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1、2023届新高考高三核心模拟卷(中)英语(二)注意事项:1本卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。2选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。3非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题

2、中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What is the woman?A.A doctor.B.A nurse.C.A patient.2.What is the woman looking for?A.Some furniture.B.A roommate.C.An apartment.3.What did the woman think of the lecture?A.Interesting.B.Boring.C.Confusing.4.What will the speakers do?A.

3、Buy gas.B.Repair their car.C.Have a break.5.What does the man like?A.The game.B.The advertisement.C.The pizza.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What are the speakers celebrating?A.Mari

4、as birthday.B.Marias promotion.C.Marias retirement.7.Where will the party be held?A.In an office.B.In a garden.C.In a conference room.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.What do we know about John?A.He is fired by the company.B.He has to work on weekends.C.He is in need of extra money.9. What is the most probable rela

5、tionship between the speakers?A.Neighbors.B.Colleagues.C.A couple.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is the first step ofthe Pomodoro Technique?A. Thinking about all the stages of the task.B.Writing a clear to-do list on a piece of paper.C.Setting a time limit for each item on the list.11.Where is the woman

6、most probably?A. In a studio.B.In a factory.C.At a press conference.12. What are the speakers talking about?A.A writing method.B.An amazing tomato.C.A system to manage time.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.For whom is the woman renting a car?A.Her family.B.Her husband.C.Herself.14.How much should the woman pay?A

7、.$44.B.$132.C.$176.15.When will the woman pick up the car?A.On March 20.B.On March 21.C.On March 25.16.Where will the woman drop off the car?A.By her house.B.At her destination.C.At the renting company.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.How long did the speaker stay in the hotel?A.For 1 day.B.For 3 days.C.For 4 d

8、ays.18.What does the speaker complain about the hotel?A.The price is too high.B.The service is too bad.C.The swimming pool is dirty.19.What had the hotel promised to the speaker?A. A smoking room.B.Quiet surroundings.C.Russian-speaking staff.20.What does the speaker threaten to do?A.Tell the press.B

9、.Bring the matters to court.C.Write a bad review.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWeekend Events for KidsFantasy WorkshopTime:Each Saturday 11:30 am12:30 pmAge:9+“My dog ate my homework!” “Monkeys stole my schoolbag!” Have you ever made up such excuses to

10、get out of the homework you just didnt want to do? This morning, such excuses will become twice as useful as poet Liz Niven shows you how to turn your fantasies into brilliant poetry!Bookworm ClubTime: Each Saturday 10:00 am11:15 amAge:14+Each Saturday, Marina Lewycka gives a special book talk for y

11、oung people on her best-selling novel Tractors and Caravans. Hear first-hand experiences of the writing life and get your chance to ask the questions youve always wanted on what its like to be an author.Behind LensesTime:Each Sunday 10:00 am11:15 amAge:5+Take breakfast with a rabbit, touch the horn

12、of a cow, and survive an angry lion in the wilds. . . They are just the start of great adventures with our wildlife photographer and childrens writer Jan Latta! Come along to hear stories of Jans amazing experiences of photographing animals in the wild!Little GutenbergsTime:Each Sunday 11:30 am12:30

13、 pmAge:5+Learn how to construct a book from start to finish using all the tools of the trade with our printing technician Andrea Nichelson, as well as details on how to include secret pages in your books.Fun and totally hands-on, this workshop gives you the chance to learn something totally differen

14、t.For more activities, please visit our website. There are more than enough kid-centered events to fill your weekends,with fun!21.Which event is suitable for poem lovers?A.Behind Lenses.C.Bookworm Club.B.Little Gutenbergs.D.Fantasy Workshop.22.Who is the author of Tractors and Caravans?A.Liz Niven.C

15、.Marina Lewycka.B.Jan Latta.D.Andrea Nichelson.23.What is special about the last event?A. It stresses creativity.C.It focuses on reading.B.It is a hands-on program.D. It is a kid-centered activity.BQueen Elizabeth is known for her devotion to her country, her close relationships with her family and,

16、 most importantly, her corgis.Unfortunately, over the weekend she lost the last of her royal corgis, Willow. According to The Daily Mail, the 15-year-old dog had to be put to death after suffering a cancer-related illness. This marks the first time that the 91-year-old Queen is without a corgi in th

17、e royal household since World War II.In 2015,Monty Roberts, the Queens dog trainer, shared some details with Vanity Fair about her pets. Roberts encouraged Queen Elizabeth to continue breeding(繁殖)corgis, but, in her old age, she didnt want to leave any young dog behind. She did, however, adopt a ful

18、l-grown Corgi named Whisper in 2017, after its owner, who was a gatekeeper at the palace, died.It was also said that Queen Elizabeth was worried shed trip over the dogs playing at her feet. It was a pretty real fear. Former royal staff Paul Burrell claimed that he was once tripped by nine corgis whi

19、le walking them down the steps at the palace.Willow was a dog with equally blue blood, although she never found social media stardom. It was a 14th-generation child of Susan, the corgi who was gifted to Elizabeth on her 18th birthday by her father, King George VI.One of Willows most memorable moment

20、s was posing with James Bond at the 2012 London Olympics. Holly, Queens another corgi, also starred in the video, but she passed away more than a year ago, at the age of 13.This is truly the end of an era, as Queen Elizabeth has owned more than 30 corgis throughout her life. At one point, she had 13

21、 at once.“She was sad for each loss of her corgis over the years, but she has been particularly upset about Willows death,” a Buckingham Palace source told The Daily Mail. “It is probably because Willow was the last link to her parents and a pastime that goes back to her own childhood.”24.What happe

22、ned to Willow over the weekend according to The Daily Mail?A. It was killed in a car accident.C.It had an unsuccessful operation.B.It was put to death.D.It was found to have cancer.25.Why did Queen Elizabeth stop breeding corgis according to Monty Roberts?A.She was too weak to take care of the dogs.

23、B.She became tired of those crazy little dogs.C.She was afraid that shed trip over the dogs.D.She was worried about the dogs after her death.26.What do the underlined words “blue blood” in paragraph 5 probably mean?A.Noble ancestor.C.Cold heart.B.Bad mood.D.Terrible disease.27.What does Willow proba

24、bly mean for Queen Elizabeth?A.The end of an era.C.A tie with her parents.B.Her control over the country.D.The hardship in her childhood.CChina announced a long-awaited plan to integrate(融合)the southern Pearl River Delta Area (PRDA) as an attempt to create a powerhouse to rival(相匹敌)the US Silicon Va

25、lley that is home to such well-known companies as Google, Facebook and Apple. The possibilities and challenges of the effort are both equally promising and challenging.The plan is a natural result of the economic and technological development in the area. Chinas opening up to the world more than fou

26、r decades ago began in the south and PRDA has long been home to many of the countrys leading technological companies, including Huawei and Tencent.“The plan is promising,” said Adam Xu, an analyst at OC &. C Strategy Consultants. “If you really look at history in China, a lot of top-down plans alway

27、s have very strong bottom-up support. And a lot of economic activities have already happened there. Now they have a big plan to officially recognize, promote and further accelerate.”The key challenge will be execution(执行). The plan has to integrate three different legal systems among Mainland China,

28、 Hongkong and Macau. That makes PRDA unique compared to the other two major areas in China-the Beijing, Hebei, Tianjin Area and the Yangtze River Delta Area near Shanghai.“We dont know how effectively the top-down plan will guide the many independent growing forces at the local level,” Xu admitted.

29、“This part will be quite an important challenge. ”China has already taken major steps to overcome some of the physical barriers such as linking Hongkong with Guangzhou and Shenzhen by high-speed railways and its recent opening of the 55-kilometer Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge. But other barriers, suc

30、h as the flow of people, information and money, may prove to be a bigger challenge.Xu said, “The biggest challenge and the biggest beauty-if they eventually succeed-will be linking all of these together.”28.What are paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 mainly about?A. The favorable conditions in PRDA.B. The

31、benefits of top-down plans in China.C.PRDAs advantages over the Silicon Valley.D.The flow of people, information and money.29.Which challenge is unique in the Pearl River Delta Area?A.The physical barriers.C.The government control.B.The cultural differences.D.The different legal systems.30.Which of

32、the following cities are connected by the 55-kilometer bridge?A.Shenzhen,Zhuhai,Macau.C.Zhuhai,Macau,Hongkong.B.Guangzhou,Shenzhen,Macau.D.Guangzhou,Shenzhen,Hongkong.31.What is the best title for the text?A. The Different Legal Systems in Hongkong and MacauB.The Possibilities and Challenges of Inte

33、grating PRDAC.The Problems Facing Chinas Newly Announced PlansD.The Fast Development in the Pearl River Delta AreaDA new study published in Thursdays edition of Cell reports that mosquitoes sense of smell is more complex than we once thought. And it may explain how they are so good at seeking us out

34、 in the darkness and lead to new strategies to fight against the potentially deadly diseases caused by their bites.Until Meg Younger, co-author of the study, and her colleagues started studying mosquitoes, its long been known that mosquitoes rely on multiple clues to target humans. First, they will

35、sense the CO2 in the breath from a distance that can be more than 30 feet. After the CO2, then they begin to sense human body smells. They follow the odors(气味)and,when they get very close, start to detect body heat. Once they land on the skin, they look for a place to bite with their legs.In many pa

36、rts of the world, their bites may lead to such diseases as dengue, Zika, chikungunya and malaria. The latter disease alone causes over half a million deaths each year around the globe.“But most of what we know about mosquitoes sense of smell comes from the study of the brains of mice and fruit flies

37、, where the pathways between the brain and smell detectors are fairly simple: Each neuron(神经元)in their smell detectors just responds to a single kind of smell and all the neurons for that smell are connected to the same part of their brains. Of course, there are countless different detectors respond

38、ing to countless smells,” says Younger. “When we started looking inside mosquito brains, we found that each neuron can detect multiple smells.”“Its a great breakthrough,” says Josefina del Marmol, a scientist at the Harvard Medical School who wasnt involved with the research. “It will change a lot a

39、bout what we know of how mosquitoes interact with the world and give researchers additional ways to fight the bugs. But theres more work to be done to test, neuron by neuron, which neuron actually responds to which human body smells.”32.What can be learned about mosquitoes from paragraph 2?A. They l

40、ook for a place to bite with their eyes.B.They can only detect humans within 30 feet.C.They are first attracted by human body smells.D.They are more sensitive to the CO2 in the breath.33. Which disease causes more than 0.5 million deaths each year in the world?A.Malaria.B.Zika.C.Dengue.D.Chikungunya

41、.34.What is Meg Youngers new discovery?A.The pathways in the brains of mice are fairly simple.B. A neuron in mosquitoes detectors can detect many smells.C.All the neurons for a smell are connected to the same part of the brain.D.The neurons in fruit flies brains just respond to a single kind of smel

42、l.35.What does Josefina del Marmol say about the new study?A.The process is not very complete.B.The conclusion is not very reliable.C.More specific tests have to be done.D.The research method is too complex.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Tips to Learn Any Foreign

43、LanguageKnow your motivationIt might sound obvious. But if you dont have a good reason to learn a language, you are less likely to stay motivated in the long run. But wanting to impress Chinese-speakers with your English isnt the best reason.36.No matter what your motivation is, once youve decided o

44、n a language, its vital to commit.37The key to learning as quickly as a child may be simply to take on certain childlike attitudes: a desire to play in the language and a willingness to make mistakes. It means being ready to put yourself in potentially embarrassing situations.38 . But its the only w

45、ay to develop and improve your foreign language.Have fun with itThink of some fun ways to practise your new language: make a radio play with a friend, draw a comic picture, write a poem or simply practise by listening and copying songs.39_,chances are that you are going to give up eventually!We have

46、 one more language-learning tip before we go. Remember that the best possible outcome of speaking a language is communicating with others. Being able to have a simple conversation is a huge reward in itself. Reaching milestones like that early on will make it easier to stay motivated and keep practi

47、sing. And dont worry about your current speaking ability!40_,if you begin any interaction with “I have just started to learn this language and Id like to practise with you.”A.Act like a kidB.This can be scaryC.Leave your comfort zoneD. Trying to know English culture is a better oneE. If you cant fin

48、d a way to have fun with a new languageF.Most people will be patient, encouraging and happy to helpG. Youre learning a language to be able to use when you go abroad第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In Philippines, many parents have to go to foreign countries to make a living. Therefore, it is


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