1、BS6381:1983Committees responsible for thisBritish StandardThis British Standard was published under the direction of the Office andInformation Standards Committee OIS/-.Its preparation was entrusted toTechnical Committee OIS/28 upon which the following bodies wererepresented:County SurveyorsSocietyD
2、epartment of the Environment(PSA)Drawing Office Material Manufacturersand DealersAssociationElectricity Supply Industry in England and WalesEngineering Equipment and Materials UsersAssociationunpThis British Standard,havingbeen prepared under thedirection of the Office andInformation StandardsCommittee,was publishedunder the authority of the Board8of BSI and comesinto effect on30June1983Amendments issued since publicationBSI12.1999Amd.No.Date of issueCommentsThe following BSI referencesrelate to the work on thisstandard:Committee reference OIS/28Draft for comment 82/62424 DCISBN0580133214