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1、单元重难点题组训练_题组训练一_advice的用法.单项选择。( )1.My teacher gave me much _ on how to study English well when I had some trouble.Aadvice BquestionCtime Dproblem( )2.What _ can you give me on learning to skateI think you could join a sports club.Anews BmessagesCinformation Dadvice( )3.Could you give me _ on Englis

2、h learningAany advices Bmany advicesCsome advice Dfew advices.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4老师昨天给你提了几条建议?_ _ _ _ _ did the teacher give you yesterday5我的好朋友建议我每天都锻炼。My good friend _ me _ _ every day._题组训练二_unless的用法.单项选择。( )1.The air pollution is terrible.It will be worse _ we take action to protect the environme

3、nt.Aif BuntilCunless Dwhen( )2.I wont go to Bills birthday party _ he invites me.Aunless BifCbecause Dafter( )3.You cant improve your English unless you _ it every day from now on.Apracticed Bwill practiceCpractice Dpractices( )4.May I go to the movies with youIm afraid not _ you have a ticket.Abeca

4、use Bunless Cuntil Dbefore.按要求完成以下句子,每空一词。5You wont catch the bus unless you run.(改为同义句)You wont catch the bus _ _ _ _6除非你努力学习,否那么你学不好英语。(汉译英) You _ learn English well _ you study hard._题组训练三_angry的用法.单项选择。( )1.Why was angry _ MikeBecause he did worst in the math exam.Afrom Bwith Cin Dat( )2.What wi

5、ll happen if you are late for school againThe teacher will be very _ and have a talk with me.Aafraid Bglad Cangry Dexcited( )3.Miss Zhang is really kind and is never _ others.Aangry with Bgood withCinterested in Dsure about.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4老师对我的答案很生气。My teacher _ _ _ my answer.5昨天我很生他的气。 I _ _ _ hi

6、m yesterday._题组训练四_else与other辨析.单项选择。( )1.Michaels homework is more than _Aanyone Banyone elseCanyone elses Danyones else( )2.Alice doesnt want to do it now,so we have to find _ to do it.Asomeone else Belse someoneCelse anyone Danyone else( )3.What _ things can you see in the skyTwo birds.Aanother BotherCelse Dothers.用else或other填空。4We cant buy it more cheaply anywhere _5I still have something _ to tell you.6Does the little boy have _ questions to ask?单元重难点题组训练一、.13ADC many pieces of advice;to exercise二、.14CACB you dont run6.cant;unless三、.13BCA angry at angry with四、.13CAB


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