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1、MARKET VIEW MARKET ECONOMICS|G10 INTEREST RATES KEY MESSAGES On Wednesday the Chancellor unveils a new set of economic forecasts from the OBR,which could be rendered redundant by the series of Brexit votes taking place in Parliament.As a result,we expect Mr Hammond to keep his pledge of making this

2、a simple update rather than a full-blown fiscal event.Should MPs ultimately vote for the Withdrawal Agreement though,he could tentatively hint at giveaways to come.With little in the way of tax and policy changes to convey therefore,the focus is likely to be on economic projections,which we expect t

3、o be downgraded.FLASH|UK 11 March 2019 Brexit votes to dominate.This years Spring Statement will be released in the aftermath of what we anticipate will be another defeat for the Governments Brexit deal(see Brexit The Extendables).As a result,the validity of the forecasts may be put in question give

4、n that the Office for Budget Responsibility(OBR)is likely to continue to base them on a“relatively smooth exit from the EU”.Lower growth.Even on the basis of an orderly exit,we expect the OBR to revise lower its 2019 GDP forecast from 1.6%to around 1.2%,given that uncertainty has dragged on longer t

5、han anticipated.It is unlikely to make sweeping changes to the forecasts further out,however,as its longer-term assumptions will probably remain unchanged.Lower borrowing.Better-than-expected outturns for the public finances and lower expected debt interest spending should mean that the OBR lowers i

6、ts borrowing forecasts,though it may only assume part of Januarys surprisingly-strong surplus is sustained.Employment surveys suggest the news could get worse in the near term on income tax receipts.Note too that the likely reduction in debt interest spending is unlikely to be sustained if a deal is

7、 reached we would expect gilt yields and short-term rates to rise.As a result,the Chancellor will be wary of spending any windfall until the Brexit outcome is known,thereby saving any further giveaways for the Autumn Statement and Spending Review.So overall,we expect the Spring Statement to be a fai

8、rly benign affair,with attention to remain on Brexit.Paul Hollingsworth,UK Economist|Parisha Saimbi,G10 FX and Sterling Rates Strategist|BNP Paribas London Branch Please refer to important information at the end of this report UK Spring Statement 2019 preview 1 Fig.1:PMI employment and tax receipts

9、Sources:Markit,BNP Paribas The changes to net borrowing and consequently the central governments net cash requirement in FY19/20 are likely to be insignificant,in our view.However,gross financing needs are already set to rise,with GBP32.4bn more redemptions than in FY18/19.We expect this will be ful

10、ly financed by the gilt programme.Other tweaks to the UK Debt Management Offices(DMO)remit may include:(i)an increase in the average auction size;(ii)an increase in the percentage proportion of shorts and mediums;and(iii)a continued gradual decline in the percentage proportion of ILBs issued.We do n

11、ot expect these changes to impact markets significantly though,as they have been flagged in previous minutes of the UK DMOs consultations with investors and GEMMS and hence are a product of shifting demand needs.Also,any changes in the remit split are likely to be gradual.With ongoing APF reinvestme

12、nts,the seasonal pick-up in LDI hedging activity in Q1 and any lingering Brexit uncertainty if Article 50 is extended,gilt yields may stay grounded near term.We would look to consider short ASW positions from mid-April,however,when these effects may begin to dissipate.Legal Notice This document has

13、been written by our Strategist and Economist teams within the BNP Paribas group of companies(collectively“BNPP”);it does not purport to be an exhaustive analysis,and may be subject to conflicts of interest resulting from their interaction with sales and trading which could affect the objectivity of

14、this report.This document is non-independent research for the purpose of the UK Financial Conduct Authority rules.For the purposes of the recast Markets in Financial Instruments Directive(2014/65/EU)(MiFID II),non-independent research constitutes a marketing communication.This document is not invest

15、ment research for the purposes of MiFID II.It has not been prepared in accordance with legal requirements designed to provide the independence of investment research,and is not subject to any prohibition on dealing ahead of the dissemination of investment research.The content in this document/commun

16、ication may also contain“Research”as defined under the MiFID II unbundling rules.If the document/communication contains Research,it is intended for those firms who are either in scope of the MiFID II unbundling rules and have signed up to one of the BNPP Global Markets Research packages,or firms tha

17、t are out of scope of the MiFID II unbundling rules and therefore not required to pay for Research under MiFID II.Please note that it is your firms responsibility to ensure that you do not view or use the Research content in this document if your firm has not signed up to one of the BNPP Global Mark

18、ets Research packages,except where your firm is out of scope of the MiFID II unbundling rules.STEER is a trade mark of BNPP.MARKETS 360 is a trade mark of BNP Paribas This document constitutes a marketing communication and has been prepared by BNPP for,and is directed at,(a)Professional Clients and

19、Eligible Counterparties as defined by the recast Markets in Financial Instruments Directive(2014/65/EU)(MiFID II),and(b)where relevant,persons who have professional experience in matters relating to investments falling within Article 19(5)of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000(Financial Prom

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28、erformance simulations are the result of estimates made by BNPP,as of a given moment,on the basis of parameters,market conditions,and historical data selected by BNPP,and should not be used as guidance,in any way,of future performance.To the fullest extent permitted by law,no BNPP group company acce

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