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1、互联网税收征纳背景下JZY科技公司的税收成本分析摘 要税收是一个国家的根本,没有税收,就没有国家。税收实现过程是税务机关履行税收征纳职责的过程,同时也是企业履行纳税义务的过程,双方在这个过程中的权利义务关系以及进行的分工,决定了税务机关采用税收征纳模式,企业采用税收义务模式,即税收征纳模式。税收征纳模式是税收征纳工作的指导,是税收健康运行的根本。随着互联网的兴起,以及信息技术的高速发展,现在已经发展起来了一种全新的税收征纳模式,也就是“互联网+税务”的全新的税收征纳模式与税收服务。那么全新的互联网税收征纳背景下对于企业的税收成本进行一定的分析是很有必要的。本文以JZY科技公司为研究对象,全面的


3、成本管理体系进行了介绍,并且对于互联网税收征纳背景下JZY科技公司税收成本管理提出了几点发展建议。希望可以进一步降低JZY科技公司降低税收成本。关键词:互联网; 税收征纳; 公司税收成本; 税收成本管理Tax Cost Analysis of JZY Technology Company under the Background of Internet Tax Collection and ManagementAbstractTaxation is the foundation of a country. Without taxation, there will be no country.

4、The process of tax revenue realization is the process of tax authorities fulfilling their duties of tax collection, as well as the process of enterprises fulfilling their tax obligations. The relationship between rights and obligations and the division of labor between the two sides in this process

5、determine that tax authorities adopt the mode of tax collection, and enterprises adopt the mode of tax obligation, that is, the mode of tax collection. The mode of tax collection is the guidance of tax collection and the basis of healthy operation of tax revenue. With the rise of the Internet and th

6、e rapid development of information technology, a new tax collection mode has been developed, that is, the new tax collection mode and tax service of Internet plus tax. So it is necessary to analyze the tax cost of enterprises under the background of new Internet tax collection.This paper takes JZY S

7、cience and Technology Company as the research object, and comprehensively discusses the current situation and characteristics of JZY Science and Technology Companys tax cost under the background of traditional tax collection, and proves that JZY Science and Technology Companys tax cost has not been

8、significantly reduced under the background of traditional tax collection. Then, it further analyzed the current situation of JZY technology companys tax cost under the background of Internet tax collection, introduced JZY technology companys tax collection and management mode under the background of

9、 Internet tax collection in detail, and analyzed and discussed various data of JZY technology companys tax cost under the background of Internet tax collection, and JZY technology company under the background of traditional tax collection. By comparing various data of tax cost, the advantages of Int

10、ernet tax collection mode are obtained. It can help JZY technology company reduce tax costs, improve the convenience of tax payment, and even further promotion can help grass-roots enterprises reduce tax costs. Then it introduces the tax cost management system of JZY technology company under the bac

11、kground of Internet tax collection, and puts forward some suggestions for the development of JZY technology companys tax cost management under the background of Internet tax collection. It is hoped that JZY Technologies will further reduce its tax costs.Key Words:Internet, tax collection mode, techn

12、ology companys tax cost, technology companys tax cost managementVII目 录1 绪论11.1 研究背景及研究意义11.1.1 研究背景11.1.2 研究意义21.2 文献综述31.2.1 国外研究现状31.2.2 国内研究现状51.3 研究内容、方法和技术路线51.3.1 研究内容51.3.2 研究方法51.3.3 研究技术路线62 相关概念和相关理论基础82.1 相关概念解析82.1.1 企业税收成本概念解析82.1.2 企业税收成本管理概念解析92.1.3 税收征纳模式的相关概念解析92.2 相关研究理论102.2.1 税收遵

13、从成本管理理论102.2.2 互联网征纳模式下的信息不对称理论112.3 本章小结123 传统税收征纳背景下JZY科技公司税收成本分析133.1 JZY科技公司简介133.1.1 JZY科技公司概况133.1.2 JZY科技公司财务部门组织机构143.1.3 JZY科技公司涉及的税种及税率143.2 传统税收征纳背景下JZY科技公司税收成本情况153.2.1 传统的税收征纳模式介绍153.2.2 传统税收征纳背景下JZY科技公司2012-2014税收成本情况163.3 传统税收征纳模式及其背景之下JZY科技公司税收成本特征分析173.3.1 传统税收征纳模式的特征分析173.3.2 传统税收征

14、纳模式背景下JZY科技公司税收成本的特征分析183.4 本章小结214 互联网税收征纳背景下JZY公司的税收成本分析224.1 JZY科技公司税收征纳发展的必然性224.1.1 信息交流方面的要求234.1.2 全面管理上的要求234.2 互联网税收征纳背景下JZY科技公司税收征管模式介绍244.2.1 “互联网+”JZY科技公司税收征纳博弈模式分析244.2.2 “互联网+”JZY科技公司税收征纳大数据模式分析294.3 互联网税收征纳背景下JZY科技公司税收成本情况334.3.1 JZY科技公司2015-2017税收成本情况334.3.2 JZY科技公司2015-2017税收成本增长率情况

15、344.3.3 JZY科技公司2015-2017总税收成本情况354.4 二种模式下JZY科技公司税收成本的数据对比354.5 本章小结365 互联网税收征纳背景下JZY科技公司税收成本管理375.1 互联网税收征纳背景下JZY科技公司税收成本管理体系研究375.2 JZY科技公司税收成本管理发展建议385.2.1 合法性是JZY科技公司税收成本管理的前提385.2.2 可操作性是JZY科技公司税收成本管理的基础385.2.3 JZY科技公司税收成本管理必须坚持具体问题具体分析原则395.2.4 JZY科技公司应从公司整体角度与长远战略考虑395.2.5 拥抱大数据,挖掘政府以及不同企业的行为动机405.3 本章小结406 结论与展望416.1 结论416.2 展望41参考文献43致 谢46宁波大学硕士专业学位论文1 绪论1.1 研究背景及研究意义1.1.1 研究背景中国税收征纳的发展,可谓是一部冗长的历史史剧。自古,税收征纳就被定义为无偿征收以充国库。在税收征纳历史的长河中,税收是国家政权和私有财产制度相辅相成产生的结果,在新中国成立之前,私有制的经济体制,奴隶封建的国家制度,左右着我国的税收征纳的发展变化,虽然也曾经出现过一些先进的税收思想,但总体而言,并没有改变为


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