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1、环保教案设计:垃圾分类我参与 英语环保教案Teaching contents: 9A 下牛津版 Unit 3 Reading A: fashion Teaching aims: Make students not look down the school uniform, understand how to reuse something usedProcesure:Step 1Lead-in: look at the cartoon, talk something opinion about fashion and style.Step 2 Pre-reading: (1) show 202

2、3 spring latest fashion show and teach some useful new words.(2) According to picture, introduction and first paragraph to predict some information.Step 3. while-reading: (1) match main idea with each paragraph.Finish A3. (3) Finish A4.Step 4. Post-reading(Discuss in groups): What syour opinion abou

3、t fashion How to reuse someting unusefulStep 5. language points: (1)At a particular time 在某段时间里 在某段时间里 ,朴素的衣服也是一种时尚 .At a particular time, plain clothes is also a fashion.(2).Bring along 带来 圣诞老人给孩子们带来一些圣诞礼物 .Christmas Father brought along some presents to children.Look lovely/ look good Look +adj.Be

4、 made of由做成,看得见原材料be made from由做成,看不 见原材料桌子由木头做成 .Desks are made of wood. 纸由木头做成 .Paper is made of wood. Out of style 过时 这件大衣不流行了 .this overcoat is out of style. Be keen on 对 狂热. Go toon busine出差Tom 下个星期要去北京出差 .Tom will go to BeiJing on business next week. sb. Spend sometime in doing sth花费. Worth 值得

5、. Replace with 用替换 我愿用一只新杯子赔还被我打碎的那只。I will replace the cup I have brokenwith a new one.Step 6.Homework: Write a copositionHow to reuse someting uselessReading B: Uniform fashion good for young studentsPre-reading: look at the latest school uniform in Panyu and discuss some question.While reading: c

6、omplete the notes Arguments FOR school uniformsPost reading: Debate some advantage and disadvantage of wearing school uniformsSummary校服是一种节约资源,拒绝赶潮流的表现。教育孩子应 该如此节省,不应该衣来伸手,饭来张口。Lear ning New words: match the Chi nese to En glish.Language points:against 违反 酒驾车违反交通规那么。The driver who drinks wine goes a

7、gainst traffic rule.be linked to 与.有联系 / 成功是与勤奋联系在一起的。Success is linked to work hard. the number of 的数目 + 单数 /我们学校学生的数目超过 2023人。The number of students in our school is over 2023.A number of 一些+复数/ 一些花和草覆盖着整个广州。A number of flowers and grasses cover with whole Guangzhou. Keep sb. From doing sth阻止某人做某事 Stop sb. From doing sth农民在田里放一个稻草人是为了阻止鸟儿吃庄稼。The farmers put a straw man in the field to keep the birds from eating the crops. Pay the bill for 为某物付款 /我在超市里给 ipod 付款。I paid the bill for ipod.Homework


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