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1、2012年湖南高考英语试题及答案Part Listening Comprehension(30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks) Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and th

2、en choose the best answer for each question. You will hear each conversation TWICE.Example:When will the magazine probably arrive?A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. FridayThe answer is B.Conversation 11. When does the woman finish work? A. At 6:00 B.At 7:00 C.At 8:002. What is the man going to do tonight?A

3、. See his parents B. Watch a new movie C. Go for an appointmentConversation 23. Where does the man play tennis?A. At the university B. At the club C. At the community center4. How often does the woman swim?A. Once a week B. Three times a week C. Five times a weekConversation 35. What is the man doin

4、g?A. Getting dressed B. Having an interview C. Celebrating a birthday6. What is the probable relationship between the two speaker?A. Parent and child B. Husband and wife C. Customer and saleswomanConversation 47. Why did the man come back late?A. He went to the bar. B. He met his teacher. C. He play

5、ed basketball.8. What did the woman do this morning?A. She took a physics test. B. She had a meeting C. She held a party9. What will the woman probably do after the conversation?A. See her friends B. Go to the school C. Prepare dinnerConversation 510. Where did the woman grow up?A. In Switzerland. B

6、.In the UK. C. In France.11. Which of the following does the woman like best about Weybridge?A. Its scenery B. Its people C.Its facilities12. What does the man do?A.A teacher B.A host C.A tour guideConversation 613. Why is the woman upset?A. The man didnt apologize B. The man didnt turn up. C. The m

7、an didnt call.14. Who is the man speaking to?A. A waitress. B.A professor C.A doctor15. When will the two speakers see each other?A. On Tuesday B. On Thursday C. On FridaySection B(7.5 marks) Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. listen carefully and then fill in the numbered b

8、lanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. You will hear the short passage TWICESchool LibraryLocationsAnd resources1stfloor: 80,000 books2nd floor: 16 _ kinds of newspapers and magazinesRulesBooks for lending can be kept for a 17 _by full-time stude

9、nts. 18 _ books, newspapers and magazines can never be taken out.Opening timeAll day longAll year round except Christmas Day and 19 _ AccessBy 20 _参考答案:1-5 ACCBA 6-10. BABCA 11-15 CBCBA 16. 90 17. month18. Reference 19. New Years Day 20. ID cardPart Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)D

10、irections: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four chokes marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Example: -The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.A. covering B. covered C. cover D, to coverThe answer is A.21. Weve had a go

11、od start, but next, more work needs _to achieve the final success.A. being done B. do C. to be done D. to do【答案】C 【解析】句意:更多的工作需要去做以取得最后的成功. need做实意动词后接动词作宾语有两种结构: need doing意为 “主语需要被做”可以用 need to be done转换; need to do 主语需要(自己)去做; 22. Dont worry. The hard work that you do now _later in life.A. will b

12、e repaid B. was being repaid C. has been repaid D. was repaid【答案】A 【解析】句意:你现在所做的努力在以后的生活中会有回报的. 显然是将来时态且为被动.23. Time, _ correctly, is money in the bank.A. to use B. used C. using D. use【答案】B【解析】句意:使用得当,时间就是银行里的钱. 要填的是非谓语形式,而且use和主语time的关系是动宾关系,所以要用过去分词表被动意义,相当一个条件状语从句:if it (time) is used correctly.

13、24. Bicycling is good exercise; _, it does not pollute the air.A. nevertheless B. besides C. otherwise D. therefore【答案】B 【解析】题干前后表示的是叠加意义: 好的锻炼;不污染空气,所以用besides “除了(还)”; 答案A意为 “然而”;C “要不然”;D“所以”。25. Close the door of fear behind you, and you _ the door of faith open before you.A. sawB. have seenC. w

14、ill see D. are seeing【答案】C 【解析】句意:关上你身后的惧怕之门,你就会看到信心之门在你面前敞开着。这是祈使句+and+并列句。根据句意,并列句谓语应该用将来一般时态。26. Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesnt matter _you have lived there for a short or a long time.A. why B. howC. whetherD. when【答案】C 【解析】根据结构词or就很容易断定:whetheror。句意:你居住在那里是很短一段时间还是很长一段时间,都没有

15、关系。27. The moment _soon, he thought to himself, waiting nervously.A. came B. has tome C. was coming D. is coming【答案】D 【解析】根据soon “很快”很容易断定是将来时,这里是直接引语,所以要用D(表示 “来、去、动身、启程”这类动词经常用进行时表将来)。句意:“这一时刻很快就要到了”。28. _I always felt I would pass the exam, I never thought I would get an A.A. While B. Once C. If

16、D. Until【答案】A 【解析】句意:尽管我老觉得我会通过考试,然而,我从来不曾想过会得“A等”。根据上下文可以看出,题干需要一个引导让步状语从句的连词。while在这里等于though。29. Sorry, I am too busy now. If I _ time, I would certainly go for an outing with you.A. have had B. had had C. have D. had【答案】D 【解析】根据上下文可知,这是对现在情况的虚拟,if 从句用过去式,主句用would+原形。30. It was not until I came h

17、ere _I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.A. who B. that C. where D. before 【答案】B 【解析】句意:直到我来到这儿才意识到,这个地方不仅以它的美而且以它的天气出名。这里是强势结构It is+被强调部分+that;本题强调的是时间状语。注意中文 “直到才”用until表达常有以下三种形式:notuntil; Not until (否定的状语谓语句首,后面的主句谓语用一般疑问句结构倒装);It is not untilthat(强势结构)。

18、所以,本题也可以如下说:I did not realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather until I came here(正常结构);Not until I came here did I realize this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather(倒装结构)。31. The lecture, _at 7:00 pm laze night, was followed by an observati

19、on of the moon with telescopes.A. starting B. being started C. to start D. to be started【答案】A 【解析】句意:报告于昨晚七点开始,报告之后便是用望远镜观察月球。start在此用作不及物动词(就像Classes start at 8 “8点开始上课”一样),瞬间动词的现在分词作定语表完成意义或将来意义:We shall arrive too late to catch the train leaving (=which will leave) at eight.我们会到达太晚了而赶不上8点(离开)的火车。

20、A tile falling(=which fell)from a roof shattered into fragments at his feet.一片从屋顶上掉下来的瓦在他的脚边摔得粉碎。The accident happening to her turned out to be a good thing.她发生的意外证明结果是件好事。现在分词的被动式(答案B)做定语只能表示正在进行的动作或和谓语动词同时进行的行为.不定式作定语表将来或含情态意义或被修饰部分有最高级序数词onlynextlast或是somethinganything等不定代词等.There must be many pe

21、ople coming to the party last night.32. hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.A. However B. Whatever C. Whichever D. Whenever【答案】A 【解析】句意:不减少进食,无论你怎么努力,要减肥是困难的。其他几个选项语义不通。however “无论怎么”在此引导让步状语从句=no matter how。33. -I remember you were a talented pianist

22、 at college. Can you play the piano for me?- Sorry, I the piano for years.A. dont play B. wasnt playing C. havent played D. hadnt played【答案】C 【解析】句意:抱歉,我好多年都没有弹钢琴了。现在完成时在此表示从好多年前算起到说话的时候为止的(否定)状态的持续。34. Care of the soul is a gradual process _even the small details of life should be considered.A. wha

23、t B. in what C. which D. in which【答案】D 【解析】句意:心灵的护理是一个逐渐的过程,在这个过程中,甚至生活中那些微小的细节都应该加以考虑。in which引导非限制性定语从句,which代前面的process。35. All the scientific evidence that increasing use of chemicals in farming damaging our health.A. show; are B. shows; are C. show; is D. shows; is【答案】D 【解析】句意:所有的科学证据表明:农业方面越来越

24、多的使用化学物质正在损害着我们的健康。主语是evidence “证据(不可数名词)”,所以谓语动词应用单数式shows,宾语从句的主语是use “使用(不可数名词)”,所以要用is。Part Section B (18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A. B. C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Whats it

25、 like to have a gap between your teeth? a girl asked me one day.Nobody had ever _. 36 _ before. My hand unconsciously rose to cover my mouth. But, as she looked at me, sincerely waiting for_ 37_, 1 realized she was not trying to be rude. I never think about it, I truthfully replied. She nodded and t

26、urned away. I was left wondering if people _38_ me and saw only gappy teeth.Later that day at home, I began to _39 _ my teeth again. I felt upset. I thought my life would be somehow better if my teeth were not gappy. How I wanted the perfect teeth that everyone else seemed to have!Of course, Mom 40

27、everything. She has lived her entire life with gappy teeth, and tried to convince me that there was nothing to _41_. When I refused to listen, she told me I could get the surgery to close the gap if it was that important. Lets be 42_, though, she said. If everyone got surgeries to become pretty, eve

28、ryone would be exactly the same. There is beauty in differences.Her _43_ made me consider my teeth seriously. The thought of losing my gap was more terrible than the reality that people were going to notice it. I realized how important it was to me. It is part of my 44 _.Nowadays many people do ridi

29、culous things to realize their dream of perfection. The_45_ is that no one is perfect. When all potential for ugliness is removed, so is all of thepotential for 46_.So if that girl ever asked about my teeth 47_, I would truthfully answer. You know? Its really cute.36. A. facedB. guessed C. askedD. i

30、magined37. A. an offerB. an answerC. a suggestionD. a result38. A heard ofB. thought ofC. talked aboutD. looked at39. A. considerB. brushC. coverD. appreciate40. A. admittedB. noticedC. controlledD. changed41. A. worry aboutB. put offC. give upD. wipe out42. A. friendlyB. lovelyC. honestD. helpful43

31、. A. wordsB. jokesC. dreamsD. acts44. A. abilityB. decisionC. goalD. identity45. A. possibilityB. purposeC. truthD. choice46. A. courageB. wisdomC. kindnessD. beauty47. A. onceB. againC. tooD. instead36. C. 以前没人问及过上述问题.37. B. 等着我的回答38. D. 是不是人们看我的时候就看到我的缺牙呢.39. A. 回到家再次考虑我的缺牙问题. 答案B意为 “刷”, C “覆盖”, D

32、 “感激,欣赏”.40. B. 母亲自然注意到所发生的一切. 答案A意为 “承认”; C “控制”; D “改变”.41. A. 没有什么可担心. 答案B意为 “推迟”; C “放弃”. D “消灭”.42. C. 不过我们还是诚实点吧 (言下之意就是不要做手术来掩盖真实面目以到达所谓的完美).43. A. 母亲的话让我认真地考虑起我的牙齿来.44. D. 这是我特征的一部分. 答案A “能力”; B “决定”; C “目标”.45. C. 事实上没有人是完美的. 答案A “可能性”. B “目的”; D “选择”.46. D. 所有丑陋的东西都去掉的时候,所有美好的东西也随之东流. 答案A意

33、为 “勇气”; B “明智”; C “善良帮助”。47. B. 所以,如果哪位女孩再问我牙齿的事情,Section C(12 marks)Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Keeping in touch with our friends is an important part of friendship. This does not mean that _48_ have to write or call o

34、ur friends every day. It does mean, however, that we _49_ care enough about our friends to find out how they are doing from time to time.People have different habits about keeping in touch with others. Some like to call their friends, sometimes many times _50_ day. Others prefer to e-mail their frie

35、nds. Still _51_ prefer writing letters so that they can include photos or interesting articles _52_ the envelopes along with their letters. Some even write postcards while they are on vacation _53_ send them to friends.Every kind of communication is important. It is _54_ important what kind of call

36、wemake or letter we send. _55_ is important is that we let others know we care about them.48. we。对应于our 49. should。我们对朋友应该表示足够的关怀。50. a. 有时候一天打电话多次。注意:everyeachper day是 “每一天”,不合语境。51. others。还有一些.52. in.信封内可以附带寄些照片等。53. and。连接两个谓语动词:write postcards and send them to friends.54. not.55. What.引导主语从句,wh

37、at在主语从句中做主语。承上句:打何种电话,寄何种信件不重要,重要的是我们要让对方知道我们在乎他们。Part Reading Comprehension (30 marks)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished .statements For each of them there are four chokes marked A. B. C and D. Choose the one that fits best acc

38、ording to the information given in the passage. A.What makes a gift special? Is it the price you see on the gift receipt? Or is it the look on the recipients face when they receive it that determines the true value? What gift is worth the most?This Christmas I was debating what to give my father. My

39、 dad is a hard person to buy for because he never wants anything. I pulled out my phone to read a text message from my mom saying that we were leaving for Christmas shopping for him when I came across a message on my phone that I had locked. The message was from my father. My eyes fell on a photo of

40、 a flower taken in Wyoming. and underneath a poem by William Blake. The flower, a lone dandelion standing against the bright blue sky, inspired me. My dad had been reciting those words to me since I was a kid. That may even be the reason why I love writing. I decided that those words would be my gif

41、t to my father.I called back. I told my mom to go without me and that I already created my gift. I sent the photo of the cream-colored flower to my computer and typed the poem on top of it. As I was arranging the details another poem came to mind. The poem was written by Edgar Allan Poe; my dad reci

42、ted it as much as he did the other. I typed that out as well and searched online for a background to the words of it. The poem was focused around dreaming, and after searching I found the perfect picture. The image was painted with blues and greens and purples, twisting together to create the theme

43、and wonder of a dream. As I watched both poems passing through the printer, the white paper coloring with words that shaped my childhood. I felt that this was a gift that my father would truly appreciate.Christmas soon arrived. The minute I saw the look on my dads face as he unwrapped those swirling

44、 black letters carefully placed in a cheap frame, I knew I had given the perfect gift.56. The idea for a special gift began to form when the author was_.A. doing shoppingB. having a debateC. reading a messageD. leaving for Wyoming57. The authors inspiration for the gift came from_.A. a photo of a fl

45、owerB. a story about a kidC. a call from the motherD. a text about Christmas58. The underlined word it in Paragraph 3 refers to a poem by_.A. the father B. the authorC. William BlakeD. Edgar Allan Poe59. The author made the gift by_.A. searching for the poems onlineB. drawing the background by handC. painting the letters in three color


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