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1、上课教师赵鸿雁学生年级八年级教材八年级上册课时1教学设计教材内容Module 10 Lao Shes Teahouse Unit1 She wanted to see some Beijing Opera.课 型Listening and speaking教学方法Formal and interactive practice ,task-based activities 教学目标To understand the conversation containing infinitiveTo get specific information from the listening material T

2、o describe an event using infinitives .教学重难点 1.Key vocabulary 重点词汇main, interest, offer, agree, almost, impossible, special, teahouse, whisper2.Key structures 重点句式 How was itDid you have a good timeSo my parents offered to take us there.Not especially, but I wanted to see the teahouse, so my parents

3、 agreed to take us.I tried to understand it, but it was almost impossible.We only planned have some tea, but we decided to stay for two hours.I hope to understand more next time.Introduce some verbs that must followed by infinitives. 教具Tape recorder. Multi-media ,handouts教学过程教师活动学生活动活动目的情景导入1,Greeti

4、ng2, Show some pictures of Lao She and Beijing Opera3, Ask questions(Activity1): Where did they go Why did they go thereLook at some picturesand answer the questions 通过插图与词汇的引入导出相关话题为听力对话做语言上的铺垫在开课伊始抓住学生的注意力。知识新授1, Listen to tape and number the sentences as you hear.(Activity 2)2, Listen and choose

5、the right answers(Activity 3).1,Listen and number (Activity2)2,Listen to the tape and find out the right answers.训练学生理解大意和细节识别的能力培养学生听大意听细节的技巧。情景操练1, Listen to the tape and repeat the conversation.Then practice reading in groups.2, Read the conversation and answer the questins(Activity4)1,Listen and

6、 read the conversation in groups.2,Read and answer.训练学生读英语和说英语的能力以及对课文的理解能力,培养学生的口头表达能力。练习反馈教师活动学生活动活动目的1, Match the sentences in Activity 2 with these sentences (Activity5).2, Handout a paper of this unit.1, Match the sentences.2, Do the paper.训练学生本单元语法内容以及重点单词和短语。小结Show the important things on the

7、 blackboard . Remember the important things.展示本课重点内容,帮助学生加深印象。作业布置Try to remember the new words and expressions in this unit . Do activity (1) & (2) in unit 3 .板书设计Unit1 She wanted to see some Beijing Opera.Teahouse main offerLao shes teahouseinterest agreeBeijing operaagreeplanLao shealmost decideto do shelmposslbletryspecialwantwhisper教学反思


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