1、Unit10If you go to the party,youll have a great time!,【导语】寒来暑往,秋收冬藏。抓住时机,辛勤劳作,才能有所收获。,The Ants and the GrasshopperThe ants were spending a fine winters day drying grain collected in the summer time.A hungry grasshopper passed by and begged them for a little food.The ants asked him,“Why didnt you col
2、lect food during the summer?”He answered,“I had no time.I passed the days in singing.”They then said laughing,“If you were foolish enough to sing all the summer,you must dance supperless to bed in the winter.”,【词海拾贝】grasshopper 蚱蜢beg 乞讨;乞求,【我的感悟】To seize the opportune moment to work,labor,can have ample food and clothing.If you play,to starve.要不失时机地工作、劳动,才能丰衣足食;如果一味玩乐,只能挨饿。,