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1、一二三四五六七八附加总分学校班级姓名 小学英语三年级期末试题60分钟温馨提示:同学们,愉快而充实的一学期就要结束了。No pains, no gains.(不劳无获)今天就是我们收获的时候了。经过一学期的努力,相信大家在这次测试中一定能够认真听、努力做、开动脑筋,交出一份工整满意的答卷。加油啊!听力局部(30点)一、听音选词10点 ( ) 1. A. apple B. peach C. pear ( ) 2. A. tiger B. lion C. panda ( ) 3. A. thirty B. sixty C. eighty ( ) 4. A. yesterdayB. today C.

2、tomorrow ( ) 5. A. writer B. policeman C. football 二、听音选句10点( ) 1. A. Shes very shy.B. Its very long.( ) 2. A. Maybe Ill be a writer.B. Will you phone me( ) 3. A. There are fourteen peaches.B. There are fifteen oranges.( ) 4. A. There were very young.B. He was very old.( ) 5. A. Were you on the seco

3、nd floorB. Im on the first floor.三、听音,选出正确的答句10点 ( ) 1.A. Its eighty. B. Its ninety.( ) 2. A. Yes, I will. B. No, he wont.( )3. A. Im a teacher. B. I will be a policeman.( )4. A. No, he isnt. B. Yes, she is.( )5. A. They are nine.B. I was two.笔试局部(70点)四、将以下单词补充完整。10点1. _lw_ys(总是) 2. h_gh(高的)3. ph_ne

4、 打 4. n_n_ty九十5. s_v_nteen十七 6. sp_k 说话7. f_n 有趣的 8. s_c_nd 第二9. d_y 天,日子10. h_ndr_d 百五、选择填空。20点( ) 1.She always _ people. A. helps B. helpful C. help() 2.This river is very _ and _. () 3.Will you phone me No, I _. A. am not B. dont C. wont( ) 4. _ Ill be a policeman. () 5.He _ hard. ve _ Linglings

5、report. A. got B. get C. have()7. There _ fifty children in my class. A.will B. are C. is()8. My hair _ long then. It was very short. t B. arent C. isnt()9. There were many toys _ the second floor. A.in B. on C. to()10. My sister is very good _ English. A.for B. to C. at六、选词补充完整。10点was were Sunday w

6、ill How many1. What _ you be in the future2. My hair _long then.3. _boys are there4. They _very young.5. He will sleep on _.七、连词成句15点1.he a bit Butquietis _.2.willbeinfutureWhatthe you_3.you Whatseewill_4. boys There twenty are _.5. worried was I very_.八、阅读理解,判断正误,对的写T,错的写F15点 Dad: How many children

7、 are there in your classAmy: There are fifty.Dad: How many boysSam: There are thirty boys.Dad: And how many girlsAmy: There are twenty girls.Dad: Was it different in your class in EnglandAmy: Yes, it was. There were thirty children fifteen boys and fifteen girls.Sam: So weve got more friends here in

8、 China! 1. There are twenty boys. 2. It was different in Amys class in England. 3. There are more boys than girls. 4. There were thirty girls in the English class. 5. Sam and Amy have got more friends in China.附加题。10点观察规律写出所缺的单词。1.ten _ thirty forty _2.Monday _ Wednesday Thursday _ Saturday _ 小朋友们,卷

9、纸答完后,要仔细的检查哦!三年级下学期期末听力原文及试题答案一、听音选词。2点5=10点1.(A) apple 2.(C) panda 3.(B) sixty 4.(C) tomorrow 5.(A) writer 二、听音选句。2点5=10点1. AShes very shy.2. AMaybe Ill be a writer.3. BThere are fifteen oranges.4. BHe was very old.5. AWere you on the second floor三、听音选答句。2点5=10点1. Whats sixty plus thirty (B) 2. Wil

10、l you go swimming (A) 3. What will you be in the future (B) 4. Is Daming naughty in class (A) 5. How old were you (B) 四、将以下单词补充完整。1点10=10点1. always 2. high 3. phone 4. ninety5. seventeen 6. speak 7. fun 8. second 9. day 10. hundred五、选择填空。2点10=20点六、选词补充完整。2点5=10点1. will 2. was 3. How many 4. were 5. Sunday七、连词成句。3点5=15点1. But hes a bit quiet.2. What will you be in the future3.What will you see4. There are twenty boys.5.I was very worried.八. 阅读理解。3点附加题 2点5=10点1.


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