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1、六年级笔试专项复习题莞城实验小学 张凝一选词填空1.very, comes, warm, rains, rained, rainy ,didnt ,dont, wasnt ,went ,werent, were,took, take,too Spring .The weather is_.It a lot .It is Wetter.Last spring, it a little. It warm,it was hot. We plant trees. The trees green. When you out, you should an umbralla, because it was

2、suddenly.2. clean cleaner fresher is are warmer hotter raining rains wetter come comes better about and much more Spring _coming. That_youDo you like spring.3. visiting visits at on and with flew fly rainy rains good well knew known always look looks tired excited Mike is very ( ).Because he is goin

3、g ( ) a trip in Kunming ( ) his family. They will ( )there. They can buy many things in it.kunming is ( ) as a Spring City。It is sunny and warm.Every season ( ) like spring. It often ( ).The plants grow ( ). You can see many flowers everywhere. There is a flower show in kunming everyyear. You can ta

4、ke pictures in Kunming. Most people like ( ) the city.4on, in, take, take, has, have, had, was, is, went, goes, bought, come, came, his, hesMike an exciting weekend last Month. It Saturday, birthday. theMorning, his mother shopping. She much food and a big cake. She bought a present, too. They wante

5、d to a party. His grandparents a bus to his house. They from a village. Saturday evening, they sang and danced. They had a good time.5. ( feels, flies, make, makes, made, but, and, doesnt, isnt, next, last, a, an , better , )My father is _ engineer. He often _ to Beijing. He _ cars every day. He _ m

6、ake planes. He _ a big car _ month. He is going to _ a nice car _ month. He _ happy. Because he can see his cars everywhere. He makes cars .6.go went take took see saw run ran catch caught swim swam bite bit biting fall fell jump jumped save savedOne day Jack and David (1) fishing. Jack (2) his dog

7、Tony with him. On the river bank, when the dog (3) a bird, he (4) after it and tried to (5) it. “ All the fish are scared and (6) away, said David. “ Be quiet, Tony, Jack shouted at the dog. But Tony did not listen to him. “Wait, said David. “ A fish is (7) my line. “Watch out! shouted Jack. But it

8、was too late. The boy (8) into the water. “ Help! Help! David shouted. Just then Tony came out! He (9) into the water and (10) his life.二完型填空1. A.Who are you B.Who is thatC.How are you D.Are you illE.Can I speak to Tom F.What was the matterG. Did you see a doctor A:Hello, , pleaseB: Speaking! A:Hi,

9、Tom .This is Mike . B:I am better now. I was ill yesterday.A: B:I had a fever.A: B:Yes, I saw a doctor and took some medicine.A: Have a rest and drink more water.B: Thanks 2. A.Whose is the coat B.Where is itC.No, it isnt. D.Which coat is its right.s OK.A:_, the newer coat or the older oneB:The newe

10、r one is mine._A:Is it in your deskB:_. It is bigger than mine.A: B:Let me see. Yes, it is in my bag.Thanks!A: .3. A.Thank you. B.How do you get there?C.How can we get there D.Which bus can we take thereE.Excuse me,wheres the hospital F.You are right.s on the right side of the No.1 School.A: , pleas

11、eB: The hospital is next to Xinhua Bookstore.A: B: You can get there by bus.A: B:You can take the No.2 bus.A: B:You can start from the bus stop near Shiyan Primary School.A: .B:Thats OK!4.s that mans he likes his hobby F.Yes, he does.G.No, he doesnt.A: B:He is our new math teacher.A: B:He is from Ca

12、nada.A: ?B:He likes playing chess.A:Does he often play chess with youB: ,but he plays basketball with us.A: B:Yes, he is verystrict.He is kind,too.三、看答语写问句1) My mother has a sore arm.2) The boy is 38 kg.3) I felt bored last music class.4) He was 154 cm last year.5) There were 4 pens on the desk yesterday morning.6) Lilys shoes are bigger than Marys.7) It was Apr. 3rd yesterday.8) Yes, my


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