句意:当一张她筋疲力竭的面容的照片被发布在网上时,很多网友落泪了,表达了对她健康的关心。teared流泪;jumped跳;changed改变;

28、doubted质疑。根据“ expressing concerns about her health”可知是网友感动到流泪,故选A。28句意:李兰娟是一个致力于公共卫生事业的真正的英雄。actress女演员;hero英雄;inventor发明家;patient画家。根据“who has devoted herself to public health”可知她是一个真正的英雄,故选B。29但是李兰娟笑着说:“我身体很好,继续和时间赛跑,”根据中国新闻报道。As作为;So所以;And并且;But但是。根据“I am in good health, and continued to race aga

29、inst time,”可知此处与上文网友的关心形成对比,表转折,故选D。30句意:任何一项出色的工作都必须由一个全身心投入的人来完成。written down写下;looked down轻视;carried out执行;taken away拿走。根据“Any job well done must have been”可知是工作被完成,故选C。(三)We went to an animal shelter to adopt(收养) puppy, but in reality, it was the puppy who adopted us. _31_ we looked into the cag

30、e, small, three-month-old-beagle(小猎兔狗) puppy began wagging(摇摆) her tail. She _32_ to say, “Oh, youre the family Ive been looking for!” And for the next fifteen years, Puddin (we named her Puddin because she was as _33_ as a pudding dessert) became part of our _34_.Pet ownership has always been _35_ in Western countries. Now, China is also discovering its love for cats and dogs. It now ranks No. 3 in the _36_ for pet ownership. The pet industry(产业), which sells food and toys as well as grooming(刷洗梳毛)


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