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1、六年级英语上第三单元 学校:小村小学 命题人:王江利、看图学单词,首字母已给出。10分 5. 手套 m _、按要求写出以下单词的正确形式。10分1.your(名词性物主代词) 2.he(宾格) 3.dry(反义词) 4Outside(反义词) 5.slow(副词) 、请从B栏找出A栏的意思。10分A B( ) 1.turn around ( ) 2.fall down B.小心、留神( ) 3.a pair of skates C.别的什么( ) 4.look out! D.摔倒t else E.转圈、选择填空。20分( ) 1.What a cold , _ day! A.snow B. s

2、nowy ( ) 2.I am going to _ my hat. A.take off B.taking off C.takes off( ) 3.This snowball is _ than that one. A.big B.bigger s _ another snowball. B. making ( ) 5.I like to sit _ the sun. B. in C.under( ) 6.There _ four sensons in a year. A.is B.am ( ) 7.He is _ on his scarf. A.put B. putting ( ) 8.

3、- Lets go inside, OK -_ -Because Im cold now. A.Where B.What C.Why( ) 9.-_ your favourite season A.What B.Whats C. Hows( ) 10.He likes _ in the rain. A.splash B.to splash C. splashed、读一读,补全句子。15分1. 我打算穿上夹克。Im _ _ _ _ my jacket. 2.外面太热,我要脱下棉靴。 Its too _ outside. Im going to _ _ my winter boots.的季节。Sp

4、ring _ _ _ senson.、连词成句。15分1. is getting He school for ready_2. like to I on skate the ice_3.forwards skate you Can_、读短文,判断正T误(F).15分 There are four seasons in Xian.Spring is warm and rainy.The flowers bloom in spring .Summer is hot and drybut sometimes it rains .In fall, wind blows the leaves off t

5、rees. And people have to wear warm clothes.In winter ,Its always cold outside , but warm inside .Because there is heating暖气 in the room.( ) 1. Spring is cold. ( ) 2. Summer is hot and dry.( ) 3. people have to wear warm clothes.In fall.( ) 4. Wind blows the leaves off trees in winter.( ) 5. There is heating in winter.、看图答复以下问题。(5分)A:How many triangles are there in the pictureB:_


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