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1、Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player教案例如Period 1学习目标通过本单元的学习,能识别和了解一些新兴行业的英文表达方式。能谈论未来自己理想的职业及为之做出的一些打算和安排。能以日记的形式描述自己理想的职业及为之做出的一些打算和安排。能写一个文段来介绍同伴理想的职业或是父母对将来的方案及为之做出的一些打算和安排。会制定未来一段时间的决心要做的事情。二、 学习向导语言目标学习策略与思维技巧重点词汇What are you going to be when you grow upI am going to be a computer progra

2、mmer.How are you going to do thatI am going to study computer science.Where are you going to workI am going to work in Paris.What are you going to do this yearI am going to get a part-time job.Role playingListening for key words.Occupations and adjectives describing jobs语言结构语言功能跨学科学习simple future te

3、nse, be going to Where, what, how questionsTalk about future plans了解和熟悉主要行业的说法三教学步骤:Step 1: Listen to a song: dreaming my dreams.Talk about my dream job: Once I wanted to be a lawyer.Step 2: Look at the slide shows and speak out their jobs.Step 3: Listen to Section A, 3a. Answer two questions.What i

4、s Josefas dream jobWhere is she going to moveStep 4: Read it again and try to find out How she is going to do that.Step 5: Listen to Section A 2a, fill in the chart.Step 6: Task1: Help your classmates to realize their dreams: How are they going to do that Hand out the students dreams jobs paper and

5、each group have one.Step 7: Discus in groups: whats his / her dreamHow is he / she going to do thatStep 8: Write down your groups opinion and report.Step 9: Task2: We have a dream.Beijing is hosting the 2023 Olympic Games. What can you and your classmates do to help make the Olympics a success Make

6、a list with “going to.教案点评及反思:一环节设计思路:本课综合听说读写四个方面,以三个环环相扣,循序渐进的任务展开知识学习.首先以一首优美的歌曲“Dreaming my dream引入,将学生自然带入语言环境,并初步感受到本课的主要话题是谈论自己的理想,由此引出本课第一个任务,学生听一段课本中的短文,了解她是如何设想将来的,并为第二个任务做了铺垫。有了理想之后,更重要的是要为实现理想付出努力。因此,第二个任务接踵而来,学生阅读短文,了解她将如何实现理想,这个任务承上启下,它引出本课的中心任务:即帮助自己的同学实现理想。最后,从个人梦想过渡到民族梦想,我们已经争取到2023奥运会的申办,那么,我们将要怎么做,为奥运会奉献自己的一份力量呢,该任务既是拓展,又是稳固。二课后反思:本课在设计上听说结合,相得益彰。首先给学生创造了一个语言环境,让学生自然融入,然后,缓缓导入阶梯状任务链,循序渐进,难度不断加大,但坡度平缓,铺垫充分且扎实,因此学生在完成最后的中心任务时亦不觉吃力,整堂课学生活动充分,教师的引导点到为止,给学生较大的空间发挥和创造。另外,教师在几个任务之间的点评也很及时到位,给学生非常清晰的范例和指示,利于学生明确任务的方向。


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