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1、疫情作文800字,致敬疫情逆行者作文【办公室优秀编辑员王师按】 春节期间,武汉爆发了一场新型冠状病毒疫情,一时间,疫情随着春运人员流动开始蔓延,导致疫情扩散到湖北省以外的地方。在这危急初心优秀优秀办公室小编为您整理了疫情的作文800字 致敬疫情逆行者作文优秀优秀范文,给您在日常工作学习中借鉴。 春节期间,武汉爆发了一场新型冠状病毒疫情,一时间,疫情随着春运人员流动开始蔓延,导致疫情扩散到湖北省以外的地方。在这危急关头,习主席一声令下,疫情就是命令,防控就是责任,中国打响了抗击疫情狙击战。 A novel coronavirus outbreak broke out in Wuhan durin

2、g the Spring Festival. At one point, the epidemic began to spread along with the movement of Spring Festival transportation, which led to the spread of the epidemic outside Hubei province. At this critical moment, under the command of President Xi, the epidemic is an order, and prevention and contro

3、l is a responsibility. China has launched a sniper fight against the epidemic. 自从这一战“疫的打响,武汉和来自全国各地支援医疗团队的医生都奔赴前线,争分夺秒,和病毒赛跑,抢救生命。医护人员冒着被感染的凶险,坚守阵地,守护病患,给确诊患者以信心!医护人员夜以继日工作,在资源短缺的情况下,吃简单的饭菜,困了就睡地板,为了不上厕所不脱防护服,他们渴了,也忍着不喝水。看到这一幕幕,我感动的眼睛湿润了。平时,我没有更多的关注医生,也不懂为何把他们叫白衣天使,今天,我懂了,他们就是生命的守护神,他们在新型冠状病毒面前,逆行而上

4、,把个人安危置之度外,他们是最伟大的人,我要向他们致敬! Since the outbreak of the epidemic, doctors from Wuhan and other supporting medical teams from all over the country have rushed to the front line to fight against the virus and save lives. Medical staff sleep on the floor and protect their patients, and they are confiden

5、t of their diagnosis. Medical staff work round the clock, eat simple meals in the face of shortage of resources, and sleep on the floor when they are sleepy. They do not want to go to the toilet without taking off protective clothing, and they are thirsty and do not drink water. Seeing this scene, m

6、y eyes moistened with emotion. At ordinary times, novel coronavirus is not my concern, I dont know why I call them angels in white. Today, I understand that they are the patron saint of life. They turn their heads in front of the new coronavirus and put their personal safety aside. They are the grea

7、test people, and I want to pay tribute to them. 这个危机呈现的时候,有一个熟悉的身影又站了出来,他就是我们中国中科院钟南山院士。在2023年非典时期,就是他挺身而出给医生们说:“把所有重症病人都送到我这里来,这次他还是说了同样的话,可是人们不知道的是,在这句话的背后却隐藏了钟南山院士治疗病人的辛劳。我在电视上看到钟南山院士的访谈节目,他的讲话,给了我们战胜疫情的信心,武汉必胜,中国必胜! zuowenla At the time of this crisis, a familiar figure came out again. He is aca

8、demician Zhong Nanshan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the period of SARS in 2023, he stood up to doctors and said, send all the severe patients to me. This time, he said the same thing, but what people didnt know was that the hard work of academician Zhong Nanshan in treating patients was hi

9、dden behind this sentence. I saw the interview program of academician Zhong Nanshan on TV. His speech gave us confidence to win the epidemic. Wuhan will win, China will win! 当被感染的人数越来越多时,习近平爷爷发出了指示“严防严控,坚决打赢抗击疫情战役!当更严重的病例的增多,医疗物资也快没有了,这时中国各省区纷纷向武汉捐赠医疗物资,还为武汉派出支援的医生,一方有难八方支援,这一壮举让我感动! Help comes from

10、 all quarters of China. When the number of infected people is increasing, Xi Jinping has issued instructions to prevent and control strictly and fight against the epidemic campaign. When more serious cases are increasing, medical supplies are almost gone. At that time, Chinese provinces and autonomo

11、us regions donated medical materials to Wuhan, and doctors who sent out support for Wuhan, and one side had difficulties in helping all sides, this move made me moved. 据初步调查,这种病毒来自于野生动物,所以我们要管住自己的嘴。不捕杀野生动物,不吃野生动物! According to preliminary investigation, the virus comes from wild animals, so we need

12、to control our mouths. Do not kill wild animals, do not eat wild animals! 我相信,在白衣天使的努力下,在全国人民的团结奋战下,武汉一定会再现昔日的辉煌,所有的人不用待在家里,也不会受病魔的侵袭。大家一起走出家门,感受春暖花开的美好。 I believe that with the efforts of the angel in white and the unity and struggle of the whole nation, Wuhan will surely reappear its former glory,

13、 and all people will not have to stay at home or be attacked by the evil spirits. Lets go out of the house and feel the beauty of spring flowers. 我要向白衣天使致敬!为你们加油!愿你们平安,愿早日战胜疫情! I would like to pay tribute to the angel in white! Cheer for you! May you be safe and overcome the epidemic as soon as possible! 加油武汉!加油中国! Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!

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