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1、Aquamarine美人鱼美人鱼Ive been to lots of places.But Ive learned its not where you are,its who youre with.TravelUnit 3 My First Ride on a Train(下)(下)1.Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres per hour,the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes.以超过以超过400公里的时速行驶,该列车能够在公里的时速行驶,该列车能够

2、在8分钟以内完成这趟分钟以内完成这趟30公里的路程。现在分词做状语公里的路程。现在分词做状语Words and Phrases【例【例1】(上海卷)】(上海卷)He sent me an e-mail,_ to get further information.A.hoped B.hopingC.to hope D.hope(1)at a speed of 以以的速度的速度This kind of fish can move at a speed of 70kpm.(2)speed up 加速加速If you want to catch up with him,you should speed

3、up.(3)at full speed 全速全速China is developing at full speed.speed n.速度速度 v.加速加速1【例【例2】Too many private cars got out and traveled _ high speed,causing a lot of traffic accidents on the highway during the holiday.A.toB.at C.forD.in(1)vt.完成,使完整完成,使完整completed 已完成的已完成的We assist him to complete the task.(2

4、)adj.完整的完整的Fill in the blank and make a complete plete2.Premier Zhu Rongji and the German chancellor attended the opening ceremony of the train service.朱镕基总理和德国总理参加了通车开幕式。朱镕基总理和德国总理参加了通车开幕式。opening ceremony 开幕式开幕式celebration,ceremony,anniversary区别复习:区别复习:attend,join,join in,take part in,participate

5、in3.Listen to part of an interview with a 90-year-old silent movie actress called Mary Lennon.听一位听一位90岁名叫玛丽岁名叫玛丽列侬的无声电影女演员的部分采访录音。列侬的无声电影女演员的部分采访录音。词根词根vid/vis/view(to see)videre 看看词汇含义记忆方法interview采访inter-(相互)+viewreview复习re-(再)+viewvisit拜访,参观vis+it(v.)advise忠告,建议ad-(to)+vis+etelevision 电视tele-(电的)

6、+vis+ion(n.)invisible看不见的in-(no)+vis+ible(adj.)revision修订本re-(再)+vis+ion(n.)supervise监督,指导super-(在上面)+vis+eevidence证据e-(out)+vid+-ence(n.)2event n.(重要重要)事件;社交活动;比赛项目事件;社交活动;比赛项目用法区别event重大事件或活动affair外交事件或公众关注的事件matter“事情”,普通用语,日常事务Incident 政治事件或发生令人讨厌的不寻常的事accident 意外的事4.She cant remember events fro

7、m a long time ago.她记不起很久以前的事情了。她记不起很久以前的事情了。【例【例3】西安事变】西安事变 _时事时事_车祸车祸_娱乐事件娱乐事件 _【例【例4】Recently,the golf is announced to be a new _ in the 2016 Olympic Games.A.accident B.affair C.event D.incident5.We were exhausted.我们累得筋疲力尽。我们累得筋疲力尽。The eagle suddenly flew in the air and frightened me.那只鹰突然飞到空中,把我吓

8、了一跳。那只鹰突然飞到空中,把我吓了一跳。exhaust 使筋疲力尽;耗尽使筋疲力尽;耗尽exhausting 使人筋疲力尽的使人筋疲力尽的exhausted 感到筋疲力尽的感到筋疲力尽的frighten 使害怕,使恐惧使害怕,使恐惧frightening 令人恐惧的令人恐惧的frightened 感到恐惧的感到恐惧的【例【例5】I have been working hard all morning.You must be _.Why not have a rest?A.abandoned B.bored C.exhausted D.excited【例【例6】The _ news made

9、all of them _ to death.A.frightening;frightened B.frightened;frighteningC.frightened;frightened D.frightening;frightening3Alvin 艾尔文艾尔文Theodore 喜多喜多Simon 西蒙西蒙Jeanette 珍妮特珍妮特Brittany 布列塔尼布列塔尼Eleanor 埃莉诺埃莉诺Alvin and The Chipmunks经典电影赏析经典电影赏析1.Alvin:I didnt know the agreement meant no fun.Dave:You are a

10、llowed to have fun.Alvin:我本不知道规则就是不能去玩。我本不知道规则就是不能去玩。Dave:你当然可以去玩。你当然可以去玩。allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事允许某人做某事want,think,wonder,hope,intend等表意愿的动词用一般过去时表示“过去想要等表意愿的动词用一般过去时表示“过去想要/认为认为/想知道想知道/希望希望/打算”,暗示“现在已不这样了”。打算”,暗示“现在已不这样了”。I thought you would stay here for the night.I intended to play with you bu

11、t an old friend came around.2.Dave:When are you going to stop acting like a child?Alvin:When are you going to stop treating me like a child?Dave:你什么时候能表现得不像个孩子那么幼稚?你什么时候能表现得不像个孩子那么幼稚?Alvin:你什么时候能不像对待孩子一样对待我?你什么时候能不像对待孩子一样对待我?act like a child/baby 行为幼稚行为幼稚treat sb.like sth.像像一样对待某人一样对待某人43.Simon:Why

12、dont I speak to Dave?See if I can smooth things over.Simon:我去跟我去跟Dave谈一下,看看是否能缓和一下。谈一下,看看是否能缓和一下。smooth things over 打圆场,替双方调解纠纷打圆场,替双方调解纠纷smooth over 缓和,平复缓和,平复Good attitude can smooth bumps over in a relationship.4.Simon:Hes been driving me crazy a lot longer than hes driving you crazy.Simon:他惹我发疯的

13、时间可远比惹你发疯的时间长。他惹我发疯的时间可远比惹你发疯的时间长。drive sb.crazy 把某人逼疯现在完成进行时把某人逼疯现在完成进行时【例【例7】The company _ a rise in salary for ages but nothing has happened yet.A.has been promisingB.dad promisedC.promisedD.promises5.Simon:If you hold the rain too tight,the racehorse is going to fight and buck,which is no fun fo

14、r anyone.Simon:如果你把缰绳勒得太近,野马就会挣扎反抗,这对谁都没好处。如果你把缰绳勒得太近,野马就会挣扎反抗,这对谁都没好处。which引导定语从句,指代整句话引导定语从句,指代整句话56.Simon:Sometimes kids will rise to the occasion.有时孩子会随机应变(自己成长)。有时孩子会随机应变(自己成长)。rise to the occasion 随机应变,应付自如随机应变,应付自如(1)on one occasion=once 有一次有一次On one occasion I met my ex in the supermarket.(2

15、)on occasion(s)偶尔;必要时偶尔;必要时I went shopping myself on occasions.occasion n.机会,巧合机会,巧合condition/situation/occasion/opportunity/chancecondition条件,事情的状况,一个人的感觉条件,事情的状况,一个人的感觉situation形势,情况形势,情况occasion时机、场合时机、场合opportunity机会机会chance偶然的机会或可能性偶然的机会或可能性at a speed of speed upopening ceremony 词根词根vis/vid/view辨析:辨析:event/affair/matter/incident/accidentexhausting/exhaustedfrightening/frightened斐斐小测斐斐小测To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive.Robert Louis Stevenson带着希望旅行比抵达目的地还要开心。带着希望旅行比抵达目的地还要开心。6


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