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4、 in the UK by HH Global on behalf of the Controller of His Majestys Stationery Office.Powering Up Britain Energy Security Plan 1 Contents Introduction:A Plan for Britains Energy Security 2 1.Decisive Action for This Winter and Next 8 2.Enhancing Security of Gas Supply 14 3.Energy Efficiency and Clea

5、n Heat 21 4.A future of Cheap,Clean and British Energy 26 5.Markets and Affordability 60 6.Delivery Timelines 66 Powering Up Britain Energy Security Plan 2 Introduction:A Plan for Britains Energy Security This Plan sets out the steps the Government is taking to ensure the UK is more energy independe

6、nt,secure and resilient.Putins illegal invasion of Ukraine 12 months ago has put the need for energy security in stark perspective.Never again will we allow our energy security to be threatened.The Prime Minister has tasked the new Department for Energy Security and Net Zero with improving the UKs e

7、nergy security,creating greater energy independence consistent with net zero and reducing the risk of higher bills.Energy security necessarily entails the smooth transition to abundant,low-carbon energy.If we do not decarbonise,we will be less energy secure.We want our energy to be cheap,clean and B

8、ritish.We will build on our ambitions set out in the British Energy Security Strategy and the Net Zero Strategy for increasing the overall share of domestic energy production and reducing energy demand.We will move towards energy independence by aiming for a doubling of Britains electricity generati

9、on capacity by the late 2030s,and we remain absolutely committed to maximising the vital production of UK oil and gas as the North Sea basin declines.This is not the same as energy isolationism.Britain needs and benefits from importing energy,now and in the future.Our own energy production is also k

10、ey to our export strategy so that we can work with our friends and allies in securing a flexible and resilient market,even as we export these fuels to our neighbours.Where we need to import energy,we will ensure this is built on relationships with strong,trusted partners and diversified sources of s

11、upply.But we recognise that we cannot be complacent and will build in resilience to our system to ensure that if there are disruptions to imports,consumers still have a reliable supply of energy.This Plan is complemented by the Net Zero Growth Plan,with a focus on our long-term decarbonisation traje

12、ctory and how it can improve the UKs competitiveness,deliver an industrial renaissance and level up the whole of the UK.It should be read together with this Plan.Powering Up Britain Energy Security Plan 3 Energy security matters Cheap,clean,and secure energy is not pursued as an end in itself.It is

13、essential for enabling economic growth.Businesses and jobs in all sectors are dependent on energy.Britain led the world with the industrial revolution,off the back of a plentiful supply of coal.A future of abundant and clean energy will help to boost our economic prosperity,attract future investment

14、 and support our industrial heartlands.The cheaper our energy,the greater the competitive advantage we have.Delivering on energy security also unleashes huge opportunities for the country.Aside from reinvigorating our industrial capability,we will see thousands of jobs protected,created and secured

15、across our four nations.The policies and ambitions we have committed to in the Net Zero Strategy and British Energy Security Strategy will help leverage around 100 billion of private investment in the period up to 2030,as we develop new industries and innovative low-carbon technologies,and our ambit

16、ions will support up to 480,000 jobs in 2030.For families,business owners and workers,energy security starts in the home or workplace.It is as simple as whether we can get the energy we want,when we want it,at an affordable price.As we make the transition to a secure and low-carbon electricity syste

17、m,affordability will remain at the centre of our thinking,and we will take steps to ensure Britain has among the cheapest wholesale electricity prices in Europe by 2035.It was right that the Government acted at speed to soften the blow of increasing prices,by paying around half of a typical househol

18、ds energy bill this winter and around half of wholesale energy costs for some businesses.But we must learn from the last 12 months,consider how these schemes should evolve from April 2024,target support to those who most need it and take steps to fix broken energy retail markets for the long term.Ou

19、r energy strategy This does not mean we have to redefine our strategic approach to energy.The Government has set out through the Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution and Energy White Paper in 2020,the Net Zero Strategy in 2021 and in last years British Energy Security Strategy a clear an

20、d consistent set of strategic objectives to enable the transformation of the energy system so it is secure,low-cost and low-carbon.We remain committed to these goals,including the ambitions for clean energy technologies set out in the British Energy Security Strategy.Demand for oil,gas,and other fos

21、sil fuels will decline but they retain a crucial role.They are critical transition fuels,key to ensuring secure energy supplies and will form an important part of our future economy.We must take the necessary steps to ensure we Powering Up Britain Energy Security Plan 4 can rely on the supply of gas

22、 and oil,whether from domestic production or from importing these fuels.Strengthening the UKs energy security and the transformation of the energy system in line with net zero demands significant levels of capital investment.The Governments energy strategy creates a wide range of options across diff

23、erent types of infrastructure deployment for UK and international investors seeking attractive opportunities for their funds.Securing our gas supply The UKs energy security remains hugely dependent on a reliable,resilient and affordable supply of gas.This winter we took several crucial steps to ensu

24、re our supply of energy remained robust.We supported an increase in domestic gas production,as well as welcoming Centricas reopening of the Rough gas storage facility,which brought on 50%more storage capacity.Our markets and system responded well to ensure our energy system was supplied at all times

25、.We have learnt from our experiences of the last year and will build on this to ensure secure supplies over next winter and over the longer term.The future demand for gas will decline as we decarbonise.We will engage with industry,consumer groups and other stakeholders to discuss the future of the g

26、as system and how we can secure the necessary levels of investment in resilient,efficient infrastructure as we transition to a clean energy system.Security through strong international partnerships We cannot achieve this in isolation.Our international relationships are crucial to achieving our domes

27、tic and global objectives.This winter,we worked closely with key international partners,including European partners,to monitor and share information on energy supply and demand,and preparedness for the winter.This was central to ensuring reliable supply.Beyond the EU we work with strong trusted part

28、ners and allies including through our Strategic Energy Dialogues to help tackle national and global energy challenges.A rapid shift to clean energy generation and greater energy efficiency provides the most effective route to ensuring both climate and energy security,helping to avoid risks associate

29、d with dependency on fossil fuel imports.We have been working to achieve this globally,including with our G7 partners,and more locally in the North Sea.Powering Up Britain Energy Security Plan 5 This transition relies on critical minerals and there is an impending risk that minerals markets become t

30、ighter,with the potential for price spikes and supply chain disruptions.Globally,the demand for critical minerals may quadruple by 2040.As a result,the security of and accessibility to essential critical minerals supply chains is a rising priority for the UK and many of our allies.To support this wo

31、rk internationally,in the last year we have announced a partnership to deepen collaboration on minerals mining and energy with the Republic of South Africa,and collaborations with Canada and Kazakhstan on critical minerals.A future of cheap,clean and British energy The best way of protecting househo

32、lds and businesses is by lowering the costs of the energy we consume and reducing the volumes used.This means taking further steps on energy efficiency and building out a low-cost,low-carbon energy system which reduces our reliance on fossil fuels.The Energy White Paper and the Net Zero Strategy set

33、 out our approach to transforming the energy system,moving from fossil fuels to home-grown,clean energy to eliminate emissions and tackle climate change.The British Energy Security Strategy set out the key actions to accelerate delivery of clean energy,recognising its importance in delivering our cl

34、imate goals whilst simultaneously providing energy security and securing greater energy independence.How much energy we use and the ways in which we use it are essential components of energy security.Reducing energy consumption by investing in energy efficiency measures helps keep bills affordable a

35、nd makes us more energy secure.Building a smart and flexible energy system that actively manages the scale and nature of demand will enable a more efficient,secure and lower cost system.Our strategy to increase supply of low-carbon energy is dependent on enhancing our strengths on wind,solar and nuc

36、lear power generation alongside hydrogen production and carbon capture,usage and storage.This includes the infrastructure to produce,store and transport low-carbon energy around the country and to capture,transport and store carbon dioxide.We aim to remove barriers and address blockages,whilst devel

37、oping new options.An evolving plan This Plan,and the complementary Net Zero Growth Plan,do not set out every action we will need to take over the next decade to deliver the transition to a cheap,clean and secure energy system.Determining the exact configuration of the future energy system is not sen

38、sible.We need to retain the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances,develop Powering Up Britain Energy Security Plan 6 market frameworks that incentivise a low-cost,reliable system and provide the opportunity for innovation to develop new approaches and drive down costs.Together these plans s

39、et out the actions we are taking,and the timeline for issues that need further work,providing certainty to the industry,to investors and to the British public on the direction of government policy and our commitment to delivery.Some of the actions we set out in in this Plan are in response to recomm

40、endations made in the Independent Review of Net Zero,led by the Rt Hon Chris Skidmore MP and published in January 2023.Further detail on the review and its recommendations can be found in the Net Zero Growth Plan and its annexes.We will continue to review our plans,drawing on advice from experts to

41、test our approach and adjust our course to ensure that we remain on track to deliver our objective for a reliable,low-cost energy system,one which remains consistent with our net zero target.Delivery of the commitments in this Plan will be in accordance with the devolution settlements with Scotland,

42、Wales and Northern Ireland.Powering Up Britain Energy Security Plan 7 Our Key Commitments We will issue an update by the autumn looking at the future role that gas storage and other sources of flexibility can play in gas security.We will deliver vital energy efficiency upgrades through the Great Bri

43、tish Insulation Scheme and will extend the Boiler Upgrade Scheme to 2028 to further encourage the adoption of clean heat technologies.We will set up Great British Nuclear,with the responsibility to lead delivery of the new nuclear programme,backed with the funding it needs.We are launching a competi

44、tive process to select the best Small Modular Reactor technologies,with the first phase commencing in April 2023.We are launching the Floating Offshore Wind Manufacturing Investment Scheme,to provide up to 160 million to kick start investment in port infrastructure projects.We will publish action pl

45、ans this year on reducing the development time for transmission network projects and on accelerating electricity network connections.We are announcing the Track-1 negotiation project list of carbon capture projects,will launch a process to enable expansion of the Track-1 clusters and have launched T

46、rack-2 of the CCUS cluster sequencing process to establish two further CCUS clusters.We are announcing a shortlist of projects for the first electrolytic hydrogen production allocation round(capital co-funding and revenue support)which we intend to enter due diligence with and intend to launch a sec

47、ond allocation round in Q4 2023.We are announcing successful applicants of the first competition window for Strands 1 and 2 of the Net Zero Hydrogen Fund(development and capital co-funding)and intend to launch a second competition window in the spring,to be run by UKRI.We are publishing for consulta

48、tion revised energy National Policy Statements which underline the national need for new energy infrastructure with the intention of expediting planning processes.We intend to consult in summer 2023 on options for a new approach to consumer protection in the energy markets from April 2024 onwards an

49、d on the future of the price cap on default tariffs.We accept the Independent Review of Net Zero recommendation that Government should commit to outlining a clear approach to gas vs.electricity rebalancing by the end of 2023/4 and should make significant progress affecting relative prices by the end

50、 of 2024.Powering Up Britain Energy Security Plan 8 1.Decisive Action for This Winter and Next Powering Up Britain Energy Security Plan 9 Decisive Action for This Winter and Next The Government has taken decisive action over winter 2022-23 to avert supply constraints and to support households and bu


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