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1、Section 3fathers workshop1824night writing21222324252627282930ACCmathematics/mathssciencemusicSection 431(particular)events32 string33 14 days34(a)fortnight/2 weeks/two weeks35 six months36 language37 retrieve/recall/recover38(an)argument39 70%40 40%6 ii7 vi8 viii9 metabolism10 less11 genetic12 cons

2、ume13 behaviourThis paragraph spells out the dangersof using drugs or resorting to surgery.Research being done on anoverweight mouse is significant.leptin deficiency turned out to bean extremely rare condition.Para A:obese people have oftensought solace in the excuse that theyhave a slow metabolismP

3、ara A:it doesnt matter how littlethey eat,they gain weight becausetheir bodies break down food andturn it into energy more slowly thanthose with a so-called normalmetabolic rate.Ref paragraph C also.Para D:Prof.ORahillysgroundbreaking work in Cambridgehas proven that obesity can be causedby our gene

4、s.Para E:explains that they need to eati.e.consume more than others.Para F:Until recently,research andtreatment for obesity hadconcentrated on behaviourmodification.milPassage 2 Wheel of FortunePassage 1 Tackling Obesity in the WesternWorldAnswers1 X2 vii3 iii4 iv5 xiLocation of answer in textHoweve

5、r,rather than takeresponsibility for their weight,obesepeople have often sought solace inthe excuse that they have a slowmetabolism.Dr.Jebb explains that overweightpeople actually bum off more energy.researchers were able to show.thather metabolism was not the culprit.Professor Stephen ORahilly,goes

6、so far as to say we are on thethreshold of a complete change in theway we view not only morbid obesity,but also everyday overweight.Professor Ian Caterson is confidentthat science will,eventually,be ableto cure some forms of obesity butthe only effective way.to loseweight is a change of diet and ani

7、ncrease in exercise.Answer14D15C16 A17 F18 B19CLocation of answer in textThey have the potential both to makethe companies in the business a greatdeal richer,and to sweep them away.Eventually it will change every aspectof it,from the way cartoons are madeto the way films are screened to theway peopl

8、e buy music.That much isclear.Each such innovation.has beenaccompanied by a period of fearmixed with exhilaration.the smarter companies in theentertainment business.saw whathappened to those of theirpredecessors who were stuck withone form of distribution.When the entertainment companiestried out th

9、e technology,it workedfine-but not at a price that peoplewere prepared to pay.What nobody is sure of is how it(thedigital revolution)will affect theeconomics of the business.A N S W E R K E Y20 F21 G2223 E24 C25 A26 D27 CPart of the reason why incumbentsgot pushed aside was that they.faced a tighter

10、 regulatoryenvironment than the present one.It remains to be seen whether thelatest technology will weaken thosegreat companies,or make themstronger than ever.Old companies always fear newtechnology.Hollywood was hostile totelevision,television terrified by theVCR.Go back far enough,points outHal Va

11、larian.He says,.It happened to the oiland automotive businesses earlier thiscentury;now it is happening to theentertainment business.MGM,once the roaring lion ofHollywood,has been reduced to awhisper because it is not part of oneof the giants.In 1992,John Ma/one,chief executiveof TCI,an American cab

12、le giant,welcomed the 500-channel universe.This is a reflective piece that looksback at the effects of technologicalinnovation.Hence D is the correctanswer.The message throughout the text isthat technological innovation shouldbe embraced and that resistance doesnot lead to a positive outcome.Paragra

13、ph F in particular asserts thisview.Passage 3 Creative FamiliesAnswer28 IQ/intelligence29 multi-facetedapproach30 B31 CLocation of answer in textPara 1:Test(s)/testing percentagedefinition was eclipsed by the adventof IQ testsPara 2:The IQ test has been eclipsedin turn.Most people.now prefer abroade

14、r definition,using amultifaceted approachPara 4:Individual differences wereencouraged,and friendly siblingrivalry was not seen as a particularproblemPara 6:.are often moresurrounded by an atmosphere ofwork and where following a callingappears to be important.32 E33 C34 A35 NOT GIVEN36 YES37 YES38 NO

15、39 NO40 DPara 6:They may see from theirparents that it takes time anddedication to be master of a craft,and so are in less of a hurry toachieve for themselves.Para 3:The conclusion of theexperiment was that a dull rat in astimulating environment will almostdo as well as a bright rat who isbored in a

16、 normal one.Para 4:.there a/ways needs to besomeone who sets the family careerin motion,as in the case of the Sheenacting dynasty.IQ tests are referred to briefly in thefirst two paragraphs,but noinformation is given about theirreliability.They became less popularamongst researchers.Para 4:This can

17、sometimes causeproblems with other siblings.Theircreative talents may be undervaluedand so never come to fruition.Para 7:This last point-luck-isoften not mentioned where talent isconcerned but plays an undoubtedpart.Para 7:Mozart himself simply wantedto create the finest music ever writtenbut did no

18、t necessarily view himself asa genius.Para 8:Albert Einstein and BillGates are two more examples ofpeople whose talents haveblossomed by virtue of the timesthey were living in.The passage discusses how geniusesor very talented people emerge.Itconsiders the factors that have aninfluence and in particular it focuseson the family environment.Test3Section 112345678910M i t c h e66,Womens College/Womens CollegeEducation994578EDCACAA N S W E R K E Y

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