1、四年级英语作文:中秋节月到中秋份外明,今天是一年一度的中秋节,晚上爸爸妈妈和我一起到文化公园看灯展。远远望去,文化公园里面就好似是天上的星星落入了凡间似的。In the Mid Autumn Festival, its the annual Mid Autumn Festival. In the evening, my parents and I went to the cultural park to watch the light show. From a distance, it seems that ()the stars in the sky fall into the mortal
2、 world in the cultural park.走近一看,原来是那五彩缤纷的灯笼:挂在侧门口最显眼的是那个具有中国色彩的中国结大灯笼;各种各样的“水果和“动物们都纷纷爬上了通道两边的墙上了,正好奇地对着观看的人们一眨眼一眨眼的;中心公园那边的更是今年人气最旺的“神州七号火箭,看它的样子就好似是准备要一飞冲天的样子!5个“福娃也来到这里忙碌地进行着各项比赛,就连那6只精灵的“米老鼠也来趁热闹,它们正在举行着风帆比赛呢!“嫦娥姐姐也带着玉兔,从月亮里面的“广寒宫偷偷地逃了下来,提着灯笼站在正门口迎接着来来往往的游客们。文化公园里面的灯笼,每个都是栩栩如生、惟妙惟俏,形象逼真的。 距离文化公
3、园不远处的珠江边十里江堤,这里更是人山人海的,树在灯的照射下,显得更绿了,微风轻轻一吹,它们好似是在翩翩起舞似的,美极了。原来在珠江边观看月亮是最美的!今晚真的是:赏花(花灯、花草)、赏月(又圆又大的月亮)、赏秋香(秋天浓浓的香息)!It turns out that watching the moon by the Pearl River is the most beautiful! Tonight is really: to enjoy flowers (lanterns, flowers and plants), the moon (the round and big moon), autumn fragrance (the thick fragrance of autumn)!