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1、The Test for Unit 6Class_ Name_ Number_ I Listening Test Paper(20)一.听句子,选择相应的语句。(5分) 1A. Yes, I like B. No, I dont like C. Yes, I do 2. A. I like baseball B. Its in my room C. they are under the desk 3. A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he does C. Yes, he likes fish 4. A. No, I dont like milk B. Thats healthy C

2、. I like eggs very much 5. A .Yes I dont B. No, I dont think so C. Yes, at 6:30二.听对话,选择正确答案。5分 ( )1. A. Yes, he does B. No, she dont C. No, he doesnt ( )2. A. Chicken and hamburgers. B. Chicken and oranges C. Chicken and bananas ( )3 A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont C.I dont know. ( )4. A. No, he d

3、oesnt. B. Yes, he does. C. I dont know. ( )5.A. Tomatoes B. Hamburgers C. Tomatoes and hamburgers 三.听短文,将以下空格补充完整。10分 My name is Dan, and I _ two brothers, Bob and Ray. We like _ for lunch. Bob and I like _, but Ray _like. I like _ for breakfast. I dont like_ for breakfast, but Bob and Ray_. We like

4、_ and _ for _. II Written Test Part (80) 一.单项选择 10分( ) 1. _ you like ice cream A. Are B. Am C. Does D. Do( ) 2. _ play table tennis. ALet B. Lets C. Lets D. Its( ) 3. _ does your father have _ lunch Chicken and tomatoes A. What; for B. What ; / C. How; for D. How; / ( ) 4.Oranges are a kind of _. A.

5、 vegetables B. vegetable C. fruits D. fruit( ) 5. What _ Tom like _ for breakfast A. does; eat B. is; eat C. does; to eat D. is; to eat( ) 6Do you like ice cream for_ dessert A. a B. the C. / D. an ( ) 7.Does your friend like salad A. Yes. she like B. No, she does C. Yes, she doesnt D. No. she doesn

6、t( ) 8. I have a cat .It likes fish. It eats _every day. A. a lot B. many C. Lots of D. much ( )9. Does your English teacher sing very_ Yes ,she does. A. good B. nice C. great D. well( )10. Lets _baseball. -OK. Lets_. A. play; go B. plays; go C. play; to go D. play; goes二.英汉互译 5分 1. 吃晚饭_ 2. 每天 _ 3 a

7、 list of food _ 4.a running star_ 5. healthy food _ 三.根据句意和首字母完成单词 10分 1.I have hamburgers for b_. 2. Here are some tomatoes. Do you like t_ 3.I like French f_. 4. I have an ice c_. 5. Children should应当eat lots of v_ 6.What do you have for d_ 7.Zhou Jielun is a singing s_. 8.She eats h_ food every d

8、ay . 9.How m_ apples do you have 10. Im going on a picnic with a group of f_.四.用所给词的正确形式填空 5分 1.Do you like bananas -No, I dont like_ (it) at all. 2. Peter likes_ (play) basketball. 3. His mother_(not) like French fries. 4. I like strawberry ice cream, but I dont like_ ( strawberry) 5. They like _ (

9、eat) hamburgers and carrots for lunch.五.按要求改写句子 10分 1. Linda and Tom like French fries. 改成否认句 They _ _French fries. 2. Does Tom like eggs for breakfast 否认答复 _, _ _. 3. She doesnt have lunch. 变肯定句 She _ lunch. 4. My teacher plays basketball. 改一般疑问句 _ your teacher _ basketball 5. We play volleyball. 变

10、成由Let开头的祈使句 _ _volleyball.六.完形填空 10分 Mrs Jones: Which meal do we need most, breakfast ,lunch or_1_ Tony: Dinner. Mrs Jones: Dinner is the big meal of the day. But I dont _2_ we need it most. Tony: Is lunch the meal we want most Mrs Jones: No, _3_ is the meal we need most. But why Kate: It is a long

11、time form night to morning. We have no_4_ Mrs Jones: Right! If we dont have breakfast , we dont feel _5_. But what makes a good breakfast James: I think we can_6_ milk, bread, noodles or porridge. _7_ are good for breakfast. Mrs Jones: Thats right. We can eat some vegetables and fruits _8_ the morning, too. They make us health. David: I _9_ coca cola a lot. Can I have that in the morning Mrs Jones: Youd better not. Water is good for you. Danny: Mum says we can


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