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1、补全句子(五)动词短语【备考策略】(1) 动词短语要考虑时态和语态。(2) 动词短语要考虑非谓语动词。(3) 考虑祈使句。(4) 情态动词后接动词原形。1.为了安全,在驾驶时司机必须避免吸烟。For safety, drivers must while .2.她已经两周没有收到她儿子的来信了。She hasnt her son for two weeks.3.众所周知,打破规则的人应该受到惩罚。As is known to all, anyone the rules should be punished.4.中国的父母尽所能给他们的孩子提供一个好环境。 Chinese parents try

2、their best a good environment their children.5.习主席在2023年1月给在科学和技术方面做出巨大贡献的刘永坦和钱七虎颁发最高科学奖。President Xi Jinping the Top Science Award Liu Yongtan and Qian Qihu for their great contributions to science and technology in January, 2023.6.你最好不要熬夜,这样才能保持健康。Youd better late, so you can keep healthy. 7. 我们不应

3、该嘲笑那些失败的人。Were not supposed those who fail.8. 暑假即将到来,他们在数着日子。Summer holiday is coming and they are the days.9.因为累,他们很快就睡着了。 They soon because of tire.10. 鄂尔多斯近几年发生了很大的变化。Great changes have in Ordos in recent years.11.我相信我将成功通过英语考试。 I believe I will the English exam. 12. 珍妮一回家就开始浏览报纸。Jenny started th

4、e newspapers as soon as she came back home. 13. 我能毫不费力地提起这个箱子。 I can this box easily.14. 在作出决定之前务必要考虑周全。 to think twice before making a decision.15.你应该扔掉这个坏玻璃杯。You should the broken glass. 16.在过去,比起坐车人们更愿意骑车上班。People to work rather than a bus.17.他养成了记日记的习惯。He got into the habit of .18.确保你们能保管好从图书馆借的

5、书。Make sure you can the books borrowed from the library.19.哪吒之魔童降世已经迅速赢得了人们的心。Ne Zha has people rapidly.20.我下午有会,请在两点叫醒我。I will have a meeting this afternoon. Please at 2:00 pm.21.由于一场大雨,学校运动会将被推迟。The school sports meeting will because of the heavy rain.22.我们国家正在采取措施来减少空气污染。Our country is taking act

6、ion air pollution.23.一年有4季,并被分为12个月。A year has four seasons and it twelve months.24. 202023,一座动物园在鄂尔多斯被建立。A zoo in Ordos in 2009.25.我们总是被鼓励多读书。We always more books.26. 因为大雾,去北京的航班被取消了。The flight to Beijing because of the heavy smog.27.当你刷牙时请把水关掉。Please the water when you brush your teeth.28.这些照片将被公布

7、在学校网站上。The photos will on the school website.29.儿童节孩子们在迪士尼乐园玩得很开心。The children in Disneyland on Childrens Day.30.中国在过去的四十年取得了巨大进步。China in the past forty years.【2023学年参考答案】1.avoid smoking; driving2.heard from3.who breaks4.to provide; for5.presented; to6.not stay up7.to laugh at8.counting down9.fell

8、asleep10.taken place11.succeed in passing12.looking through13.lift up14.Be sure15.throw away16.preferred to ride; take17.keeping a diary18.take good care of19.won the hearts of20.wake me up21.be put off22.to cut down23.is divided into24.was set up25.are; encouraged to read26.was called off27.turn off28.be put up29.had fun playing30.has made great progress4


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