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1、2023年四川省成都市高中阶段教育学校统一招生考试英语试卷说明:本试题总分值150分,考试时间120分钟。A卷共100分A卷选择题,共90分第一局部根底知识运用共50小题,总分值50分一、选择填空共30小题;每题1分,总分值30分A从各题的A、B、C三个选项中,找出和画线局部意思相同或相近、并能替换画线局部的选项。共5小题;每题1分,总分值5分1A few minutes later,Paul and Nancy got to Center Street by busAran to Barrived at Cwent to2Sam looks strong,hut actually he is

2、 not in good healthAin fact Bin all Cin general3I found a supermarket close to my new houseAin front of Bfar from Cnext to4After the vacation,all the students returned to the schoolAgave back Bsent back Cwent back5Peter told me he loves China and he wants to travel all over ChinaAaround Bthrough Cin

3、B从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。共25小题;每题1分,总分值25分6-Could you lend me the book you bought last week-_AYes,here you are BNo,I cant lend it to youCIts not interesting7-Tom,shall we set up a student volunteer project in our school- _AI dont want to join you BThank you for your helpCThats a good idea8-Happy birthd

4、ay to you,Jack - _AWith pleasure BThanks a lot CThe same to you9We all feel _the disabled girl has made so much progress in musicAworried Blovely Csurprised10The funny toy monkey _Sandy five dollarsAcost Bspent Cused11-Where is Mike He asked me to go out for a walk this evening-Maybe he _ TV in the

5、living room nowAwatched Bwill watch Cis watching12My friend Dave helped me a lot by giving me _ on English learningAadvices Bmany advice Csome advice13-I havent seen Bob for a long time-I havent seen him,_Atoo Beither Cinstead14When Mary couldnt see her mother,she began to cry and _ herAlook for Blo

6、ok after Clook at15-Please give this note to John-OK,Ill give it to him as soon as he _Ais coming back Bwill come back Ccomes back16There is _ big square in _ center of our cityAa;the Bthe;a Cthe;the17You _ stay in bed any longerGet up to work quickly!Amust BwontCcant18Alice ran _ Lucy,so she got to

7、 the end _Aas fast as;earlier Bfaster than;earlierCfaster than;the earliest19-Is this Sams bike or yours-Its my bike,not _Ayours Bhim Chis20Julie enjoys listening music very muchShe often says to me that _ is more interesting than musicAnothing Bsomething Ceverything21In autumn when leaves _ yellow,

8、they soon begin to fall down to the groundAkeep Bturn Cstay22There are only _ new words in the passage,but I know _ of themAsome;all Ba few;none Clots of;a few23The lady donated a lot of money _ she is not richAif Bbecause Cthough24When the school building began to shake,the teachers ran downstairs

9、_ all the studentsThe teachers are real heroesAafter Bwith Cbefore25-Excuse me,please tell me _-There is a supermarket over thereYou can get some thereAhow I can find a supermarketBwhere the supermarket isCwhere I can buy some fruit26-You were injured in the accident,werent you- _AYes,I was BYes,I w

10、asnt CNo,I was:27The tour guide _ autumn is the best season to visit JiuzhaigouAtalked Btold Csaid28Jim,how nice your car is! How long _ you _ itAdid;buy Bdid;have Chave;had29Twenty students in this university _ to Australia to study last year,and more students are expecting to have the chance next

11、yearAare sent Bwere sent Cwill send30All the hats look beautifulI dont know _Ahow to choose Bwhere to choose Cwhich one to choose二、完形填空共20小题,每题1分,总分值20分通读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从每篇短文后各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确答案。APeople can do shopping in different waysFor several years,people in America and Europe have _

12、31_ teleshopping-watching TV and buying things by phonePeople can turn on _32_ and shop for clothes,food,toys and many _33_ thingsDifferent people have _34_ ideas about the teleshoppingSome people like teleshopping because it _35_ them to do their shopping _36_ leaving homeBut at the same _37_,some

13、other people do riot like this _38_ way of shoppingThey usually worry about the _39_ of the thingsGood quality is important to them,and _40_ cannot be sure about the quality of the things on TV31Aenjoyed Bremembered Cdisplayed32Alight Bradio CTV33Aother Bextra Cexpensive34Athe same Bdifferent Cno35Aforbids Ballows Chopes36Awithout Bwith Cby37Aday Bshop Ctime38Anew


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