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1、现代生物医学进展Progress in Modern Biomedicine Vol.23NO.1JAN.2023doi:10.13241/ki.pmb.2023.01.023产前超声孕妇血流动力学血流参数监测对中晚期胎儿宫内生长受限临床意义分析*高翔张晓明刘婧尹海军高娜王丽娜王长城(内蒙古自治区人民医院超声医学科 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010017)摘要 目的:通过监测产前彩色多普勒超声心动图子宫动脉、脐动脉和大脑中动脉的血流参数,进而分析其在中晚期宫内胎儿生长受限(FGR)的临床意义。方法:以我院 2020 年 1 月-2021 年 12 月就诊的中晚期孕妇为研究对象,其中 110 例为孕晚期

2、 FGR 孕妇,60 例为孕晚期健康孕妇,分别记录为 FGR 组(n=110)和对照组(n=60),用彩色多普勒超声监测两组孕晚期孕妇的多血管(子宫动脉、脐动脉和大脑中动脉)的 3 个血流参数,对比两组之间血流参数的差异性;并根据 Apgar 评分,比较不同 Apgar 评分下的血流参数差异,分析子宫动脉、脐动脉和大脑中动脉的 3 个血流参数与宫内 FGR 的相关性。结果:(1)FGR 组胎儿子宫动脉的 3个血流参数(RI、PI、S/D)均显著高于对照组(P0.05);(2)FGR 组胎儿脐动脉的 3 个血流参数(RI、PI、S/D)均显著高于对照组(P0.05);(3)FGR 组胎儿大脑中动

3、脉的 3 个血流参数(RI、PI、S/D)均显著低于对照组(P0.05);(4)Apgar7 分组子宫动脉的 3个血流参数(RI、PI、S/D)显著高于 Apgar7 分组,Apgar7 分组脐动脉的 3 个血流参数(RI、PI、S/D)显著高于 Apgar7 分组,Apgar7 分组大脑中动脉的 3 个血流参数(RI、PI、S/D)显著低于 Apgar7 分组。结论:彩色多普勒超声心动图子宫动脉、脐动脉、大脑中动脉 3 个血流参数(RI、PI、S/D)异常与 FGR 的发生密切相关,为临床筛查和诊断 FGR 提供有用帮助。关键词:中晚期宫内胎儿生长受限;彩色多普勒超声;子宫动脉;脐动脉;大脑

4、中动脉中图分类号:R714.5;R445.1文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-6273(2023)01-118-04Analysis of the Clinical Significance of Prenatal Ultrasound HemodynamicMonitoring of Blood Flow Parameters for Intrauterine Growth Restrictionin Middle and Late Fetuses*GAO Xiang,ZHANG Xiao-ming,LIU Jing,YIN Hai-jun,GAO Na,WANG Li-na,WANG Ch

5、ang-cheng(Department of Ultrasound Medicine,Inner Mongolia Peoples Hospital,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia,010017,China)ABSTRACT Objective:The blood flow parameters of uterine artery,umbilical artery and middle cerebral artery on prenatal colorDoppler echocardiography were monitored to analyze the clinical s

6、ignificance of the parameters in the middle and late intrauterine fetalgrowth restriction(FGR).Methods:The middle and late pregnant women who visited our hospital in January 2020-December 2021 wereselected as the research objects,of which 110 were pregnant women with FGR in the third trimester and 6

7、0 were healthy pregnant womenin the third trimester,and they were recorded as the FGR group(n=110)and the matched group(n=60),color Doppler ultrasound wasused to monitor the three blood flow parameters of the polyvascular(uterine artery,umbilical artery and middle cerebral artery)of preg-nant women

8、in the third trimester of the two groups,and the blood flow between the two groups was compared.The differences of flowparameters were compared;and according to the Apgar score,the differences of blood flow parameters under different Apgar scores werecompared,and the correlation between the three bl

9、ood flow parameters of uterine artery,umbilical artery and middle cerebral artery andintrauterine FGR was analyzed.Results:(1)The three blood flow parameters(RI,PI,S/D)of the fetal uterine artery in the FGR groupwere higher than those in the matched group(P0.05);(2)The three blood flow parameters of

10、 the fetal umbilical artery in the FGR group(RI,PI,S/D)were higher than those in the matched group(P0.05);(3)The three blood flow parameters(RI,PI,S/D)of the fetal middlecerebral artery in the FGR group were lower than those in the matched group(P7 group,and the three blood flow parameters of theumb

11、ilical artery in the Apgar7 group(RI,PI,S/D)were higher than those in the Apgar7 group,and the three blood flow parameters(RI,PI,S/D)of the middle cerebral artery in the Apgar7 group were lower than those in the Apgar7 group.Conclusion:ColorDoppler echocardiography abnormal blood flow parameters(RI,

12、PI,S/D)of uterine artery,umbilical artery and middle cerebral artery areclosely related to the occurrence of FGR,providing useful help for clinical screening and diagnosis of FGR.Key words:Middle and late intrauterine fetal growth restriction;Color Doppler ultrasound;Uterine artery;Umbilical artery;

13、Middlecerebral arteryChinese Library Classification(CLC):R714.5;R445.1Document code:AArticle ID:1673-6273(2023)01-118-04*基金项目:内蒙古自治区科技计划项目(2020GG0086)作者简介:高翔(1987-),女,本科,主治医师,研究方向:妇产超声,E-mail:(收稿日期:2022-04-08 接受日期:2022-04-30)118现代生物医学进展Progress in Modern Biomedicine Vol.23NO.1JAN.2023前言中晚期宫内胎儿生长受限(F

14、etal growth restriction,FGR)是因胎盘、母体等因素限制胎儿的生长发育,导致宫内胎儿生长发育不良,平均体质量较正常胎儿低 10%1,2。FGR 会导致胎儿生长发育滞后,FGR 胎儿的预估体重(Estimated fetal weight,EFW)明显比正常胎儿小3,还会伴有早产、窒息等并发症,引起胎儿器官和代谢等相关病变,对新生儿一生的智力发育和体能发育带来不良影响4。导致 FGR 发生的因素众多,主要因素为胎盘、母体和脐带异常5。胎儿期的生长发育是否良好直接关系到胎儿期的生长情况和围产期结局,也关系到其成年期的身体健康6。研究表明,胎儿与新生儿时期的营养将会深刻影响成

15、年期健康,若胎儿在宫内出现营养不足,将会直接导致出生时新生儿体重偏低,而出生时低体重儿的成长期将面临内分泌代谢紊乱甚至阻塞肺疾病的发生7,8。因此,对 FGR 的提前诊断和预防对个体成年期健康具有重要价值和意义。目前,公认的 FGR诊断方法为超声波测量法,且公认使用 EFW 标准来筛查FGR,国内提供了胎儿生长曲线图,为筛查 FGR 提供了重要依据9,10。对宫内胎儿进行测色多普勒超声筛查和诊断,有助于降低 FGR 的发生风险11,12。子宫动脉、脐动脉和大脑中动脉是参与胎儿外周血循环的重要血管13,14,用彩色多普勒超声检测这三大血管的血流参数对预测 FGR 的发生具有重要意义。1 资料与方

16、法1.1 一般资料以我院 2020 年 1 月-2021 年 12 月就诊的 176 例中晚期孕妇为研究对象,其中 110 例为中晚期(孕周:34.881.02 周,年龄:28.223.15 岁)FGR 孕妇,60 例为中晚期(孕周:35.051.23 周,年龄:28.234.11 岁)健康孕妇,分别记录为 FGR 组(n=110)和对照组(n=60)。对比两组中晚期孕妇的一般资料,无显著性差异(P0.05)。纳入标准:初产妇;妊娠前月经规律,末次月经明确;单胎;胎位为头位;彩色多普勒超声资料完整;符合 FGR 诊断标准15;患者知情并签署同意书。排除标准:双胎、多胎;胎位为臀位、横位;胎儿产前检查为:染色体异常、结构畸形;彩色多普勒超声图像不清晰1.2 方法选择彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,GE Voluson E10,美国 GE 公司;C1-5-D 凸阵探头,频率:3.55MHz1.2.1 子宫动脉血流参数检查产妇取仰卧位,将探头置于孕妇腹部下侧部位,寻找到子宫动脉,选择距离子宫动脉与髂外动脉交叉点 1 cm 的位置作为取样容积,对未发出分支的子宫动脉进行取样,且需要保证血流波采集线与子宫


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