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1、给左边的人物标上名字并抄下屏幕上的新单词:Task 1: Number the lines of dialogue so that they are in the correct order. Some of them have been done for you.Task 2: Listen and put the words in right order in each sentence.1. Daming Its. (是大明。)2. had He accident has an. (他出事了。)3. when was He along running tripped the wall h

2、e over and fell edge the.(他沿着城墙跑的时候绊了一下,摔在了墙边。)4. Hes his hurts head; his cut shoulder and leg I broken think hes his.(他磕破了头,肩膀受了伤,我想他的腿也受伤了。)5. where me he. Show is (告诉我大明在哪儿。)6. my call Ill for mobile help on. (我要打 求助。)7. he There is ground, the lying on!(他在那儿,在地上躺着呢。)Task 3: Listen and put the mi

3、ssing words you hear in the blanks.1. Theyll catch _ in a few minutes.(他们一会儿就会赶上来的。)2. They were walking more slowly _us.(他们走得比咋们慢多了。)3. I think its going to _. (我觉得快下雨了。)4. Hes cut his _; his shoulder _ and I think hes broken his _. (他磕破了头,肩膀受了伤,我想他的腿也受伤了。)5. We _ better get you to hospital. (我们最后送

4、你去医院。)Task 4 Language work: Match the sentences with their meanings.1. How long have we walked2. Whos missing3. Whats happened to them4. Where have you been5. When did he fall6. How do you feel7. Can you move your foot8. Will he live9. He was running along the wall when he tripped and fell over the

5、edge.10. And youve cut your knee.11. Hes got a wound on his leg and he may get a fever.A. 现在感觉怎么样?B. 咋们走了多远了?C. 不会有生命危险吧?D. 你的脚能动吗?E. 他们发生什么事啦?F. 他沿着城墙跑的时候绊了一下,摔在了墙边。G. 你们去哪儿啦?H. 他的腿受了伤,可能会发烧。I. 谁落伍了?J. 你的膝盖破了。K. 他什么时候摔倒的? Task 8: Make a dialogue.对话的大概内容:假设你们班一起去春游,但是集体休息时发现有个人不见了。大家急忙分头寻找。不久听见有人喊救命,原来是小张。小张看起来很痛苦,同学们问他怎么了,他说从岩石上摔下来了。他的膝盖和肩膀受了伤腿被摔断了。之后大家陪他去了医院。


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