1、BS5752-14:19959.2 Reproducibilitythe test result obtained,and盈The absolute difference between two single testif the repeatability has been checked,the finalresults,obtained using the same method onquoted result obtained.identical test material in different laboratories withIt shall also mention any
2、operating details notAdodifferent operators using different equipment,specified in this International Standard,orshould not be greater than 0,5%regarded as optional,as well as any circumstancesNOTE 2 The reproducibility of the test method is such that thethat may have influenced the result.method is less suitable for roasted ground coffees with lowmoisture contents(below approx.2 moisture).The test report shall include all informationrequired for the complete identification of the10 Test reportsample.The test report shall specify-the method used,9002BSI10-1999