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1、Go for it! 八年级上册Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player. The first Period (1a-a2c) 镇海仁爱中学 邓友琴1. Objectives1.1 Most students would be able to talk about future intentions.1.2 Learning & teaching content:a) New words:Grow, programmer, engineer, pilot, Professional, act, move, dreamPhrases: grow up,

2、 computer scienceb) Patterns:What are you going to be when you grow upHow are you going to do that 1.3 Method instruction:Cooperative learning教学设计:根据教材内容和学生的实际根底设定了这个教学目标本课以谈论职业为主线,通通过谈论名人的职业过渡到学生能够学会用英语谈论他们自己将来要从事的职业以及怎样实现自己的理想。让学生在真实的情境中检验目标语言的运用能力。整节课以游戏和表演的形式贯穿始终,极大积发了学生学习的积极性和参与热情。2. Focuses:Wh

3、at are you going to be when you grow upHow are you going to do that 这是谈论将来要从事的职业以及怎样实现自己的理想的根本句型,是本课的重点。3. Difficult points:Express future intentions with be going to 以前学过be doing 表将来时在学生的印象里已经根深蒂固,现在be going to 表将来时学生很难转换过来。4. Teaching aids:A projector 多媒体运用更生动形象,激发起学习培养了学生的学习兴趣而且保持了学生的学习热情,提高了课堂教学

4、效率。5.Learning&teaching arrangement:StepsTeaching procedureStudents activitiesTeachers activities设计思路1Sing a song:We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New YearSing the song . Ask the students to sing the song. 这节课是在12月25日上,刚好是西方最重大的节日圣诞节,所以我选了这首英文歌曲,目的在于创造学习英语的浓厚气氛,也衬托了节日愉快的气氛。2Who has the best

5、memoryWatch the video and remember the famous peoples jobs.Play the video.以观看录像的形式介绍十位名人2023年十位最让人感动的人,让学生记住他们的职业,激活学生已有的词汇库。3Learn new wordsLearn new wordsTeach new words在复习就单词的根底上,学习新单词,遵循了语言循序渐进的原那么。4Who has the quickest eyeSay what they do as quickly as possible.Ask the students remember their j

6、obs.进一步操练职业名词,检查学生掌握生单词的情况,为下一步选择将来的职业打下铺垫。5PresentTalk about their dream jobs .Ask students dreams jobs .通过step 3最后一张比尔盖茨的图片问学生:Do you want to be a person like Bill Gates很自然导入本课的重点句型:What are you going to be 和Why句型。6A guessing gameGuess the jobs of the people according to some description.Ask stude

7、nts to guess the jobs.以比赛的形式要求学生根据三个提示猜出别人的职业,提示越少,得分越高。这个步骤主要操练单数第三人称一般疑问句:Is he/she going to be a/an7 Whose advice is the bestTalk about how to achieve their dreams jobs.Have students Talk about how to achieve their dreams jobs.由step 6最后一个人物engineer导入How are you going to do that句型。通过 “建议大比拼 活动操练句型

8、。8Work on 1bListen and match.Listening task:1b训练学生听的能力,增加语言输入。9Work on 2a,2b Listen and finish 2a,2b Listening task:2a 2b r Task: 听力之前,展示在听力中出现的人物Cheng Han的图片,并根据13选项猜想What is Cheng Han going to do让学生带着明确的目的去听,也激发了求知的欲望。Show timeWork in groups of four: in each group three act as reporters and ask th

9、e fourth student questions:What, why, how, when, wherethe fourth one should act when answeringInterview the students about their dream jobs. 设置的一个真实的采访情景,让学生在真实的情境中综合运用所学的语言知识来解决实际的问题,这是学习语言的最终目的。采访过程中的表演活泼了课堂气氛,满足学生的表演欲望。15Moral education Think about: how to make our dreams come trueCall on student

10、s to work hard for their dreams and give some advice.给学生思考的自由空间:为了实现自己的理想,我们现在应该怎么做?鼓励学生为自己的理想而努力学习.16HomeworkWrite:My Dream Job由说过渡到写,稳固本课所学重点板书: nit 10 Im going to be a basketball player. What are you going to be when you grow up Im going to be a/anHow are you going to do that Im going to教学反思:1. 要培养学生合作学习的能力。2. 小组活动一定要分工明确,各尽所能,调动每个人的积极性。3. 任务的设置要贴近学生的实际生活,符合学生的认知特点,难度要适合。


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