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六年级上册英语期末专项训练(二)句子 译林版(word版含答案).docx

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1、添加微信:car4900,免费领小学资料期末复习专题(二)句子一、 单项选择。( )1.Liu Tao and Wang Bing fishing and some apples in the park yesterday.来源:Zxxk.ComA.went; pick B.go; pick C.went; picked D.go; picked( )2.There some bread and a cup of coffee on the table just now.A.was B.were C.are D.is( )3.Mikes looks at the blackboard. Don

2、t look the window.A.for B.out C.in D.out of( )4.What these signs ? They “No smoking” and “No parking”.A.do; mean; mean B.does; means; means C.does; mean; means D.do; means; means( )5. is bad for our health. So we shouldnt .A.Smoking; smoking B.Smoking; smoke C.Smoke; smoking D.Smoke; smoking( )6.Too

3、 plastic is bad for the Earth. Please dont use too plastic bags or bottles.A.many; much B.many; many C.much; many D.much; much( )7.Leos family Hong Kong tomorrow morning.A.is going to B.are going to C.go D.goes( )8.Lily and Lucy are talking about their plans Christmas Day.A.for B.with C.in D.at( )9.

4、What the street dirty and messy? Rubbish .A.makes; does B.make; do C.makes; do D.make; does( )10.My mother likes , but my father .A.cooking; dont B.cooking; doesnt C.cook; doesnt D.cook; dont( )11.My grandpa letters his friends twenty years ago.A.write; for B.wrote; to C.writes; for D.writes; to( )1

5、2.We shouldnt drive and use plastic bags.A.too much; too much B.too many; too manyC.too much; too many D.too many; too much( )13.What can we do our classroom clean?We can clean the windows.A.make B.making C.makes D.to make( )14.The sign you cant litter here.A.means B.mean C.meaning D.to mean( )15.Li

6、sten! Someone in the classroom.来源:Zxxk.ComA.is singing B.sing C.sings D.sang( )16.My father a big fish in the river yesterday.A.catch B.catches C.caught D.catching( )17.You cant take any food the bookshop.A.about B.into C.for D.at( )18.Wood from trees.A.comes B.come C.came D.coming( )19.People use p

7、lastic bags and bottles.A.to make B.makes C.making D.made( )20.My grandma some tangyuan for us just now.A.make B.made C.makes D.making( )21.We shouldnt cut down trees because trees help the air clean.A.too many; keep B.too much; keep C.too many; keeping D.too much; keeping( )22.There is not coal or

8、oil on Earth.A.much B.many C.a D.an( )23.Lets a poster together.A.makes B.made C.make D.making( )24. interesting film!A.What an B.How an C.What D.How( )25.My mother and I buy some new clothes and food tomorrow.A.is going to B.are going to C.was D.were( )26.Bobby a banana skin on the floor.A.throw B.

9、throws C.throwing D.litter( )27.My brother use a knife the orange.A.cutting B.to cut C.cuts D.to cutting( )28.It was nice your email.A.getting B.got C.to get D.gets( )29.Leo likes football, but Mike likes basketball.A.playing; playing B.play; playing C.playing; play D.play; play( )30.We cant in the

10、sun. Its bad our eyes.A.read; in B.read; for C.reading; for D.reading; at二、 按要求改写句子。1.Helen gave me an interesting book yesterday.(同义句转换)Helen an interesting book me yesterday.2.The sign means we cant litter here.(对画线部分提问) the sign ?3.My father bought me a watch last week.(同义句转换)My father a watch me

11、 last week.4.Ben flew kites in the park yesterday afternoon.(改为一般疑问句) Ben kites in the park yesterday afternoon?5.Mike caught a big fish yesterday.(改为否定句)Mike a big fish yesterday.6.She is going to the shop to buy some food.(同义句转换)She to the shop to buy some food.7.Leo went to the Summer Palace for

12、his holiday.(对画线部分提问) Leo for his holiday?8.There is some bread and apples on the table.(改为否定句)There bread apples on the table.9.We should protect the environment.(改为否定句)We the environment.10.My brother could read and draw three years ago.(改为否定句)My brother read draw three years ago.11.Lily had a goo

13、d time last night.(同义句转换)Lily last night.12.It is a nice picture.(改为感叹句) nice picture!13.Waste energy.(改为否定句) energy.14.We picked some oranges last weekend.(对画线部分提问)来源:学科网 you do last weekend?15.Rubbish makes the streets dirty.(对画线部分提问) the streets dirty?16.Liu Tao walks to school every day.(同义句转换)L

14、iu Tao to school every day.17.Its time for dinner.(同义转换)Its time dinner.18.We can reuse water to save water.(对画线部分提问) you save water?19.Whats the weather like today.(同义句转换) the weather today.20.They did their homework at home last night.(改为一般疑问句) they their homework at home last night?三、 根据中文提示完成句子。

15、1.上周我们在湖边捉到了一条大鱼。We near the lake last weekend.2.开始它很精彩,但接着下起了大鱼。来源:学科网ZXXKIt was wonderful , but then there was .3.昨天我给我的笔友写了一封信。来源:Zxxk.ComI a letter my pen friend.4.我们经常从那家购物中心买东西。We often things that shopping center.5.它们什么意思?它们德意思是我们不能再这儿饮食。 do they ? They mean we cant here.6.苏海喜欢住在城里。Su Hai in

16、the city.7.我明天打算和朋友看电影。I a film with my friend tomorrow.8.我的妈妈在儿童节给我买了许多玩具。My mother lots of toys me on Childrens Day.9.你们在国庆节玩得很开心吗?Did you on National Day?10.把香蕉皮捡起来。 the banana skins.11.蔬菜有助于你保持健康。Vegetables you healthy.12.我们不应该开这么多车。We shouldnt drive .13.太多的垃圾使得我们的教室变得又脏又乱。 rubbish our classroom

17、 messy and dirty.14.太多的塑料对地球有害。Too much plastic is the Earth.15.所有的学生应该知道如何保护地球。All of students should know the Earth.16.昨天我用纸做了一张海报。I paper a poster yesterday.17.你大年初一打算做什么? are you going to do Chinese Day?18.我们打算下周观看烟火。We are next week.19.我们不应该砍太多的树。We shouldnt trees.20.我可以用手机给人们打电话。I can the mobi

18、le phone call people.答案一、1-5CADAB 6-10CBAAB 11-15BCDAA 16-20CBAAB 21-25AACAB 26-30BBCAB二、1.gave; to 2.What does; mean 3.bought; for 4.Did; fly 5.didnt catch 6.will go 7.Where did; go 8.isnt any; or 9.shouldnt protect 10.couldnt; or 11.had fun 12.What a 13.Dont waste 14.What did 15.What makes 16.goes

19、; on foot 17.to have 18.What can; do to 19.How is 20.Did; do三、1.caught a big fish 2.at first; heavy rain 3.wrote; to 4.buy; from 5.What; mean; eat or drink 6.likes living 7.am going to watch 8.bought; for 9.have a good time 10.Pick up 11.help; keep 12.so much 13.Too much; makes 14.bad for 15.how to protect 16.used; to make 17.What; on; New Years 18.going to watch fireworks 19.cut down too many 20.use; to 添加微信:car4900,免费领小学资料


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